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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. No “wealthy pensioner” is going to come here. What POSSIBLE advantage would they have? The ability to do ninety-day reports??? Thai Immigration has completely lost the plot.
  2. The 112 debacle will cripple any hope of a valid coalition. Fear of phantoms is the bane of Thai politics. If the Royal Defamation law remains, nothing will ever change.
  3. Abhisit was my all-time favorite Thai PM. He had the stones to say that Thailand needed to become a welfare state. An obvious move forward for anyone who knows the facts about Thailand. The poor are crushed and destroyed while the rich become even MORE obscenely wealthy.
  4. They still look good to me. Many of them are far too skinny.
  5. It becomes a “war” once the subject of “Article 112” is broached. As it stands the subject can’t even be discussed in an honest way.
  6. Their transmitter has been turned off, that does not mean the company has ceased to exist.
  7. I live two city blocks from that crummy beach. It’s the last place I want to go. It’s like running the gauntlet every time I am down there. I can’t walk up to FoodMart without getting hit up at least once. The ladyboys that hang out on Theppraya Road are scary. ????
  8. And pigs shall fly through the air. Yep…..sho nuff!!!!
  9. I noticed this plank in the MF party platform “The party's main policies aim to demilitarise, decentralise, and de-monopolise Thailand. It also wants to reform the royal defamation law, end mandatory military conscription, and hold a referendum to prevent any future military dictatorships.” That would appear to open the door for another coup and doom the party to a very short life.
  10. I should appreciate it if you would kindly buy a dictionary.
  11. His comments about “Caucasians” spreading Covid were concerning, but he redeemed himself by his efforts to legalize cannabis.
  12. I agree. Call it what it is……TREASON!!!
  13. Cambodia’s King Sihanouk also supported Pol Pot…….until he didn’t. The USA is usually pretty firm about protecting its allies, for good or bad. Thailand needs a military approximately as much as Costa Rica. The Thai military invented all sorts of evils that will never go away until they no longer have a pack of Generals ready to mount a coup at the first sign of a leader they don’t like.
  14. Not at all unusual for this country. Human rights violations involving prisons are practically a guarantee. The United Nations does NOTHING to moderate the problem.
  15. Disputes do not equal "threat of invasion". Thailand is not going to war to claim ownership of Angkor Wat. As far as Myanmmar, the current government is only nominally different than the one in Thailand. No threat of invasion. The USA would keep any intruder off their doorstep.
  16. If you don’t already know, NOTHING I say will convince you. Another dinosaur tee-totaler heard from.
  17. I love the use of defamation as a way to quiet the dinosaurs who want to turn back the clock on cannabis. Thailand stands to benefit greatly from legalization. Whatever methodology they use to quell opposition is justified.
  18. Every Thai woman I have ever dated, thought Thaksin walked on water. Even the educated ones. This tells me something.
  19. Thailand can rely on the USA to prevent any insurgencies.. No military is necessary here, except to “protect” the highest institution.
  20. The same lame arguments were used in Costa Rica. They were seeing Communists under every rock. Once they abolished the military, most of their problems went away and they had money for social programs.
  21. Thailand will never change as long as there is a military. Costa Rica solved this problem in 1949 by abolishing the military. Thailand has no need for a military since there are no countries who would even consider invading them.
  22. No. Anyone who lives here is different. That is a GOOD thing.
  23. Lazada has never let me down. I have never used Shopee.
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