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Everything posted by kimothai

  1. I seem to remember Stephanopoulos like to mistakenly use the word " rape" also. That cost him $15 mil. The woke just can't help themselves when it comes to name calling.
  2. She's just a nut case. I've had BCBS for more than 30 years and they have always been fair (with me), IMHO.
  3. I'm not sure exactly what you are talking about when you say older buildings. I have a friend who lives in a so called "older building" and it tends to be a galvanized pipe nightmare. If not the pipes in his room, it would be the pipes in an adjoining room affecting him. Drainpipes linked in such a way that if causes overflows when there is a blockage that's outside of his room. Electrical grounding? Good luck with that. Thats not to say that "New buildings" are not without problems. You just need to know what to look for and ask the right questions when buying/renting whether it's old or new.
  4. A French friend, living in Thailand received one.
  5. Why use the Canadian Post? Surely Canada has other mail delivery services such as FedEx.
  6. It doesn't /shouldn't affect me now but these politicians seem to change/reinterpret the rules like they are changing their underwear (especially when they smell free money). Exempt today but tomorrow, who knows?
  7. I'll wait to be notified or alerted when I renew my visa 4 years from now.
  8. I'll wait until the law is published in the Royal Thai Gazette. If it isn't in the gazette, it's just a rumor. It could take years if it even happens at all.
  9. I think it would be great for the Northeast to leave the Union but only if they took the West Coast, Colorado and New York with them or would that be a deal breaker? It's only a matter of time before these folks with the mind virus called woke realize that nobody cares what they think. The only thing the woke have left now the hatred that is consuming them.
  10. She probably had to have someone (who speaks sensible English) write the statement. Nobody understands her word salad English.
  11. Seek medical assistance. You've lost your sense of smell.
  12. I also received the letter about a month ago. I think it may be for the older customers (American). I opened my account in 2006 and none of these for forms were used. I simply needed passport and hotel address. A friend (American) opened a Kasikorn Account in September of 2023 and had to fill out these forms. Some other banks also require the forms as I had a personal experience with Krungsri Bank about 2018 when trying to open an account. I also received a letter asking for compliance by a date that was 2 months prior to receiving the forms which made me think WTF so I binned the whole mess.
  13. I've been using a Kasikorn " VISA" card for a few years now. No problems
  14. I've read so many articles about the dangerous roads in Thailand and that they need to do this and that. Nothing ever happens. I quit reading these articles about roads. It was like that before I got here and will like that long after I'm gone.......sadly!
  15. Did I miss something? Last I heard this Expat tax thing was just a proposal that many people think will never happen.
  16. I think you are drinking too much CNN/MSN Kool-aide or listening to too much Whoopie dribble. I have family in the USA, and they all say the economy is sucking. The election was proof positive that nobody cares what the woke people think. If you get yourself into a wokeism rehab clinic, you'll be just fine. Best of luck
  17. I think you are drinking too much CNN/MSN Kool-aide or listening to too much Whoopie dribble. I have family in the USA, and they all say the economy is sucking. The election was proof positive that nobody cares what the woke people think. If you get yourself into a wokeism rehab clinic, you'll be just fine. Best of luck
  18. I think you are drinking too much CNN/MSN Kool-aide or listening to too much Whoopie dribble. I have family in the USA, and they all say the economy is sucking. The election was proof positive that nobody cares what the woke people think. If you get yourself into a wokeism rehab clinic, you'll be just fine. Best of luck
  19. Possibly if they are there illegally. If they are there legally, they have nothing to worry about.
  20. Some time ago I saw a girl (in a bar) wearing a T-shirt that said, "It's all fun and games until your parents find out". Seemed appropriate for this article.
  21. About 6 or 7 years ago I transferred about 100k USD (3 million baht) via SWIFT to Thailand. On the transfer document I simply put "living expenses" as reason for transfer. The bank in Thailand also called and asked what the money was for, and I told them the same thing. I've used this reason for a number of smaller transfers also. Never a problem.
  22. Can't think of a single reason why I would want to be a Thai Citizen. Have too many benefits from USA that are way better than anything Thailand could possibly offer. Any Western Expat that considering applying for a Thai citizenship should do careful research in regard to the implications to the benefits they receive from their home country. As screwed up as America (and some European Countries) are today they are still a better place to retreat to if this third world country should go upside down. Here's to hoping I never have to leave.
  23. You may very well be correct, but I have no way of knowing for sure. I paid the amount quoted to me at the 3bb office (at Big C Extra) plus I gave the guy a tip. It took him better part of an hour to get the cable snaked across my ceiling to come out next to my TV. This was almost 2 years ago so maybe their install policy is different now.
  24. 3bb installed fiber all the way to my room on the 4th floor. Not only to my room but they snaked the fiber across my ceiling to where my TV was located. Installed plastic conduit to bring down from the ceiling. A very professional job in my opinion. These were 3bb guys, not a third party contracter.
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