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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. The things they will resort to. Peeing on someone during sex. Who would do such a thing?
  2. Keep dreaming. If that tape existed it would long have been produced. Just another desperate attempt to slander Trump.
  3. Way to spread misinformation and fake news. What a great idea to send tests to another important world leader. That will come in handy when Trump negotiates to end the Ukraine war.
  4. I am so happy to see I'm not the only one who feels that way. I actually sometimes mess with them and tell them I don't have it. It's so annoying. They do that in the States as well.
  5. Which is 100% wrong. Read the Economist article, it explains why Russia's economy is booming. It's not military spending. "To understand the accelerating economy, look to two aspects of macroeconomic policy. The first is fiscal policy. Mr Putin has abandoned austerity as he doubles down on war. He is sensitive to domestic opinion and recognises that he needs to buy public support for his invasion of Ukraine. This year Russia will run a budget deficit of 2% of GDP—hefty by its standards—which it is funding in large part by drawing on enormous financial reserves, accumulated during the 2010s. In effect, Russia saved yesterday in order to party today. Total government outlays rose by an average of 15% in both 2022 and 2023, and a slightly smaller rise is budgeted this year. Ministers are devoting much of this extra spending to the war in Ukraine. Data published by the Bank of Finland suggest that military spending will rise by about 60% this year, boosting production of weapons and ammunition, and also putting money in people’s pockets. Patriots or mercenaries? In July Mr Putin doubled the federal bonus for those signing up to fight from 195,000 roubles ($2,200) to 400,000 roubles, which regional authorities are supposed to top up. The government is committing vast sums to compensation for the families of those killed in action. And Russia’s splurge goes beyond war-related spending. Mr Putin is lavishing money on welfare payments: in June he raised pensions for some recipients by close to 10%. The government is also spending big on infrastructure, including a highway from Kazan to Yekaterinburg, two cities 450 miles (730km) apart. Indeed, it is spending on pretty much whatever takes its fancy. Mikhail Mishustin, Russia’s prime minister, recently boasted about a government scheme to pay for children to holiday in Crimea. The second reason for Russia’s party economy relates to its unusual monetary policy. In order to deal with high inflation the central bank has raised interest rates from 7.5% to 18%. More increases may be on their way. This has the effect of strengthening the rouble by attracting foreign investment from “friendly” countries such as China and India, which in turn cuts the price of imports and thus inflation. It also encourages people to save, trimming consumer spending. In a normal economy higher rates would hurt indebted households and companies, as their cost of repaying debt rose. Yet the government has almost entirely shielded the real economy from tighter monetary policy. There is a bewildering array of schemes. Earlier this year the government made it much easier for consumers to suspend repayments on loans, so long as they could prove that their income had fallen or they were “affected by an emergency”. Banks have offered loan holidays to soldiers in Ukraine. A mortgage scheme, recently closed, kept lending rates fixed at 8%, less than half the current policy rate. An “industrial mortgage” programme has channelled lending to companies at rates as low as 3% a year. Banks’ arms are also twisted so that they do not raise rates too far. When the financial sector loses income as a consequence, the state often steps in to make up the difference." https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/08/11/vladimir-putin-spends-big-and-sends-russias-economy-soaring As much as you would like it to me a simple monocausal reason "military spending", it's not, it's a number of non-military factors.
  6. The mainstream media will paint him as Satan when it happens.
  7. Mostly non military expenditure, as I was saying, Russia is a civilian economy, not a war economy where 100% of spending is on the miltary. That's just not the case. There has been a rise very recently, because Russia is preparing to finish off Ukraine next year.
  8. Don't worry I have something for free for you. The latest figures show the latest budget has Russia spending 32% of its budget on defence spending. The rest is non-military. So 30/70. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/9/30/russia-to-hike-defence-spending-by-a-quarter-in-2025
  9. It's in the Economist article
  10. So an opinion piece from a nobody that offers ZERO evidence that Trump thinks he's losing. Thanks for wasting my time.
  11. Not only that Kamala Harris is a reptile alien pretending to be a human.
  12. It's not, it's about 30% military spending 70% non-military spending. There was none because of severe austerity in preparation for war.
