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Everything posted by kimothai

  1. Agree. Biden may have been able to use leverage for a ceasefire a long time ago, but he didn't. I linked an interesting article: Biden worked 'tirelessly around the clock' — to prevent a ceasefire
  2. Hats off to this poster who took the time to go to Revenue Dept. to get a definitive answer. Representatives (Thai citizens) of the Revenue Dept. are the only people qualified and authorized to interpret the Thai Tax Law. This whole Thai tax hysteria is just that - hysteria. There has been way too many so called tax representatives telling people (retired expats) to go get a TIN or do this or that and it all boils down to fear mongering so they can profit from expat's fear. Nobody on this forum (including self) is authorized to give Thai tax advice. You only get opinions here. The info received from the Revenue Dept is not an opinion, it's the rule of law "straight from the horse's mouth" as some like to say. Just my opinion.
  3. I'll 2nd that. Social media has vastly over-stated this Thai tax that doesn't apply to most.
  4. "could be". I will assume that it's not until I'm told directly. I'll take my chances because I feel this whole Thai tax scenario has been vastly overblown by the media and doesn't apply to me (or most people) due to Double taxation treaties.
  5. I understand that 180 days is the cutoff point, but the original post was about retires (who are in Thailand for 180 days). There was no mention of DTA.
  6. DTA? I thought this about retirees living in Thailand (on retirement visa).
  7. Since I file my taxes in the USA, I'm in the camp that says I don't pay Thailand anything because of the Double taxation treaty. Until I get a certified letter from the Thai tax people telling me otherwise, I will assume that my tax obligations have been satisfied. Time will tell how this whole tax hysteria works out.
  8. These are already taxed in America.
  9. I think it's apparent who the real "idiots" are. They certainly are not the people (a vast majority) who voted for Trump. If you want to see the real "idiots" are, look no further than California. A totally Democratic Party run State. California liberal politics is exactly what sane people don't want.
  10. I believe you are correct. Since I never use Mint when I'm in Thailand for voice, I didn't pay too much attention to it. I only use the Mint voice/data when I go to America. I've been able to receive OTP texts while in Thailand with no problems. In fact, I received so many texts from Trump and Harris that I had to turn it completely off until after the election.
  11. I've had Mint for 2 years with same results as you. Never a problem receiving OTP's.
  12. I've received many OTP's using Mint and if I remember correctly, it was about 30 or 40 cents/text. If you are referring to voice (roaming) then yes, the price is crazy.
  13. Probably a good assumption. Teenagers partying without alcohol is unheard of in Thailand.
  14. If they don't tackle the problem at the source all these knee jerk reactions/remedies are nothing more than lipstick on a pig. Of course, they know the pollution sources, but they refuse to crack down on the burning which would be a good starting point along with vehicle smog/exhaust checks. I don't live in Bangkok, but I go there frequently, and I can't stay more than a few days before my allergies go crazy.
  15. This would be funny if it wasn't so very sad. He has no idea what's going on in Southern California. The Russian media pegged him correctly as being an "empty suit" back in 2020.
  16. I do understand. Trump throws a lot of stuff out there just to get reactions and see who pees their pants. What he actually does or doesn't do will yet to be seen in the future. I hope that clears it up for you because if it doesn't then I can't help you.
  17. No need to be surprised. Those votes for Harris were votes against Trump. Nobody in their right mind would vote for Hattis.
  18. Absolutely this is what I want. The liberal woke still fail to understand how Trump works. That's why a huge majority elected Trump. All liberals seem capable of now is hate and name calling. Liberals didn't seem to learn a thing when they're way of thinking was resoundingly defeated. At least when Trump speaks you understand what he is saying whether you like it or not. Not so much with mumbling Biden or I dare say the word salad lady. Just get over it and you'll be ok.
  19. I'm not sure what that would do to the integrity of the helmet. I'm guessing nothing good. I think if the helmet would not fit under the seat or in a box, I would carry a backpack and keep it with me.
  20. Open faced helmets (my choice) will usually fit under the seat whereas full face maybe not. Here in Pattaya they will steal a quality helmet in a heartbeat. Even if you lock the chin strap under the seat with the helmet hanging off the side, they will cut the strap (that's from personal experience).
  21. Yes, Dow is kind of sickly. Glad I only bought a few shares. I'll watch it for a few months to see if it shows any signs of life. I'll have to give Tradevision a look - thanks
  22. I'm a bit old fashioned and consider myself as an investor and not a trader. I keep a 70/30 portfolio of ETF's (which would be considered aggressive for my age) but also have a modest collection of stocks which include most of the mag 7. Whenever I buy into a new position, I always look for undervalued stocks and wait for them to (hopefully) grow. Last summer I ventured into Chart (GTLS) and it's finally starting to show signs of life. Been considering a small position in Dow as it's very undervalued.
  23. I found ginger tea with a bit of lemon & honey (a couple of times a day) eased the symptoms of the cough. It's not a cure but it diminished the cough to the point that my immune system finally killed it.
  24. How dare a foreigner infringe on an activity reserved for Thai people.
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