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Everything posted by kimothai

  1. Reliable source has informed me that "root beer" doesn't contain "beer" either.
  2. Maybe just declare them a terrorist organization(s) and send in the military.
  3. This is nothing more than "sour grapes". The Kennedys has always been hard core liberal Democratics. For one of their own to break away is just too hard for them to bear and they simply resort to slander.
  4. Maybe so now if things have gotten better. I did a border run (about 12 years ago via a visa company) and it was one of the most horrific experiences of life: a driver who thought he was a formula one driver that assumed there was no oncoming when passing on blind curves. Maybe those visa runs have become safer since my experience and as you say, "no big deal".
  5. It may be that they were spending on other things that the money wasn't intended for. That's why it all got shut down - too much waste. The aid will probably be reinstated if it was being spent as intended.
  6. In that case, you are one of the lucky ones.
  7. In regard to the corruption in Thailand I totally agree.
  8. I agree, I wouldn't expect to be arrested. No crime asking someone to repay their debt which brings me back to my original statement that there seems to be some holes in this story. Something doesn't add up.
  9. I never said she write it off. To think that the debtor is going to change their mind and pay the debt because she showed up at his front door seems a bit naive to me.
  10. I have no idea how long the que is for civil case, as I've always tried to avoid such situations. It's still a way better option than staying in the monkey house IMHO.
  11. Sounds like she thought if she showed up in person that she would be paid upon request. Not much of a plan. She should have gotten legal advice before jumping on a plane.
  12. I think I would start by consulting a lawyer with international business experience to see if the collection is even feasible. A civil suit in court may also be an option. All very time consuming.
  13. Am I missing something? Why would someone travel half way around the world to collect a debt? Too many holes in this story to even comment.
  14. Even Los Angeles is cleaner & it's on fire
  15. You didn't call Trump a Nazi! Did you forget or are you starting to warm up to the Trumpster.
  16. I do most everything at Bumrungrad and as someone else quoted 34k baht a couple of years ago. I did pay for my Gf (Thai) to have a colonoscopy done at Bangkok/Pattaya and the fee was 20k baht. May be a price just for Thai.
  17. Even if that was true (which it isn't), it would be a hugh step up from the previous empty suit.
  18. I'm not sure how long it took for DEI to be implemented into American culture but the rapid speed that companies and institutions are throwing DEI "under the bus" is stunning. That tells me that nobody wanted it in the first place with the exception of the radical left.
  19. It appears to be written by someone with a liberal point of view. I believe DEI basically punished the many to appease the few.
  20. Yep, the liberal voters of California thought they were saving democracy.....How's that working out!!
  21. I'm of the same opinion as your wife. Part of the problem with Arabs is that many of them inbreeds. Different Arab countries have different percentages. Easy to Google. The inbreeding leads to all kinds of problems including mental illness.
  22. Well, I'm sure find it incredible how many delusional, woke liberals there are on this forum.
  23. I think the answer was very clear but if you choose not to believe it or compare it to the ambiguity of the Immigration Office that's your right. We'll just have to agree to disagree but your correct when you say everyone has a different situation.
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