  13. You're wrong, alas. "Russians’ confidence in their own financial situation, according to official data, recently jumped to an all-time high. They are more inclined to make big purchases, such as a car or a sofa, and restaurants are bursting. Last year Russians imported 18% more cognac than they did in 2019, according to our estimate, while spending 80% more on imports of sparkling wine. Sberbank, the country’s largest financial institution, notes that in June overall consumer spending rose by 20% year on year in nominal terms." "Russia’s splurge goes beyond war-related spending. Mr Putin is lavishing money on welfare payments: in June he raised pensions for some recipients by close to 10%. The government is also spending big on infrastructure, including a highway from Kazan to Yekaterinburg, two cities 450 miles (730km) apart. Indeed, it is spending on pretty much whatever takes its fancy. Mikhail Mishustin, Russia’s prime minister, recently boasted about a government scheme to pay for children to holiday in Crimea." https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/08/11/vladimir-putin-spends-big-and-sends-russias-economy-soaring Spending on war is relatively low, Russia is overwhelmingly a consumer economy.
  14. She's not a world leader as such, that's true. One step up from leader of Barbados, but still, she's in charge in Finland, an EU member. in fact Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Estonia all have female leaders of various dubious credentials. Individually they don't amount to much, but in a herd they can wield voting influence in the EU. One thing they all have in common is Greta Thunberg syndrome. Mette Fredriksen of Denmark: "As a teenager, she campaigned to preserve rain forests, protect whales, and end apartheid" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mette_Frederiksen Fredriksen has achieved nothing in her life prior to the PM position, she went straight into politics from uni. She is an activist at heart. Exactly this activist core is reflected in today's EU, the EU in fact has become a global activist, like when it tries to the save the Ethiopian rainforest or Sumatran jungle. The EUj is permeated by people who know little, accomplished less and achieve nothing. Ursula von der Leyen is another case in point, a failure in German politics, she was close friends with Merkel, and the old gal's network gifted her the top EU position.
  15. The Prime Minister of Finland: The leader of 5.5million people, she was raised in challenging circumstances by her mother, who had split with Mrs Marin's alcoholic father Lauri at a young age. Her mother's next partner was a woman, meaning Mrs Marin grew up in an all-female environment - or a 'rainbow household', as she herself later put it." These are the people in charge of Europe. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11123023/Finlands-glamorous-PM-Marin-Sanna-36-seen-dancing-wildly-celebrity-friends-leaked-video.html
  16. Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF An influential global body has forecast Russia's economy will grow faster than all of the world's advanced economies, including the US, this year. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Russia to grow 3.2% this year, significantly more than the UK, France and Germany. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68823399 It's false to say that Russia's current stellar economic performance is due to it being a war economy, Russia is primarily a civil economy, only a small part is dedicated to the war. Russia is defeating Ukraine in eco modus so to speak.
  17. This is what I'm saying, the whole corrupt class of party animals should be put down. Not Farage, because that was not a real party, that was just celebration.
  18. Yes, but there are many, many examples of the EU overregulating, and effectively trying to regulate in other countries, outside the EU! I mean with this new rule on Ethiopian coffe imports, the EU's aim is not to benefit the EU, its citizens. It is to save the forests of Ethiopia! Someone in an office in Belgium thought this would be a good regulation, I want to save the forests in Ethiopia. Now Ethiopian farmers are laughing about the stupidity because they routinely plant trees to protect their coffee plants and to provide shade. So they are actually re-foresting. But the EU bureaucrat obviously was unware of this. Net result, coffee farmers in Ethiopia have to hire more people just to deal with the ludicrous rules imposed on them by the EU. This is not a one off example, there are too many of these examples, where the EU is not benefiting itself, but trying to save some other country from itself. It's bizarre. How is our tax money paying for someone to think up rules to save forests in Ethiopia (and failing)? Everyone knows the EU bureaucracy is overbloated, you need to ask Musk to trim it, and trim it hard. https://www.agroberichtenbuitenland.nl/actueel/nieuws/2024/08/20/as11-ethiopias-coffee-crisis-navigating-eu-regulations-amid-sustainability-challenges
  19. Exactly. This is a man you can respect. He has the intelligence to understand what NATO and the US are doing, and is defending his country, acting in his country's best interest. Was it in Germany's best interest to ban Russian gas imports? And triple the gas bill for everyone, depriving industry of energy security? Clearly it was not. Was it in Germany's interest to abandon the Nordstream pipeline? Clearly it was not. Was it in Germany's interest to accept massive amounts of immigrants? Ask the people stabbed and the women gangraped, but I'd hazard a guess, it was not in Germany's interest. Lammy is total disgrace, he just has to open his mouth and you realise this person has no backbone or brains. Exactly, even animals look after their own. Our politicians, they look after themselves, but not after the population in Europe.
