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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. I am RECOVERING. That is all I will claim. Others have different problems and situations. By their very nature, expats are a bit different than others since they left their home countries. Relatively few people ever do this, despite threats in political debates.
  2. I have no problems with the British government, I only know that the British Embassy decided that they would no longer issue Statutory Declarations of Income and the American Embassy decided to follow suit. This has created a myriad of problems for British and American expats who live in Thailand.. Many other countries see no problem in verifying income for their expats.
  3. I merely said the system is designed for the convenience of Immigration, rather than my convenience or yours. I stand by my statement. NOTHING is done by Immigration to enhance OUR convenience. They simply don't care.
  4. The system is not for OUR convenience but for THEIRS. Nearly as useless as American and British Embassies.
  5. Big Joke should jump right on this. Will he travel to the country where the farang is from and demand his extradition???
  6. "Dope on a rope" accurately describes many IO personnel. Thinking outside the box or knowing basic arithmetic is a bit beyond their pay grade.
  7. Bottom line...There IS NO OVERSTAY "PROBLEM". It is an invented problem by Thai Immigration. Even the overstayers are pumping large sums of money into the tattered Thai economy. Thai Immigration is merely trying to act like "the big boys". Compare this to America where the Immigrants have NO money and need to take crap agriculture jobs that no American wants. A totally manufactured problem. In both cases.
  8. Thailand needs all the perverts it can get. Carry on.
  9. Stick with places that need and want our business.
  10. Who the HELL wants to go to Turkey? Denmark and the Schengen Zone is first-world, not a developing backwater like Thailand. Imperial overreach.
  11. It's an old Thai principle called "Farang mai dee....we do because we CAN. Must show farang who is BOSS!!!"
  12. Immigration needs to start leaning heavily on landlords who shirk their responsibility to file a TM30. It is a national disgrace that expats are being shaken down for these pointless documents while the landlords do nothing.
  13. Laos and Cambodia are easier and lack the open hatred of farang. Visas are a breeze in both. True, the medical situation is not up to the standard of Thailand, but there's never any question of getting to stay, It's simple fee for service, as it should be.
  14. Ketchup contains sugar. Most Thai people like their food sweeter.
  15. Marcos or Frankies might be more to your liking. You seem to be fairly selective, though.
  16. When I was younger, Pattaya was more enjoyable. With age comes many infirmities and failures. You can't shoot pool with a rope.
  17. The term "Islamophobe” is now thrown around to describe anyone who takes issue with the violent cult of Islam. Non-violent Muslims get no press because they are not making headlines by behaving peacefully and rationally.
  18. Thailand has always benefitted from the "gifts" of the West. They have never appreciated the cultural advancements that farangs have brought to the country. The current hostile attitude of Thai Immigration is the best example of this. Odd that even the "Highest Institution" is fairly farang-friendly, but not the government.
  19. If they won't worship your God, just KILL them. That doesn't sound very "peaceful" to me. What am I missing???
  20. Your post is good advice. My own situation is a bit different since my "agent" is also my landlady. She and her family have always been able to secure my extension of stay with no problems. The price is a bit more than I would like to pay but is less than many other agents. The idea that we are supporting corruption by using agents is just stupid. Thailand has many "laws" that would be struck down by courts in a great many democratic countries. Trying to do things the "honest" way will simply result in the denial of your extension of stay. There is no sane reason to make things harder than they have to be.
  21. How many times can the 3 month visa be renewed from inside Vietnam? Not interested in doing visa runs.
  22. Cambodia is open. Go where you're wanted. Thai Immigration can't wipe their own backside without a special form.
  23. The TRUMP dream is dead. The American dream is still very much alive. THis fraud and charlatan needs prison.
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