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Everything posted by kimothai

  1. I've been using the Mint e-sim for almost a year now and it works flawlessly so far. I activated while in Thailand using a Samsung Galaxy S22. I did the application on a PC and then used the Mint QR code to install the Mint e-sim on my phone. Was much easier than I expected. As someone else stated you need to add $10 to the roaming (up-roam) to receive OTP's. You don't want to use the data while roaming because it's very expensive. I use my Thai sim for data. I mostly have the e-sim turned off while in Thailand but when I need an OTP I just turn the e-sim back on. I used it when I went back to USA (California) and it worked great. No loss of coverage.
  2. Great idea. Maybe some of the intersections will be less hazardous, specifically the disaster zone at Soi Diana/Langkee. Will be interesting to see how traffic flows with all the delivery trucks (and idiots) parking in the middle of one of the lanes. Definitely worth a try.
  3. I would also like to know the latest changes to the yearly retirement visa (a retirement visa issued for one year by an agent.) Where would I find these? Thank you. You need to specify which Immigration office you are using.
  4. You don't need a bank account to apply for an LTR visa for "wealthy retirees" if you have health insurance. Only if you don't have health insurance do you have to show a bank deposit for being self insured. When I applied for LTR visa there was never any mention of a bank account (bc I have health insurance). I no longer am required to keep 800K baht in a Thai bank for a retirement visa ("O" or "OA ").
  5. Charkaphan Osangthamnont(Dr) at Bumrungrad. I had colon cancer in 2017. Thanks to him I am cancer free today. Going back for follow-up colonoscopy today.
  6. Bank for sure & credit card. Went to agent to update driver's license and was told not necessary (nobody does). Your new passport will reference the old passport when visa is transferred.
  7. if you can qualify for a LTR (thru the Board of Investments) Visa that is probably the best visa going. If you don't qualify and have lots of disposable cash the Elite Visa is the next best. If the two visas mentioned before are no go's, then the "O" retirement visa (if age 50+) is probably the nest best bet.
  8. I second that motion. The politics in America are just too ugly now. The advent of the LTR visa has made life in Thailand much easier.
  9. Thai dowry is nothing more than proof that the marriage is 100% about money and 0% about love. Seems more like extortion to me. Walk away, walk away.
  10. Before it was Big C extra it was Carrefour, and the meat was great. After the transition to Big C it's been all downhill. Quality is hit or miss.
  11. The library at the Father Ray Redemption Center use to take books. Haven't been there in a while so I'm not sure if that's still the case.
  12. I’ve had Capital One (CC & savings) for about 7 or 8 years while living in Thailand with no problems. I have found that I rarely require an OTP when logging in via the website (not app). When OTP is required, I use Mint (now part of T-Mobile) roaming which I was able to activate while in Thailand and also works great when in USA. You can link your Cap One account to an external bank or brokerage account if you need to transfer money. You can do it all from Thailand if you have a PC/laptop.
  13. Those street vendors made for a lot of congestion making it hard to pass sometimes. Mostly all cheap/counterfeit junk anyway.
  14. Posted 19 hours ago I find the Visa Section of the Pattaya City Expats website a useful reference point in keeping up with the actual local office situation. They seem to have enough members that any real changes consistently affecting applicants are highlighted. https://pcec.club/. I always check it in advance of doing anything in Immigration for latest requirements and paperwork. Exactly. When I traveled to USA in February the Immigration Officer removed my 90 day & tm30 slips (never had that happen before). Upon return I went to Jomtien Immigration to do another tm30. Was told because I had a retirement (OA) visa I didn't need. Hmmm that surprised me but fair enough. Fast forward to June and it's time to renew/extend my retirement visa. So as always I check the Pattaya City Expats website and I read tm30's now required to extend retirement visa. I go to immigration to apply for a tm30. I explained to the Immigration girl (as I showed her the old application from February) and asked if I was previously told wrong or did the rules change? She just handed me my tm30 with a very big courteous smile. Close enough for me and even though I was a few months late - no fine. Next day to the bank for letter of deposit. Next day after that (Wednesday) go back to Immigration at 8am (30 min before open) and get queue (#3) and finished about 9. The only difference I saw this time is that the Immigration Officer made a copy of the tm30 and added it to the papers (my signature not required). Personally, I can't justify using an agent for what only takes an hour or two of your time but everyone has their own personal reasons. A couple of my friends say they don't want to expose themselves to covid - Fair enough.
  15. Posted Friday at 04:58 AM Yes, we have attempted to call, but at $4.00 per minute we found the wait time unacceptable. I was hoping that someone with a similar situation might be kind enough to share their knowledge of same. This doesn't help you with your banking problems but I recently subscribed to Mint mobile for calling when in USA and OTP service (via roaming). A call to Thailand is $0.01/minute (not a typo-1 cent). I tested it when I was in USA -talked 4 minutes and paid 4 cents. Just FYI
  16. I see the anti-vax folks are beating the drums about how the vaccines were a wasted effort and I'm OK with that as they are just trying to make themselves feal vindicated. I've been vaxed with a booster about a year ago. A few weeks ago at the age of 76 I tested positive for covid. I took some prescribed medicine (from BKK/PTY Hospital) and 2 weeks later all gone - negative tests. I only had a sore throat and a cough (cough lingered) with no fever. I've had allergies that have made me feel worse. I only have thing to say about the whole ordeal-THANK YOU Pfizer!
  17. I was told at immigration a long time ago your re-entry permit is tied to the extension you used to apply for the re-entry permit. Once you update/renew the extension the re-entry permit is no longer valid.
  18. As always it boils down to enforcement or lack of. if the police always have an excuse as to why they can't monitor the crossings. Cameras at the crossings and start a ticketing program that has teeth would be a start. Wishful thinking.
  19. I renewed my passport last year which has a mid September expiration. It required almost 3.5 weeks from mail in date to the time I received. The ACS notified me with a tracking number when it was mailed to me. The New passports are a new generation which take longer. I think the new generation passport started around July or August of 2022.
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