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Everything posted by Tiber

  1. The wording (DWP) goes as follows "no legal requirement to uplift State Pension" which follows pension pay-outs from International Pensions will follow too(no uplift) What it does not say is anybody receiving a unfrozen pension is committing a unlawful act. Any A1 search will reveal statements "not illegal" "not inheriting illegal" " is not illegal" and so on, whichever A1 is used. The other A! statements "nobody has been sanctioned or punished " "not routinely sanctioned" and so on/. Write to DWP on these statements for confirmation, they will not respond, even a Freedom of Information request will be ignored " Prosecution: Generally, receiving an unfrozen pension in a country where pensions are frozen is not a criminal offense. However, it can have significant financial implications, especially if you rely on the pension as a primary source of income. The consequences are more related to financial loss rather than legal prosecution."As of my last knowledge update, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in the UK has not typically prosecuted individuals for receiving an unfrozen Old Age Pension (OAP). However, there have been instances where the DWP identified underpayments and took corrective action. Any administrivia action would be undertaken by Disqualifying procedures (no action)
  2. After your alarming exposure of a Filipino rag,Id have kept quite.
  3. England for beauty Ireland for wit Wales for deceit ...and Scotland for <deleted>e
  4. You could always ask. If you knew anything legally about the subject you would not be frozen
  5. OK you got the idiot of the festival award with stripes ! Tale told few years ago ,farang sat in open taxi along with Thais,one smart young woman obv going to work, soaked by farang throwing bucketful at them. Farang dismounted,took the bucket off the thrower and smacked him over the head with it,stating" I hope you enjoyed that too"...wonderful
  6. "Happy" you must be gormless. I'm not being targeted by idiotic foreigner (not Thai) that wants fun. Was asked not to throw water over me, but did, he saw stars
  7. I punched one ex pat few years ago, after I asked him not to throw, he did...and I did!!
  8. Thais?OK,...its the brainless ex pats that are the problem
  9. I used to dream about cold weather climate, so damned hot. Now I'm in said climate its OK. Can get away from cold, not so heat
  10. Thailand? sure isn't the place for old men,ex pats that is India gave me longer time span there in TH,It saved my life by early detection of cancer, scanned every couple of years, and prostate operation there too, private hospital, excellent
  11. Getting sick in Thailand would be a nightmare, costs are horrendous ('cept USA).. Had CT scan just before I left TH £700 almost year ago,,in UK they are given out like confetti all free MRI too Just back from hospital TURPS about to be done, blood work,ct,ecg, piss ,chest breathing whatever, all free and damned quick NHS a godsend Led me back 'ome",events" will surely happen
  12. Here is one programme Im sure you will thrill too. Got everything, could be related to events today Brilliant
  13. Yes I know, lived there myself . Always used Calcutta ,as nearest, and cheaper about £120 return at times from BKK, plus hotels are a gift if booked thru a booking site, used to stay 4 star. Saved my life by early screening there for cancer, went because it was cheap,quick and damned good, also had turp operation there, private hospital,5 days in hospital years ago I returned to Uk after diagnoses for cancer treatment, quicker than quick. Can always use opinions of past treatments at various hospitals on the web, fact is I'm considering returning to India from UK for further non cancer medical treatment
  14. https://www.bing.com/search?q=inguinal+hernia+repair+cost+in+india&qs=NM&pq=cost+of+hernia-repair+in+india&sc=10-
  15. There is no defrauding, perfectly legal to receive unfrozen, however if you inform (volunteer information) they( DWP) will freeze.
  16. Thanks,Id hate to go through that all again in present day, fact is Id run a mile! Here is one answer from A1 "You" is it illegal to receive an unfrozen oap in Thailand Copilot Explore In Thailand, receiving an unfrozen OAP (Old Age Pension) is not illegal.
  17. I was a copper for short time before switching jobs
  18. Its not just that but the time it takes to receive them. Before joining the public sector,I wore a tin 'at ,the ex military have worked wonders in pushing me thru hoops I could never have achieved, even now "need to see a GP"? there same day Ask an ex copper (or A1)
  19. If its the "26 and a half years" bit?. public sector pensions, as mine that was,30 years for max pension in that employment Pension was divided in 5 year segments, leave earlier obv lower pension depending why you left. Injured however moved the individual into the next highest segment ,instead of 30/60s moved to 40/60s as was my case. Worse thing I ever did commute, tax free obv,but 25% less, after all these years would be hell of a difference Anyway its all there in A1,got the hang of that ages ago Co-pilot for one, there are many. That's why I lived there in TH unfrozen. Have to hang my hat to A1 though, ask a Q,if it does not know it backs itself into a position that discovers, took a couple of hours to go thru DWP files to find no fraud/crime, good eh!
  20. As its public sector,you would have to have to have belonged to understand it
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