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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. If she is reported to Immigration, it will become HER problem very quickly. A call or a visit from the police, usually gets Thais very active, very quickly. They know what the law is, they just don’t want to comply because they think it’s “your problem”.
  2. I would have been far better off if I had turned into my Dad. He was a good guy, though he drank too much and made bad decisions. I did stupid things like getting a Master’s Degree and dabbling in academia before cashing out at age 65 and heading for Thailand. ???? ???? ????. Been here for eight years and couldn’t possibly go back to the USA.. ????
  3. Communism has never made any headway in Thailand because most all Thais are familiar with what happened to Czar Nicholas and his family once the Bolsheviks took over.
  4. If he had just ommited the party’s stance on reforming Article 112, his problems would be over.
  5. This cannot be real. Please tell me it's satire.
  6. Wasting food in a developing country is an abomination. Shame on these people.
  7. It appears that the major parties are thumbing their noses at voters. Anutin may end up as PM. Pita’s goal of revising the Royal Defamation law has seemingly destroyed his chances. Election results seem to mean nothing to most party functionaries.
  8. The location and city planning can affect how far a city block is from each other. On the other hand, a common measurement is that a city block is about 660 feet, or 1/8 of a mile, long. Therefore, walking one mile requires eight blocks.
  9. At Chonburi Immigration my last filing took about four hours before I was notified that It was accepted and given another date to report. The latest system seems to be working well. I still prefer to go to Immigration in person, since I live only two blocks away. Still, it’s nice to know I can file online if I need to.
  10. I will continue to get vaccinated at regular intervals and wear my mask when I go out in public. This seems to have worked well for me thus far.
  11. How can public figures be this stupid? BBC presenters make far too much money to risk it over sex charges. Pure stupidity.
  12. I am 73 and my opinion is that life is not worth living much past 75. I’m too cowardly to kill myself but I wish I could rely on going in my sleep. At least I’m living with a nice Thai woman as I face death. ????
  13. The need for exact change with Grab is the only drawback. The ATM still spits out 1000 baht bills.
  14. Cannabis is not addictive. Why would you need such a drug?
  15. Bravo, Jensen. This thread has been fruitful in populating my “Ignore List”. Never knew there were that many stupid people.
  16. The most rational post on this subject that I have read.
  17. Really…..who cares? If it’s behind closed doors, that’s where it should stay.
  18. If incidents like this contribute to the END of ‘beauty pageants”, we will ALL be better off. A relic of the fifties.
  19. Absolute poppycock. That is EXACTLY what Embassies USED to do before they became lapdogs of the right wing. Time to return to the times when arresting a US citizen would earn you a battleship in your biggest port. All expats should have diplomatic immunity. If you don’t want them there, send them home at YOUR expense.
  20. Doctor just prescribes Miracid and charges me 1000 baht. I can go to the pharmacy by myself and save a bundle.
  21. Try a month in a Thai prison and see if you think it’s “B0ll0cks”
  22. They CAN…..but do not. The United States has MASSIVE arm-twisting ability. So does the UK. They choose to do nothing. They do not represent their citizens.
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