  20. The problem is that the very "big ideas" of Europe are proving Europe's downfall. I'll give you an example. Do you like Ethiopian coffee? I do. I love it in fact. For many decades the EU has been importing coffee from Ethiopia. It's really great coffee. So, recently, the EU decided to impose new rules on the import of Ethiopian coffee. Now, to import coffee into Europe, Ethiopian farmers have to prove they do not engage in de-forestation. To save the environment in Ethiopia, the EU is making Ethiopian coffee triple the price. Because now the Ethiopian coffee farmers have to employ people to do all kinds of tests, surveys and paperwork to comply with the new EU rules. It's insane!!! Do you think this makes the EU popular around the world? No wonder BRICS have it so easy to win hearts and minds in Africa, Asia etc. EU policies are completely insane, and ideological.
  21. Well, it is this "So" attitude that has precipitated the decline of Europe. All that is necessary for incompetence to triumph is for good men to do nothing. The slew of female prime ministers across the EU has coincided with the massive decline of Europe. The decline of Germany was precipitated by the advent of Angela Merkel. Do you think this is coincidence? In German there's homosexual Jens Spahn who bought a multi-million (4 million plus Euro) mansion with his gay husband on a minister's salary! He just happened to be lucky when his loan was decided because he also sits on the board of the bank which awarded him the mortgage. Corruption exists in Germany, make no mistake. What we have is a partying, rainbow coloured troop of self-centred incompetents in charge of Europe now. If Helmut Schmidt could see what Germany, what Europe has become, he would be turning in his grave. They don't care if they drive Europe into the mud, as long as they can party, pop ecstasy pills and buy their 4 milion Euro mansions. Meanwhile the average person in the EU has to pay triple for their heating bill, fund a pointless Ukraine war and wait in line at the hospital for 7 hours until the immigrant extended families are done.
  22. Yes, like in the West, inflation is high in Russia, but Russians have never been purchasing more luxury goods. The Russian economy is booming. If we had a leader like Putin in charge of the EU, we'd be doing a lot better.
  23. Of course, garbage in, garbage out. You can't expect the EU to be competent body if the home governments are full of kindergarten teachers, ravers and party girls. This is not a video of first year uni students high on drugs, this is the prime minister of Finland:
  24. You, know, these divisions in society have always been there. They exist. They existed in 1932 and they exist in 2024. It wold be a fallacy to assume we all think the same But it seems to get worse. The atomisation of society and division into a multitude of interest groups is disintegrating the very fabric of society. People are choosing to emigrate rather than pay taxes for governments that are obviously incompetent. What big ideas can Europeans still get behind? Even democracy itself seems like a limp towel. The European spirit has been dragged into the mud of wokery and politically correct insanity. Nobody supports the EU anymore they way they did in the past. You could do a lot worse than choose Farage or Le Pen, indeed we have been doing worse, but sadly we don't have a Trump whom people can rally around.I used to think Merz was a smart guy, turns out he's just like the others. But anything has to be better than those who put us into this sorry position. Do you remember this book? An American professor predicting the coming economic war between the EU, Japan and the US? He predicted the EU would win. We held the best cards. But we had the worst players. https://www.amazon.com/Head-Coming-Economic-America-1993-06-01/dp/B01FIZSJQI
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