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Everything posted by kimothai

  1. I looked into the Elite years ago and I seem to remember that the free airport transportation was Bangkok area "only". Useless if you live outside of Bangkok (as I do). After dumping my "OA" for the "LTR" life is much simpler.
  2. Well, we will just have to see how all this warmongering works out, and then we'll see who the naive one is.
  3. He should be the poster child for the Democratic party.
  4. There is no place in America for these visiting trash people with a visa to study. I'm guessing they forgot to mention on their visa application that they would be protesting for a terrorist organization (which in my opinion is a form of lying). Freedom of speech is one thing but promoting terrorism is another. The (born) American citizens that are participating in this disgraceful activity should be aware that their actions are recorded, and they have been identified (and listed in a data base). When corporations do a background checks for hiring, guess what? Actions have consequences.
  5. The place needs to be tented and fumigated but don't know if that is done in Thailand.
  6. Wonderful idea. These students were not being educated anyway, they were being indoctrinated (to become lefties).
  7. Obviously, you are in favor of continuing the war no matter what the cost. There comes a time when you need to cut your losses and move on. If you think that's laughable then make sure you send some fresh body bags, they're going to need a lot of them.
  8. At this point I would side with Putin also. He has expressed that he would like to end the war. Trump was also trying to take the first step to ending the war. Liberals seem to be siding with the Ukrainian Smurf that tried to change the deal with Trump. Call it what you will but the only people who seem to want peace are Trump and Putin. Most Europeans appear willing to support the Smurf and his desire to continue the war. The future body count is on the heads of those who want to continue the war, NOT Trump. As they say, " you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". Ukraine desperately needs a new leader.
  9. Well, I guess that deal is off. I think the guy dressing like a Smurf is going to need a "go fund me" page now. He can check with some of the expats laying around in the Thai hospitals with no insurance as to how to set up his page. Maybe he'll be able to afford a suit next time.
  10. Forgot to mention: Security codes/OTPs are sent directly to your Thai number.
  11. I transitioned to Charles Schwab International account from a Morgan Stanley account which would be a very similar transition. I did the entire transition from Thailand online (just follow the directions as per the Charles Schwab International website). My Thai address and phone number is the information that is used for the account. I was also able to receive a debit card and check book (which I probably will never use) that were mailed to my Thai address. I've even received phone calls from Schwab on my Thai number to see if I needed anything. No need to use a USA address to skirt the regulations. The only difference (that I know of) is that you are not allowed to have mutual funds with the "International" account (I tried and was informed that the law changed a few years ago and I was disallowed). Everything else such as stocks. ETF's, preferred, bonds, treasuries are all good to go. If you have mutual funds, (I'm guessing) you may have to convert to ETF before you transition over or maybe they will allow after. You are also allowed to use the Thinkorswim platform. The Schwab website nor the T/S platform require a VPN. Recommend you have access to printer/scanner to do the transition as there are a few papers to print. sign. scan. return. I considered the entire transition to be quite simple and straight forward.
  12. My thoughts exactly. Money may be better spent on teleporter research, just keep the fly out next time.
  13. My question is this: If I take $10,000 cash (new money quality that can be exchanged anywhere) to Bangkok Bank and deposit for a 4-month term at 4.35% and then close the account at termination (4 months) and withdraw the money will I receive USD that is the same quality that I originally deposited (new money quality that can be exchanged anywhere)?
  14. I seem to remember a lot of polls showing Harris as being tied or close which was a manipulation of doners to grab more money. At least one liberal media put her ahead.
  15. Polls can be manipulated to give the results to satisfy the poll takers, especially in this day and age. Hillary and Harris were both leading Trump and that simply just wasn't the case. Political parties (both sides) manipulate the polls to beat the drums for donations to promote their agenda. Believe the polls at your peril, as far as I'm concerned, they're just BS.
  16. Even if the conservative estimate of 4 billion is correct, I'll settle for that. That's absolutely outstanding!! DODG is just getting started. Plenty more to come.
  17. That's the kind of thinking that got the USA into all the financial trouble in the first place. Create an agency to investigate the agency that's investigating agencies. Next thing you know there'll be more agencies to investigate other agencies which only results in more, NOT LESS, waste, fraud, and abuse. I prefer the policy of "keep it simple" and right now that seems to be working fine contrary to what the lefty's think.
  18. I think checking your lungs should be a yearly check because you need to establish a base line to make comparisons. I'm not a doctor but every year when I do a physical my doctor comments "no changes from last year".
  19. The left is always going to hate Trump no matter what and I could care less. Trump is going to do exactly what Trump always does which is make a deal. Just a guess, but the left won't like that either but who cares? Certainly not the vast majority of Americans who elected Trump. If Zelensky wants to keep on fighting, I could care less as long as it's not American money he's fighting with. I believe with Trump "the buck stops here"! No more "kicking the can down the road"!
  20. I'm also at about a 70/30 split. I have a pension/401K, so my brokerage account is more of a rainy-day account. I split my bond(fixed) accounts with a variety of ETFs which include SCHI / SPIB / SPHY / SCHR / VWOB / VTIP / VMBS and a handful of preferred. Yes, they are boring, and not nearly as much fun as equities, but provide for a bit of stability when things go south.
  21. In this day and age, keeping track of expiration dates or important events has got to be one of the easiest/no brainer things to do. Everyone nowadays has a smartphone that has a calendar that will alarm on event days. No excuse for missing the expiration, he simply ignored it. IMHO
  22. I tend to agree with you in regard to "professionals". I think a quote from the movie "Argo" says it best (paraphrasing): "Of all the bad options, it's the best bad option". LOL
  23. I've also been getting a bit more conservative as of late by adding some bond ETFs. I'm not allowed to buy funds due to my foreign address, but ETFs are available to me which is where the bulk of my portfolio is situated.
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