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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. I was led to believe that there might be jail time if one did not comply. Am I wrong?
  2. Ben may be a "Thai Citizen" but I would bet that he couldn't get into the Grand Palace for free like most Thais. One wonders what sort of person would voluntarily give up their American citizenship. I still think he has the right idea about taxation of overseas income of farangs.
  3. Refer to Benjamin Hart's videos on this topic on his Integrity Legal YouTube channel. Ben thinks this will not be an issue for most expats.
  4. The Shin family has been the best at governing Thailand but my personal favorite was Abhisit.
  5. I have always supported Thaksin, just like the majority of Thai people. So-called "corruption" allows me to live here. Thai Immigration makes it possible to use an agent to extend my stay every year. Only a mentally ill person could see a problem with that. "Corruption" is a matter of semantics. One man's corruption is another man's way of getting business done. Everyone wins. Go join Prayut Chanocha.
  6. That's the kind of "corruption" that I LIKE. It hurts NO ONE!!!
  7. Thailand needs to follow the example of Cambodia. 24-hour alcohol sales with no exceptions. Curbing alcohol sales has NO effect on actual consumption. I can find all alcoholic drinks on sale by asking Thai people who know the neighborhood.
  8. Legalize ALL gambling, not just online. Casinos Uber Alles. Weed and legalized gambling are the keys to solving Thailand's economic problems.
  9. Many of you guys are really spoiled. I'll bet some of you require a resume from the women you boink. 😉 t
  10. LOL....I can overlook hairy legs. If the CHEST is hairy, there may be a problem. 🙂
  11. When I was 26, I was asked to try weed muffins at a Christmas party. I thought it was a ridiculous idea until I had to get someone to drive me home because I was zonked out of my mind. I never laughed at edibles again.
  12. I haven't done that. I also haven't introduced it anally, which is probably your preferred means of ingestion.
  13. I got a kick out of your advice. In the past fifty years, I have ingested weed in more forms than you could possibly imagine. It's time to admit that I simply can't handle it anymore.
  14. I did not mention that I am 74. I'm sure that figures into my personal reaction to weed. I am lucky to even be alive. LOL
  15. I am impressed. Once high on weed, I have never felt the slightest inclination towards any kind of sexual activity. I only want to sleep.
  16. Might as well. It won't be legal after the first of the year. Brilliance of the Thai government.
  17. I stayed in Bangkok with my girlfriend during one holiday period and she cheerfully told me how to buy beer at a nearby " closed " market. I was instructed to knock on the door and the owner would open and sell me as much beer as I wanted. Thai people seem to have a very loose or contemptuous view of the law. 🙂
  18. The next step needs to be 24-hour alcohol sales, no restrictions.
  19. Remarkable stupidity. Trump is off to the kind of start that only he could orchestrate.
  20. Karmic justice. May he be eternally impotent.
  21. Thailand is in the enviable position of being surrounded by countries that have no intention of invading them. They could be the Costa Rica of Southeast Asia if they were not devoted to maintaining a military that can mount a coup anytime the elite demand one.
  22. First, I would need to be wealthy. Those who consider a retirement income "wealth" are delusional.
  23. Chauvin should have gotten the death penalty. He committed cold-blooded murder in public and got off lightly with a prison sentence. Hopefully, General Population will avenge George Floyd.
  24. Since none of us are Thai, I have to assume that we are despised equally. The Thai government considers ALL of us to be a bad influence on Thai culture.
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