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Felton Jarvis

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Everything posted by Felton Jarvis

  1. I don’t want to live in any place that requires a bank deposit for residency. You can currently live for three years in the Phil on a tourist visa before you have to leave and do a visa run. Not a big deal, I just wish they had a straight option for a certain income figure to live there. I do like the fact that you can get residency if you marry a local lady. This is something Thailand should copy but never will.
  2. I set alarms on my phone and my PC to be sure that I don’t miss my report date.
  3. Didn’t Big Joke have his vehicle shot up several years back? Apparently no lesson learned.
  4. I never had anything in my youth that was remotely similar to Thailand. If the best I could do was relive my twenties, I would just as soon stay in the USA.
  5. I’m American, but this kind of thing infuriates me. A pension is a gentleman’s agreement between the government and British subjects and should be honoured.
  6. Cambodia and the Philippines must be writing some hefty checks to Big Joke, since they are the beneficiaries of any “adjustments” to the income requirements. With my next Social Security increase, I will be receiving 100 thousand Thai baht a month, but I will never deposit a dollar of that amount into my Thai bank account. Cambodia is far cheaper and doesn’t constantly tinker with the rules or require 90-day reports. I will be heading there if Thai I-O pushes me just a little bit. Let them eat millionaires.
  7. Now that I am retired, I tend to smile much more. Work in the USA was Hell.
  8. I am a low IQ human of only 132. I could never parse algebra, but somehow, I figured out that religion was garbage by age 15. Catholic mother, and father who did not attend church. Dad was my mentor. Broken homes and average IQ scores can yield some interesting results.
  9. Many of us are in the same boat. Squat toilets are a near impossibility for me.
  10. I only have trouble understanding Geordies. Even the Scots are fairly intelligible compared to folks from Newcastle.
  11. An age gap of about thirty years would be ideal. I don’t want to sleep with someone who looks like me in a wig. My current girlfriend is 46, I am 73.
  12. Fortunately, the UK is a CIVILIZED country. No need to apologise for compassion.
  13. Imagine HELL,…. then multiply it by ten.
  14. My experience has always been that I would have to spend the equivalent of my two months of deposits, in order to leave the condo in the state which the landlord desired. In other words, I got NOTHING.
  15. One thing that I have learned to accept while living in Thailand is that in any business dealings with a Thai person…….YOU LOSE!!!! It’s not right, it’s not foir, but this is Thailand. What would you possibly expect??? Put it behind you and move on. Don’t give the landlord a reason to call the police.
  16. It’s obvious that the OP transferred the 800 K into a joint account.
  17. No, they are classic liberals in the FDR mode. I was speaking only of the SCOTUS, but Catholics can usually be relied upon to oppose abortion.
  18. Several good bakeries here in Pattaya. Buns must be used quickly since they lack preservatives and will mold soon.
  19. The most accurate post on this subject that I have seen. Majority Catholic and majority radical right wing.
  20. Absolutely disgusting. I haven't eaten Kraft singles in many years. A "FrankenFood",
  21. If that’s not a definitive example of bureaucracy in Thailand, I don’t know what is. The renter is responsible even when the landlord refuses to hand over the required paperwork. Farang is ALWAYS wrong under Thai law.
  22. I was wondering the same thing. Is this “Processed cheese” or actual cheese??
  23. Sounds plausible except that this part of history was trumpeted all over Thailand during the Vietnam War, when Thailand was very paranoid about Communist incursion from Vietnam and Laos. There may be widespread ignorance of that history today, but at one time, The Thai government was making it VERY clear what the country could expect under Communism.
  24. Animals are FOOD, unless you are vegetarian or vegan. It makes no difference whether you agree with animal consumption or not. It is a fact of life all over the world and it is not going to end because of your extreme beliefs. Wanting to hack off the genitals of meat-eaters is an extreme position that should not be allowed on this forum.
  25. When there are hungry and “food-insecure” people all over the country, it is downright sinful to waste food. Only my opinion, but that is the way my depression-era parents taught me.
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