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Everything posted by kimothai

  1. Agreed, but it's the only thing that "may" get the governments attention.
  2. I went to the auction on Thepasit which was once a month (I think) back in about 2010 when I was in the market for a motorbike. I wasn't allowed to bid because being a foreigner I needed a residence certificate and some other paperwork that I didn't understand (mostly all Thai speakers there). Lots of bikes cheap as I listened to the bidding before I left. If you decide to go to an auction do some research as to what documentation is required to be allowed to bid. I'm not a motorbike expert and not so good a judging the quality of used motorbikes so I gave up and simply bought new at Miyon.
  3. So, I thought Thaksin was banned from being involved in politics. Now it's, okay? What's next? Will the Red Bull guy be allowed to come back and then be put in charge of the Highway Safety Department? (Asking for a friend)
  4. Also, the idiots on the noisy motorbikes deserve an honorable mention.
  5. Absolutely no effort to control/diminish the sources of the pollution. This stunt is nothing more than "lipstick on a pig". I think every country should put out travel advisories warning about the danger of traveling to Thailand during the burning season.
  6. This woman was thinking about getting sterilized long before Trump was elected. She just wanted to get her name in the news. Typical wacko lefty and we should thank God that she doesn't reproduce!
  7. LOL. You must have got your crystal ball from Lazada, a cheap Communist China knock-off. Wishing you best of luck with it.
  8. After all your gibberish about common sense it is apparent you have very little.
  9. "And he's infinitely less popular overseas". I'm inclined to agree with you on that. The USA Sugar Daddy spigot is being turned off and many don't like it. Can't say that I blame them.
  10. Time will tell. Liberals fail to understand a POTUS that can think outside the box. They (Liberals) continue to double down on policies that lost them the election by a vast margin. Liberal ideas are so for out touch with "common sense" that even James Carville describes them as "stunningly stupid". His words, not mine.
  11. Trump says a lot of things just to get a reaction, yet many (mostly the left) fail to understand that. This is how Trump works and that's why the vast majority elected him. He's already getting what he wants in Panama, Canada and Mexico. More to come - stay tuned.
  12. Your opinion. The majority of Americans disagree with you
  13. I would expect nothing less from the left. Trump is the perfect man for the job and the majority of Americans agree with me.
  14. I've had good luck (no problems) with my implants that I had done at Dental Select. Pattaya 3rd road, close to Pattaya Glang.
  15. I don't think Trump cares what they think especially the communists in China.
  16. I went thru this same process back in the 90's when Clinton started closing government (mostly military) bases. People found jobs all over the place including different government jobs (as in my case) and some just took advantage of an early retirement that wouldn't be available under normal conditions.
  17. Having quit smoking almost 30 years ago, I still remember traveling and wanting to have a smoke when transiting. I feel there should be a smoking room in transit terminals or people will start looking for a way and break the rules. I'm okay with no smoking (rooms) at arrival terminals because they can smoke before they arrive.
  18. Respectfully disagree with "The world is absolutely reeling......". It should be the "LIBERAL" world is absolutely reeling. The rest of the world is just fine with Trump's actions.
  19. Warning people seems to be the only thing the Thai Government is capable of. Actually, taking preventive measures at the sources of the problem is totally out of the question. Still a third world country as far as I'm concerned.
  20. I started with a Galaxy S2 and changed almost yearly for a newer model. As the years went by the size of the phones kept getting bigger and bigger. I simply got tired of big phones and opted for a Samsung Flip a few months ago. I love it. If the folding screen last for at least 2 years, I'll be happy to buy another.
  21. So what? We've had foreign tax advisors advising foreigners about Thai tax law which is an occupation reserved for Thai people only. This has been going on for more than a year without any impunity that I'm aware of nor have I heard of any outrage from the Thais. Foreign prostates also seem to operate without impunity and nobody seems outraged. Mai bpen rai
  22. May you should read/view the article again. Trump "specifically" says what's going on which is get the radical lunatics out first and then he will make a decision.
  23. Well, congrats on living to 91. If I should be lucky enough to live to my 90's, I'll defiantly be ringing the bell!
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