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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. It's not failed at all, Toyota is still developing it and pushing it in a major way as we speak. The Hydrogen ICE could still be the future, rather than the EV.
  2. I prefer Christmas, it's a lovely time of year, candles, presents, the family gathering around a roast bird, beautiful German music playing, what could be better? As for your totally uncalled for defamatory statement of Donald J Trump, he's of course neither a thief, nor a rapist. Possibly an adulterer, yes, but what man is perfect? Let he, or her, who is without sin throw the first stone...
  3. ' Most likely Kamala Harris expressed her support for Kwanzaa, the black alternative for Christmas. Just a wild guess though.
  4. At least way better than Pink, whose performance made little children cry from cringe.
  5. In the article above. It says that she went to a bar and got drunk, which is where the brother found her. Now obviously she did not go to the bar with a 1 year old toddler. She left him alone to go drinking in a bar. If she left the husband and did not take the child with her, which I doubt, that would be even worse of course, leaving the child with the husband and just going out to get drunk by herself.
  6. With pleasure, esteemed fellow poster, for your own edification please observe the spectacular and overwhelming success that was Sweden's decision not to lock down, as provided by the OECD: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/ec2de914-en.pdf?expires=1724563183&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=DC5C630813A94D245E5C56DAB0AD3913
  7. You would grow from the experience of betrayal and abandonment. That's true. Many of us, if not all, would have gone through that. But as we saw with the poor poster here who, at 72 just went through a breakup, the pain is real. So, this fantasy of the soul, love, is lovely for a while, but also quite dangerous, when it inevitable comes to an end.
  8. This is by far the best article on the DNC, Kamala Harris and the election generally, a must-read article for both Harrisworld and men: "Harris had Eva Longoria, Kerry Washington, Morgan Freeman, Stevie Wonder, Steph Curry, Pink, John Legend — to name a few. But rather than be buoyed by such star power, she was diminished by it, lacking the gravitas and force to command her own convention. Trump, for all his faults, doesn't need supporting players. He strode out like a late-stage Elvis against his name in lights, the star of his own show, the crowd there not for Hollywood but for him. Let that be a warning to Harris, the Dems, and their media enablers, because after the high of this week, they are in for a very big letdown." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13774505/Cult-Kamala-Harris-DNC-MAUREEN-CALLAHAN.html
  9. Ingenlath is a very smart guy. It's market manipulation really, but one can see his point. I would be very wary of getting an EV, the range issue, the price depreciation. One of Toyota's hybrids or perhaps the hydrogen engine could be better choices.
  10. The brother found her drunk in a bar. Unless you think a bar allows a 1 year old toddler and would let the mother get drunk, it's quite clear she went out to a bar to get drunk leaving the toddler at home.
  11. What a bald faced, complete and utter lie! The lockdowns caused the supply chain disruptions. Not "large numbers of logistics workers" falling ill. The lockdowns caused the supply chain disruptions which led to the rampant inflation we are still paying for today. Almost your entire posts are an insult to the truth.
  12. Sweden was a success. The idiot king has no idea what shoe size he wears. Sweden had lower excess deaths than UK, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Spain and France, to name just a few.
  13. Lockdowns could only have worked with proper timing, by the time politicians put them in place it was already way too late. But like in Sweden a proper evaluation of the benefits and disadvantages of lockdown should have taken place. Only in Sweden did they do their job and correctly determined that lockdown was not desirable. In virtually all other countries they just copied Italy and England, with disastrous results for all of us. Inflation today is still a result of those failures by politicians like Boris Johnson, who caved in the face of Science hysterics like Neil Ferguson and abdicated responsibility. There should be a Nuremberg trial to bring all those politicians to account.
  14. Absolute garbage. The lockdowns were a complete failure, Covid spread anyway and those countries that locked down hardest had the worst Covid death rates. 2 trillion USD of people's wealth was destroyed by idiot politicians failing to do their job and evaluating the lockdown option properly. Inflation was a direct result of the supply chain disruptions which the wholly unnecessary lockdowns caused.
  15. It's the plain and unvarnished truth. So God help me, I swear it on my Trump Bible.
  16. Ain't no love in the heart of the city Ain't no love in the heart of town Ain't no love and it sure is a pity Ain't no love cause you ain't around Every place that I go Oh, it seems so strange Without you there Things have changed The nighttime calls There's a blanket of gloom Another teardrop falls In my lonely room Ain't no love in the heart of the city Ain't no love in the heart of town Ain't no love and it sure is a pity
  17. I don't think a large number of men are MGTOW. It's always been a tiny minority. Quite an extreme option.
  18. Basically we have a choice between politicians, where one lies in an open and predictable way and the other lies in a hypocritical and devious way. When Kamala Harris told her bio story about her "brown woman" mother who told her don't complain about injustice "do something" there should have been a prompt on the tv screen "But Kamala when faced with the option to allow DNA tests on her wrongful convictions refused to allow DNA tests to exonerate an innocent man". I mean you have to have a brown bag at hand when Harris speaks.
  19. Lol, hell no. I'm into women. But sometimes I wish I were...lol
  20. What if she wakes up one day and tells you it's over?
  21. Absolutely hiarious, that video is so good. "So hard to find a cute Democrat"...hahahahahah
  22. It is the best. But also the most dangerous.
  23. That rather depends how well you train your wife or gf. No prostitute could ever come close. Because they don't care about you. Only your money.
  24. That sums it up about right. Not at all, it's not about "virtue", it's purely about self interest. Most of us gain nothing by perpetuating this women for money economy. If that did change, and women were given money they had to repay on a contractual basis enforceable in the courts, this would solve the issue of women extracting money from men.
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