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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Great idea. I would like Trump to ask her What was your involvement in putting Mr Trulove on death row, you convicted an innocent man, didn't you? Why did you not evaluate the evidence from 4 policemen better? Do you think you're easily fooled?
  2. I'm not condemning Kamala for saying "I'm talking" at all, I don't like interruptions either. But you have admit to claim that was some kind of iconic line is a bit, well, naughty...lol
  3. Total BS. The West, ie the USA, have shown time and time again in this conflict that they will walk on egg shells to make sure no troops, no permission to use missiles, why do you think that is? Because America does not want a war with nuclear Russia. So the idea that they would give nuclear arms to Ukraine, thereby endangering an even greater nuclear response from Russia, including striking at the US, is simply ludicrous.
  4. Lol, I think you just dissed one from your side. Your filter needs adjusting, hahaha...
  5. They were going on about her "iconic line". I thought, wait a minute, what did she say, I don't recall her coming up with an iconic line? Maybe she came up with this great line and I missed it. Turns out they mean she said "I'm talking". You can imagine my disappointment. These Democrats will stop at nothing to make this woman appear more than she is.
  6. Censorship is always an admission of weakness. The Democrats being weak at core will always be tempted by censorship. How sick is that though, Zuckerberg makes his billions off the content people produce for him for free, but then he censors them at the slightest pressure from people like Biden and Harris. No justice anywhere.
  7. Reading that last link, are these Democrats desperate or what? They are now trying to elevate Harris' historic remark in the Pence debate into iconic status. But what was this wonder of rhetoric and oratory? Oh when she said "I'm speaking". Either way, Trump has nothing to fear, he beat Hilary in debate and he'll beat Harris. But it's clear the Democrats want to change the goalposts yet again, because they want to play the victim card for Harris, "oh look bad white male is interrupting joyous warrior Kamala". Ultimately they know they can't win on substance, so they want to make Kamala look good by being interrupted and showing her interrupting herself. If it wasn't so sure that Trump will win the debate, it would almost be better if he cancelled it . The Democrats won't fight fair. Again.
  8. His aim wasn't to stop whale hunting.It was to stop a project by Mitsubishi that endangered the environment, a modest specific aim. Which he accomplished very well.
  9. I know, I know, I just had coffee...
  10. No he didn't convict innocent men, put them on death row and then prevent new DNA evidence from being heard. He actually did some good things. Between 1996 and 2000, Kennedy and NRDC helped Mexican commercial fishermen to halt Mitsubishi's proposal to build a salt facility in the Laguna San Ignacio, a known area in Baja where gray whales bred, and nursed their calves.[114] Kennedy wrote in opposition to the project, and took the campaign to Japan, meeting with the Japanese prime minister, Keizo Obuchi. In his first case as an environmental attorney, Kennedy represented the NAACP in a lawsuit against a proposal to build a garbage transfer station in a minority neighborhood in Ossining, New York.[104] In 1987, he successfully sued Westchester County to reopen the Croton Point Park, which was heavily used primarily by poor and minority communities from the Bronx.[105] He then forced the reopening of the Pelham Bay Park, which New York City had closed to the public and converted to a police firing range. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr. He's arguably done more good things than either of the two candidates.
  11. It's not a "line" that's sold, it's exactly what happened. Pelosi and the Obamas pushed Biden to jump against his will. In turn Joe and Jill then insisted on Kamala to spite Pelosi and the Obamas who wanted a proper vote. There should be laws passsed in the US to prevent backdoor politicians deciding on presidents in this way, it's really a bit banana republic. Not much different to Thai military deciding who can or can't become president.
  12. That's true, RFK jr was not just a professor of environmental law, he also dealt with a number of very high profile cases while working at a proper law firm.
  13. Oh you can read all about it here: " It's become increasingly apparent that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama orchestrated a weeks-long coup after that disastrous June debate, plunging the long knives into Biden's back. Everyone knew Biden was done. And that includes Harris, who callously stepped over his body in her eagerness to reach the presidential on-ramp. So don't be fooled. This party of unity — and joy! — is still brawling. Jill and Joe Biden's hasty endorsement of Kamala, a candidate Pelosi and Obama reportedly did not want, didn't feel genuine at all — just a final f-you to their backstabbers. No open primary, as Pelosi and Obama hoped. As democracy requires. But it's the Dems who are to save us from a 'dictator', right? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13774505/Cult-Kamala-Harris-DNC-MAUREEN-CALLAHAN.html
  14. I doubt it. More likely you will be crying bitter tears and post on X how you'll move to Costa Rica.
  15. The coup happened in America when Nancy Pelosi and the Obamas ensured a sitting president would not be president again, though he very much wanted to continue to be. Instead Pelosi and the Obamas installed Kamala Harris, though against their will, they wanted a full vote, but Jill and Joe insisted on Kamala out of spite. Up until that point nobody voted for Harris for president. Pretty Banana republic. A bit like when the military in Thailand decides who can or can't become President. The Democrats have made the US a laughing stock.
  16. I would agree, of course RFK Jr's anti-vaccine position is highly controversial, but in terms of pure academic success, I'd think if someone gave RFK jr, Trump and Harris an IQ test tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if RFJ Jr would come out ahead. Academic success does correlate with IQ.
  17. That's true, Harris went to law school and Trump seems a bit more intelligent than her.
  18. No, seriously RFJ Jr is highly intelligent. He graduated from Harvard and has a Masters Degree and Juris Doctor from Law School. He was a Professor of environmental law. In terms of academics he's more accomplished than Trump or Harris.
  19. Yes, but RFK may be more intelligent than Trump and Harris.
  20. That's definitely part of it, Trump has no fear to be crucified for anything. Sometimes I get the feeling he says nonsense just for laughs with the audience.
  21. Oh my God, her voice was straight from the depths of hell, I have to give it to Harris, she's not that bad. Dear Lord when Hilary speaks you literally want to tear your own face off.
  22. What content? She hasn't given us any content. Everyone agrees her DNC speech was devoid of substance. How will she pay for her middle class tax cuts? What's her economic policy apart from copying Trump's idea not to levy tax on tips? I mean what content? That she has a brown mother who told her to something about injustice? Give me a break.
  23. His delivery seems very casual, soft and and pleasant most of the time. His ability to completely disregard script and go freestyle is very impressive and not something we see from Harris who seems terrified to make mistakes.
  24. A cockatoo more like. I find Trump very soothing, he moves from gentle whispering to casual speech quite skilfully. Very soothing. Unlike this half whiny nasal semi-crying of Harris. What a weird way of speaking she has.
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