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Everything posted by bignok

  1. Too many people. 8bn is too much. 5bn about right.
  2. Yes so minor thing. Another exaggeration. Soil is the no 1 factor.
  3. Poor soil reduces nutrients. That's the problem with you climate guys. You ignore most things that don't match the scare. 1 trick ponies. "Soils supply the essential nutrients, water, oxygen and root support that our food-producing plants need to grow and flourish." https://www.fao.org/soils-2015/news/news-detail/en/c/277682/#:~:text=Soils supply the essential nutrients,from drastic fluctuations in temperature.
  4. I don't know. Is this kinking stuff?
  5. Obtuse is a triangle. You a large farang admitted to yelling at a small asian woman and think that's ok. That's not ok.
  6. Most Canadians guys are 90 to 130kgs. Thai women are 40 to 70kgs mostly.
  7. What country is verbally abusing women ok in the west?
  8. You just admitted to yelling at your wife. Verbal abuse.
  9. Hope not. She is a small harmless woman. This guy is a 90kg man who picks fights with 50kg women.
  10. So you verbally abuse women.
  11. People shouldn't do lots of things. Not a perfect world though. They lost their patience with this guy.
  12. So run away from your own shop? Smoke some weed and let him do whatever.
  13. The farang had no gun or knife. Why would you call the police? Tell the farang to pay up or piss off and don't come back is what I would do. He then came back and caused more trouble. I cannot believe people defend him. Must be racist against Thais. The farang caused the whole thing.
  14. Good points. Keep it going for 10 years. Scares off tourists. These strains will be around for ever in some form.
  15. I prefer the way. Less road rules enforced. Easy access to meds. Food on street. Dating 20 years younger no big deal. The west tries too hard and is rigid. Follow the rules Mon to Friday, then get drunk on Friday/Sat Clean house on Sunday and watch some boring football match. Say it's the best country in world. Then repeat for 50 years. Great life not. I met a guy who lives in his car aged 70 or so. Never been overseas, hates foreigners especially asians says he lives in the best country in the world. Drinks beer and eats meat. That's his life.
  16. Riff raff he means. Low class people.
  17. Actually the earth is greener now. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth/ Mainstream media won't take about it.
  18. A lot depends on work. Some jobs take people overseas. Some cannot. Some live 1, travel 50. Lots of oddballs not living in Thailand. I don't think normal exists. There is boring and less boring. Humans are all limited.
  19. Women, climate, food. Change. Why would a person want to live in 1 country their whole life anyway?
  20. Unlikely to steal. Dont put valuables or breakables though. Big buses have good storage onboard.
  21. Try google.
  22. Bbq pork is road kill? Thai pork is awesome. Liver and quall eggs are very high in nutrients. Maybe you arent really keto.
  23. Lots of restaurants sell bbq pork, roast pork and boiled chicken. Order them with an egg. Then order fresh coconut. Perfect keto meal really.
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