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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. The next coup is bubbling in the background.
  2. A plethora of rubes and crackers in this thread. They actually seem to believe that conservatism is a virtue.
  3. A jury of 12 also let OJ SImpson off. I suppose that means he was innocent.
  4. Penny murdered a black man. An automatic death penalty should apply, with no appeals. Tired of the insane racism. Black people are like sitting ducks for any white mental case who wants to kill them.
  5. Chauvin was rightly convicted and I am hoping he is murdered in prison. Once he is knifed to death, I hope they hang him with his own intestines.
  6. The death penalty should apply in cases such as this.
  7. Trump-Humpers don't care about "rule of law". "Whim of Trump" is the only thing that matters."
  8. Andropause is the great leveler.
  9. Yes. It will all be over soon. Death solves all problems.
  10. Biden would be doing the right thing with preemptive pardons. Kash Patel intends to go after anyone considered an "enemy" of Trump, including media figures.
  11. The punishment does not fit the "crime". He had been spending money and contributing to the economy. I am careful to stick to the letter of the law because I know how much Immigration officials relish making farangs suffer.
  12. The latest victim of the Thai government 's obsession with "overstay".
  13. Anyone who thinks Social Security and Medicare are going to be ended is delusional. The programs may change, but they are here to stay.
  14. I have no words.....actually, I DO, but I would be booted off the forum. There are some sad, sick people living in Thailand.
  15. A practice pioneered by the locals. Don't try to blame it on farangs.
  16. When you're too old to have sex, there is no need for a condom. 🙂
  17. Where's the connection to farangs? Thai crime does not count.
  18. Farangs giving tax advice is strictly illegal.
  19. An idiot who uses Shakespearean jargon such as "beclowning", should not speak of the limitations of others. Trump will be spectacularly unsuccessful in his second term and hopefully will cease breathing and bequeath his empire of crap to J.D. Vance, who will further discredit conservatives.
  20. "The Evil Left"....would that include such well-known conservatives as Gen. John Mattis and Rex Tillerson? Both of these men described Trump as an "idiot". Having worked for Trump and knowing him well and both being arch-conservatives seems to be antithetical to your "evil left" hypothesis.
  21. The "wet dog" analogy is one of the favourite insults from the Louis Farrakhan movement. I shower daily, so I doubt that I smell that way. Black hate is truly on another level.
  22. I just hope that "Dear Leader" keeps on consuming his staple diet of MCDonald's offal sandwiches and grease fries. In most normal people, that will guarantee a quick death by massive heart attack or paralyzing stroke. A Trump obituary is all I want for Christmas.
  23. It's possible. That's why a daily shower is a good idea. All human beings stink after a certain amount of time without soap and water.
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