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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. Miracid works for me. I struggle with acid reflux, especially when I eat anything spicy.
  2. I’m not fooled. Pita just wants to see if he can get her knickers down.
  3. You tried to help a person who was obviously mentally ill. If I were you, I wouldn’t let that stop me from offering help in the future. You did the right thing and it was not appreciated.
  4. I don’t have a daughter but my good friend has three and they were ALL delighted that their Daddy was happy with his wife. Unfortunately, he died last year and she moved back to Thailand. Her period of mourning was real and sincere. I was always very touched by how much she cared for him. Obviously, she had no bar background.
  5. I AM a “Yank” and the story I hear directly from bankers is that the FATCA system is a disaster and does nearly NOTHING to curb money laundering. The irritating submissions I have to go through every year for merely having a bank account which receives my pension money, is absolutely INSANE. The penalties for not submitting my paltry income information, are draconian.
  6. Good thing he wasn’t 81……they would have beat him harder.
  7. Cambodia is not a free country, so why would this even be newsworthy? When you live under a military government, you shut your mouth and tend to your own affairs. Politics is not the province of the people here. Same in Vietnam and Myanmar and to some extent, Thailand.
  8. I’ve lived here for eight years and I can’t see Pattaya coming back to what it was before. Those days are gone. I won’t miss them that much. I had fun in the old days and now I am coasting with my live-in GF of three years. Not a bad way to end my days.
  9. Common sense. Thailand’s defamation laws can cause big trouble for farangs. Let it go!!!
  10. They are already slapping him around like an interloper. No hope for this country.
  11. My advice (as I drink my beer) is……….lay off the booze. Alcohol does nothing but exacerbate the problem. Investigate medications such as Zoloft. It takes about a month before you notice a difference but you will eventually feel better using SSRI meds.
  12. Getting old is not for sissies. I used to laugh at this kind of thing. These days, I am nodding off far too early. Old guys need their “beauty rest”. ????
  13. I greatly respect you for your approach to what you are dealing with. I don’t think there is a counselor alive who could give you sound advice in this situation.
  14. A very sad situation, but. I have never known a Thai person who would listen to ANY farang. They respond only to brute force from their superiors. I’ve met many Thai people who had college degrees and are still not able to make ends meet because the wages are so low. Still they run around grovelling to anyone who has a social position deemed “superior” to their own. A sad state of affairs.
  15. Every woman I have dated in the eight years I have lived here had a normal job. One even had a college degree. I found little difference in their behavior regarding money. More, more, more was all they thought about. I have lived with a 46 year-old woman for three years now. (I am 73). She was employed in traditional massage until Covid hit. She is extremely reasonable and not bad-looking. Like all of the others, I’m sure she will leave me at some point. That’s life. I really don’t care anymore. ????
  16. Well, Bangkok Bank at least has a branch in New York, which the other banks do not have, but I have seen evidence of non-professionalism when dealing with them back when they were the only bank which could accept American Social Security. To be fair, NO BANK wants to deal with the onerous FBAR reporting that the USA forces on foreign banks which open accounts for Americans. Just another example of overreach.
  17. “You farang…..you no unnerstan.” ????
  18. Fat-Bottom Girls by Queen Long Train Running by the Doobie Brothers Let It Ride by Bachman-Turner Overdrive Bad Case of Loving You by Robert Palmer
  19. I would TRY it, if only to see how it tastes. Sounds bogus.
  20. In order to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, SOMETHING has to DIE!!!!!
  21. I would TRY it. Taste and texture would be the deciding factors.
  22. Running around naked is an AMERICAN thing. The Brits are appropriating our national culture.
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