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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Hey thanks for answering, can you show us the real facts that demonstrate support of what we all (except the mentally ill) know is just a bald faced lie? Or do you just wish to demonstrate your bonafides to the racist, Socialist, thief loving subset of this forum?
  2. Yes, thats true, but I still not very attractive in any aesthetic sense. I am just less ugly
  3. It's not a very good tattoo but she's not super attractive so it does make her look a little sluttier. She's a three beerer. Please note that just because I'm shallow does not mean in any fashion that I failed to recognize my own inherent repulsiveness. My comments on her looks are kind of silly considering I'm so disgusting I wouldn't even sleep with myself but it's the internet so I'm entitled. I bet you she has a tramp stamp that says insert here
  4. I smoke in public all the time in a discreet and adult fashion. You wouldn't even know I was smoking except for the sweet Aroma billowing in my wake. The other night, I was even ripping in a club on Pub Street and weed is totally illegal here. I like to sit on the steps of the ruamchitt and rip a few before I go down to terme. Obviously, you can smoke in Nana at the beer bar. Pro tip: Grav 9mm Glass taster, pack, rip, move. You can do that in the walkway between MBK and Siam it's so discrete.
  5. If it flies, floats or f***x, its cheaper to rent it than it is to own it.
  6. They cant burn books though but folks dont read them. Involves work and thought.
  7. Cool. Keep going Donald the thieves are getting hysterical.
  8. Traditional european jew hating. We even had it here in America until Meyer Lansky and Buggsy Siegel brought the boys for a Bund beatdown at MSG
  9. Translation: I let others think for me.
  10. If you are going to post polls, at least be intellectually honest enough to post them all. https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls
  11. Search it out, there is a topic wherein you guys already lost but hey, open it up and show us what intellectual chops you have. Its the same philosophy, different enemies. Cant have Socialism without an enemy.
  12. Well if you put your post on X directed to him, he would point out that in the time it took him to read it, his net worth increased by 6x the amount you and everyone you know will ever have, plus he impregnated three super models. How bout you?
  13. Realpolitik is tough for those who are on the wrong end.
  14. Whoa now, the Ukrainians (who are barbarian, corrupt scumbags) did have a hand in the commencement of the war with the barbarian, corrupt scumbag Russians. And no one tried to overthrow the US government. There are far better criticisms of him
  15. https://www.jns.org/the-child-murderers-of-gaza/ 1. Its a Jewish-American website 2. They guy that wrote it is Jewish 3. The Israelis committed genocide against Palestinian children. 4. Im a scumbag MAGArbage or whatever. Bet you see nothing more than the above hereinafter about that article.
  16. Translation: Ill just toss in a flame because Im afraid to debate. Note well the Socialist playbook, scream insults and run.
  17. Take it over to a Wat and truly expiate your crimes, otherwise, be deemed just another troll.
  18. Go paste your absolutely mertiless argument over in the correct Topic and I will clear up your stupidity. You should try to think for yourself instead of relying on Internet crib notes.
  19. Now on the other hand, the population increases and increase of civilization in the more primitive environs can be attributed to the Pirates of Blighty. I mean, every week I swoon at some ruined jungle temple from 1200 AD, realizing on the other hand that there is stuff over in Europe thats as old and you can still live in. History is history. Move on.
  20. Ukraine is not a country. It is another Euro map exercise that has so screwed up the world.
  21. Give your money back to your victims go home and start a life on your own then, instead of preening on the net. You cant hide from your fate, because in the world of the Socialists: The first question is what class (race) you are from. Your family is an exploiter to them and thus are you.
  22. Give your money back to your victims go home and start a life on your own then, instead of preening on the net. You cant hide from your fate, because in the world of the Socialists: The first question is what class (race) you are from. Your family is an exploiter to them and thus are you.
  23. Your typical jew hate is constantly on display here, glad you acknowledge the moral vacuity of the Socialists, to whom millions of bodies lying in ditches, (especially women and children who fight back less) were just the march of history.
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