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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Wow. If your screeching doesnt move this poor excuse for a jurist, then the tide has turned against the thieves. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judge-denies-democrat-led-effort-block-doge-access-citing-lack-proven-harm Follow the money!
  2. In fairness to the Hill, they do publish articles by Joe Concha and Jon Turley, so there are some intelligent articles once in a while.
  3. So did the 400 fat dude members of my old shooting club. I had to sell my Sako TRG-S because I was too fat to go prone, but the last time I tried, I put a mag full of 5.56 out of an M4 with ACOG COM offhand at 100 yards so there is the distance for your Ukrainian allies you got 700 extra yards. I used to have one of these, they still use them in the Ukraine. A little finicky with OAL on the ammunition and twisted for military 150s so that you lose stabilization at long ranges with things like the 190 Bergers. But this pig was for younger guys to schlep around.
  4. You cant quit your stalking and yapping can you!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Yap! Yap!!! Two in a row. I better go check my other posts to see if you are chewing my slippers there
  5. My memories: No BTS or MRT No meters in Taxis Rickshaws and Tuk tuks No roof on Nana Beer bars down by the tracks\ The Boss in Thermae had black hair and more of it, and you could use the back door. No Terminal 21, no Icon Siam, no Emporium or Emquartier, among others Electronics mall in Pratunam. No Swampy, you came in at DMK Good looking girls at BJ bars
  6. Well thats a start, you admit that Biden was bought.
  7. Why? Because I stand up to the Socialists and China shills and Ukrainian leaches? If you toss me out shouldnt you toss out all the posters who are responsible for screeching the vilest and most violent insults on my fellow Americans. You want the list? I still have it. Thats what your ilk likes. Censorship, simply because: Socialism is an ideology that mandates dictatorship, hate and murder.
  8. You didnt know they do amputations in exchange for overstay fees?
  9. This needs to be bolded. Im in the process of house hunting in the USA and in Europe and while in Europe, I can be assured of warmth and sun, finding a place in the USA is absolutely brutal in terms of weather, distances, taxes, etc. Even in places like Northern Missisippi or Georgia you are going to be shivering this time of year. And where the climate is the best (say San Diego) the politics are the worst. Ill probably end up May to Sept in the US then split the rest of the year between Cambodia, Thailand and Europe.
  10. Hope I reached any remaining decent parts of you. Maybe you will oppose genital mutilation of children in the future.
  11. A never Trumper trying to make a few more bucks.
  12. Tell us what lies Maga "goobers" beleive? Just to be clear, "goobers" implies that Trump voters are drooling stupid rednecks. Assuming that is true, is it worse than being an adherent of a movement, Socialism, that shoots 20,000 polish officers in the back of the head in 72 hours? A movement that planned, and put into effect, policies that resulted in the starvation of more than 25 million people? A movement that packed women and children in ditches like sardines and shot them in the head?. A movement that paid and encouraged terrorist scum to dance in the streets over the murder of Americans? A movement who stated goal is the destruction of my country? Id rather be a goober.
  13. No really. To me, the number of sad and confused emojis I get with a post demonstrate the truth of what I wrote.
  14. Misfits. You must be speaking of your ilk here
  15. I write for posterity and for those still learning, not for the jackbooted thugs of Socialism and their robotic ilk who are the enemies of humanity Remember: You can't have Socialism without murder and dictatorship.
  16. My post count, unlike yours, is words, not the hysterical yapping of a puppy such as yourself.
  17. Right on it like a puppy on a chew toy. Yap yap yap
  18. No dude. If you are an American, you are superior. Read your Constitution.
  19. Oh yeah definitely outed. We are talking serious Aryan Nation style lunacy here. LOL You should put 88 in your user name.
  20. I'm very humble, I don't need to express my superiority at every turn . But I'm not going to hide it.. You don't like freedom of speech evidently. And if you're an American that thinks someone in the Congo is as lucky as you then I feel sorry for you.
  21. Cool Ive got you barking whenever you post. Dont forget now little puppy. Sit. Speak.
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