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No Forwarding Address

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Everything posted by No Forwarding Address

  1. As of 15 August, there are 90 day Visa's in Vietnam, can be extended once then a border run for another 90 days so on so forth. Hopefully they will reinstate the six month Visa for US applicants.........used to have a one year tourist visa for US folks, but that was years ago, no hope of that being resurrected. Cheers
  2. Thanks for the graph........my pensions are taxed in USA before I get them, I assume Thailand, USA ,and many other countries, has a bi-lateral tax agreement. So I assume pensions will be exempt, but if not, Vietnam and Cambodia are looking better all the time. I love Thailand but this is becoming ridiculous. I would expect the hundreds of You Tubers, and even more digital nomads will have to provide income records, if so, we will see fewer people walking around holding a stick with a cell phone on it, bumping into everyone. I suppose we shall wait & see once they flesh this new 'law' out and provide specifics.
  3. Naah, I think he was describing his own country...........wandered into the wrong forum I suppose.
  4. Rest in Peace Mr Wachira you had your reasons, right or wrong, and blamed yourself for the death of the other officer...........Peace
  5. In his mind, he is not with a Man, but a Woman.......have known several couples like that in my day, to each his/her own. Now if he will just stay of Social Media they may have a good life together. Peace
  6. I used too until I saw the fleet of New Pajeros with the Soi Dog Foundation on them, I now support TMWRD Foundation. I am neither a dog lover nor hater, but believe in my money going toward the purpose, not so someone has a nice car to ride around in. Peace
  7. It may have taken them two years to formulate their tourist visa plans, but only two weeks to approve and sign into law.........not hemming and hawing or protesting from every tom, dick, or harry MP like Thailand, that is all I was trying to convey. Subject of this post is "PM looking into extending tourist visa's to 90 days". and Vietnam has done it already, only after two weeks from proposal. As for the other parts of your post I have no argument, it wasn't part of my post, go cast your fishing line in another klong. Cheers
  8. Not really off-topic, but Vietnam just approved the 90 day tourist eVisa on 15 August 2023.......was 30 days .then you had to do a visa run......totally on line, application fee is $25 USD, then you pay ?? at the airport for the actual visa. Certain categories of marriage visa's are 3,5, or 10 years in length. Took them a whole two weeks to approve this change to their Visa Laws, wonder why it takes Thailand months, years or not at all. Cheers
  9. Beat me too it.............????
  10. Jeez, so many twists and turns, you need a map to navigate, even then it would confuse us all. It's like the skit with Abbot & Costello "Who's on First". Maybe they are waiting for Tony Taksin to come back and straighten things out - he is the Donald Trump of Thailand. Cheers
  11. Just bought the 16" MacBook Pro M2 chip 32gb ram...........have had Mac's since 1996, one is a 17" - 9 years old, and is still being used for TV today...............love this new Mac - expensive?? how many people can say they use the same computer for 5,6,7 years............you get what you pay for. Cheers
  12. Hello Folks, Concerning SCBEasy.net. I tried last night and of course the banner (all in Thai) came up that the SCBEasy.net had been discontinued on 07/15/23, after a few try's, was able to download the mobile app - but there is an accessability setting on my phone that I need, but blocks the app from opening. I am not in Thailand at this time, don't expect to get back till end of year............question is, how can I continue to check my balances if the mobile app won't open?? Any ideas.........would save me a lot of anxiety - always checked at least once a week on the scbeasy.net site on my computer - never use my phone for anything 'cept talk n text, once in awhile for new or directions. Cheers
  13. a fool and his money will soon be parted............
  14. I used to think that, then 15 years later figured out it makes no difference to the Thai Govt what we think.............we are a non-entity so why get our knickers in an uproar over a couple hundred baht?? Life's too short
  15. "Digital Beggers"...........priceless, just priceless, love the moniker...........the ones I can't stand are the ones that have been in Thailand for a total of a few months to a year and think they know Thailand, and Thai culture. Ministry should find a way to tax them, after all they are walking around all day with a camera on a stick interrupting everyones life.............
  16. Yeah, typical lunch hour in Jakarta, but much more organized. ????
  17. Watched his interview on Bloomberg, the man knows finance and International Banking........just what the country needs is an educated PM. Go Pita.............my money is on you.
  18. I seem to remember paying a 500 baht departure tax in a booth right after check-in all the way up to about 2005..............you couldn't get past Security without the Tax Stamp Coupon.
  19. Rest in Peace Mr Ubon Joe, arguably the most informative man I know on Thailand Immigration rules and law. You will be sorely missed...........there is a special place in Valhalla for men of your stature, your seat at the table awaits you.???? Peace be with you.
  20. Thanx a lot, I thought some of the terminal commands looked familiar, haven't been in this arena since 1993 in Europe, so as a hobby, and mind fuel, I want to get back in and play around. Glad I found this portion of the site. Peace
  21. Hello, I found this Linux Forum while cruising AseanNow........appears to have a lot of good in formation. I went thru all 29 pages (rainy day) and didn't see anything concerning the subject above. I have a 2018 MacBook Pro with a 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 that I want to use to (re)learn Linux. - I am an old Unix/Zenix programmer and want to get back in the game. The limitation, I see is (maybe) I only have 16gb Ram (not upgradeable) and a 500gb hard drive..........any tips on if this is doable? or direct me to a source of information on how/what to do. Thank's in advance
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