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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. I don't care how much money other people have and I agree with you wholeheartedly that a bank balance is not a prerequisite to being allowed to hold and express an opinion. On the other hand I find it quite amusing that losers who spend all their time on the internet Posting endlessly have the affrontory to call a successful businessman crazy simply because they don't have one millionth of what he's got. Including balls.
  2. I see. I wonder how many psychological assessments done without personal interviews would be admissible into evidence in a judicial proceeding. But no mind, your answer is just another example of the green God of jealousy spewing hate. It must be so difficult for you guys to to face the fact that financially, among other things, you aren't fit to wipe the Dust off of the soles of his shoes. Wonder how much money you have in your checking account. I bet you the orange Godzilla has more. And I bet his old lady is better looking than your girlfriend. I bet his Butler lives nicer than you. Yet you call him crazy.
  3. Worked for 30 years, how about you Mr vast experience?
  4. If they are diagnosing without a battery of tests and consultation with the patient, then they arent professional
  5. Oishi Honey Lemon green tea from the Laundry Lady across the alley
  6. I have an idea that you have far less than him. His level folks dont lower themselves into the internet sewer because they have nothing else. But hey, have fun, if folks dont have money, power, love or self respect, they become net trolls. Light the green lamp of jealousy LOL
  7. Just go over to Kasalong or Lolitas
  8. Its not a question of this one being raided, it is which ones arent being raided.
  9. Hes made more money and accomplished more than all of the folks speculating on his mental state, including folks here. Guess that says enough.
  10. I can and do make my inability to speak all these tongue twisting dialects a fun experience in which I play the fool, and get what I want with tons of laughter and backslapping. Life is too short to be frustrated by anything. Its not a DMV in NYC
  11. Life was tougher before Google Translate. I speak English and so should you. I will say IM spoiled in Cambodia because the level of English is higher
  12. Two best breakfast Burritos I have ever had: Bennys Tacos and Chicken near LAX and Taco Mich on Camelback and 27th in Phoenix AZ, I would CCW at that place at night though. The only edible breakfast burrito I have had in Bangkok is at Margarita Storm on Suk Soi 13. Its OK.
  13. Not particularly good ones, although I had one in Darmstadt last year that was OK, yet expensive. German burgers look good though and are carefully arranged.
  14. Actually had a burger out there when I was forced to go to that tourist trap and it was okay. Overpriced but okay
  15. Well aren't you the impressive one. So cool and classy. How are the chickens and pork and vegetables compared to your exclusive locally produced food
  16. I don't drink, so every time I eat one I'm sober. However, I I'm usually pretty well stoned out, so I probably could eat four of them. I know that Burgers bring out ego need Wars, like from the Joker above talking about howhe had to go to LA 20 years ago just to get a check and people didn't put eggs on burgers, which of course is a lie. But he gave him the chance to talk about himself. Let some of that hot air out. I enjoy nama burgers and invite anyone to try. I saw something on Instagram the other day called in Oklahoma Smashburger which is like the ones in nana. It's basically grilled on sweet onions.
  17. Real masculine men (like me), with perfectly shaped and large endowments, as well as rippling muscles and movie star looks, have no fear of women. However, we he men manly men such as myself do fear the consequences of our interaction with women. Once a woman is the recipient of my advanced lovemaking techniques that have been imparted to me by tantric monks (and which are far too dangerous for you all to attempt), she is my sexual slave for life and she will follow me around relentlessly yearning for that invitational glance that will allow her to worship my satyrlike engorgagobble. It does become annoying when you accidently glance at a woman and she beginsto rip off her clothes and snuffle and gobble at the pole of pleasure.
  18. First tiem I met Stickman was there
  19. Woodstock, thank you, I have been racking my brain for the name of that place.
  20. Yeah specials at Kasalong or Doki Doki
  21. Make sure ya all poke fun at the gal, shes just a hoor. And probably a trafficked one at that. How many folks here are here because of the variety of young ladies like her? Oh yeah Im here for the culture, right? Hypocrites and holier than thous sitting in a basement somewhere waiting for thier next visit to Nana Plaza?
  22. I know in the future Im going to arm myself when going to Thailand. Guess Ill have to go the the armory
  23. The only problem with cracking down on farang is that the trash they deport will, the same way that garbage washes ashore, worm their way into Cambodia, to join the many expats here who cheerily tell you they are banned from Thailand.
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