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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Trump does not want a total surrender of Ukraine. Nor does Putin by the way. And whilst it's true that Russia can't fight the war for all eternity, it is extremely obvious that before Russia falls from exhaustion Ukraine will have fallen 20 times. All Putin wants is to secure the strategic position of the Russian homeland, which is non-negotiable. I mean he went to war over it. Ukraine has to accept that it will lose territory and give peace to its citizens. Everything else is folly.
  2. Obviously Trump can't implement a "5 Year Plan" to "force" Aemrican companies to relocate. He's not Stalin and the US is not Soviet Russia. However, he is deftly forcing FOREIGN companies to pay more to sell in the US and making THEIR products more expensive. Obviously this will make US made products cheaper by comparison and secure and create US jobs. Not to mention the additional money hat will flow into the US as additional revenue from the tariffs themselves. Rather than "decimate" the US economy Trump is protecting the US economy from cheapear and better competition. Very sensible.
  3. You may want to check the latest news: Doesn't look like the USD has stopped being the true safe haven currency, does it?
  4. The guy is clearly delusional. Russia will win the war against Ukraine and is winning it now. Without US support Ukraine has no chance.
  5. Of course it could never happen. If ever the US economic incentives fail the US could simply take what it wants with its superior military. Let's hope and pray that will never happen and the worst we're exposed to is economic coercion.
  6. Well done for maintaining your record of getting EVERY SINGLE post completely wrong. In fact the US economy has the strongest domestic market in the entire world. If the whole world stopped selling to the US or buying US products the US economy would continue very strong, obviously affected but still very much intact. Whereas the rest of the world would suffer terribly without the economic engine that is the USA. See, the US is NOT an export dependent economy the way Japan or Germany are. It has its own very strong domestic market.
  7. Everything, you can CLEARLY see the US dollar has MASSIVELY outperformed the Japanese Yen and the risk of the latter replacing the USD as a safe haven currency is close to nil. David Roche should stick to studying the fall of the Berlin wall. Clearly FOREX is not his best subject.
  8. Oh by the way: "Quantum Strategy" is NOT an investment fund and not to be confused with the Quantum group of funds. Nothing to do with the latter. Quantum Strategy is just a research firm founded by David Roche.
  9. And still the President of the US of A. He's greater than I thought. Thanks for pointing that out.
  10. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Taylor Swift, Charlie XCX, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B, David Roche, everyone who works MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, every pollster who predicted a Kamala landslide, Zelensky, Canada, Mexico, China.... Nancy Pelosi, your boys are taking a hell of a beating!!!! Hahahahaha
  11. Of course. Because they know Trump is better than them. He's richer. He's smarter. He has a better looking wife. A better looking family. A bigger house. And a lot more political power. He doesn't even know Walker88 or rough diamond exist. Nor would he care. It's funny really. All these ressentiments because someone is better than you, and he doesn't eve care about you one speck of dust. We are laughing.
  12. Yes indeed, it tells me traders have taken note of the BOJ pronouncements to support the Yen. But as you can see, the Yen is in a clear downtrend against the Dollar, the recent short lived rally is hardly an indication of trend. Lol.
  13. Lol, this was a "Squawk Box" CNBC show, where one unknwon woman analyst claimed the Japanese economy will grow stronger. Roche agreed and alluded to Europe and the US being "uncertain" and how this could make Japan more of a safe haven. This is basically page 3 journalism for finance, they say outrageous things for attention. In reality this is the performance of the Japanese Yen against the US Dollar:
  14. I'm amazed how you find the time striving for all this success so hard to bless us all with 78 threads a day? Especially since you have to manage your bitcoin and shares portfolio.
  15. Well clearly Thai police and justice system is very fair, if the Brit couple did nothing they will be acquitted. However, if they attacked and caused the altercation they will be rightly punished. We can have total faith in Thai justice.
  16. David Roche is Irish and of course the Irish love to make up stories. The Japanese Yen has no more replaced the US Dollar as a safe haven currency than Canadian bacon. In fact the Japanese Yen has been FALLING against the US dollar for a very long time. ' I can only imagine David Roche was joking. Or else he's lost his mind.
  17. Very hit and miss. Not the reliable 711 affair.
  18. Thank you pussycat.
  19. Canada is a barely inhabited wasteland full of mosquitos and ice. It has a population of what, 40 million? Canada is not big enough to be the toast the US is spread on. More like a Dorito that dips into the endless ocean of salsa that is the US.
  20. I was stopped by police two days ago. I hadn't notice the tax disc of the car I rent was expired. Rather than sing Rule Britannia and explain how I deserve special treatment I politely explained the owner of the car will of course apply for the up to date tax disc.The policeman not only let me go but did not aske me to pay a fine.
  21. So you give her an allowance of 30000 but you don't pay her anything. Got it.
  22. Nonsense rather is to suggest the US economy would "cease to exist" without Canada, Mexico and China. This shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the depth and strength of the US economy. You also appear to not understand what tarriffs do. Tarriffs make OTHER products more expensive, not US made products, meaning that rather than buy foreign products people will buy US made products because they are cheaper. Therefore tariffs protect US jobs, incrrease US jobs and of course they also raise tax revenue for the US. Perhaps you should read this: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn93e12rypgo By the way, ALL nations have tarriffs. I know, shocking, right?
  23. Of course. Pity and compassion. The left, the perverted, the broken, the lost....it is not their fault. And we should not forget what Nietzsche taught us about resssentiments. We only harbour them against them whom we know are better than us. And of course 99.9 percent of those who hate Trump know he is better than them. The rest are just insane.
  24. Nietzsche taught us about ressentiments. He said you only feel ressentiments against those whom you know are superior to you. Because you know they are better than you. I feel compassion for you.
  25. Well, it's a very difficult time for them. Trump is showing them how much better than them he is, and they find it very hard to take. We should show compassion.
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