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No Forwarding Address

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Everything posted by No Forwarding Address

  1. cannot be taxed Please don’ use that term when dealing with Thai Govt, they can do anything they want, especially when it comes to money.
  2. Is this a “Good Guys In, Bad Guys Out” situation??
  3. Police career Thaksin was a member of the 10th class of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School,[17] and was then admitted to the Thai Police Cadet Academy. Graduating in 1973, he joined the Royal Thai Police. He received a master's degree in criminal justice from Eastern Kentucky University in the United States in 1975, and three years later was awarded a doctorate in criminal justice at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas.[citation needed] Returning to Thailand, he reached the position of Deputy Superintendent of the Policy and Planning Sub-division, General Staff Division, Metropolitan Police Bureau, before resigning his commission in 1987 as a Police Lieutenant Colonel and leaving the police. His former wife, Potjaman Damapong, is the sister of Police General Priewpan Damapong and now uses her mother's maiden name.[13]: 39  He is a former university lecturer at Royal Police Cadet Academy in 1975–1976.[18][19] Thaksin's police lieutenant colonel rank was revoked in September 2015.[20][21]
  4. Hope everyone is safe, my favorite part of Thailand - the North.
  5. I was on Leave in Bangkok from Korea during that one, so many killed, not so many reported, A Thai Officer stole a Huey gunship from Lopari and strafed the streets of Bangkok to 'protect his majesty' not much news about that.........I don't think anyone knows exactly how many were killed during that one............Peace
  6. Darn it, never should have taken that speed reading course back in the Eighties, I read faster than ever, but comprehend less............Mea Culpa Peace
  7. Naah, just leave them flimsy, that way when modified they will explode in the perpetrators hand while firing real bullets, Bet he/she won't try that again.............https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEV15uVnhG4. Peace
  8. ............wonder what they were?? Order everyone to turn them in?? Good Luck with that.
  9. How many lottery tickets can you buy with 10,000 baht??
  10. That would be because SCB just initiated Mobile Banking on 15 August 2023, the computer based Easy Net does not work any longer, you need to create a new account on a cell phone. I tried, but am not able to make it happen, and am out of country at the moment. Called the branch and was told they could not resurrect my Easy Net account to check it on line with my computer. Boggles the mind
  11. Been with them for 30 years, never an issue...........
  12. Oh, the irony..........
  13. I miss the finger pointing..............bring it back..............Peace
  14. Thank you all for the informative replies, I am not ready to travel yet, wonder if there is a time limit on using the completed eVisa - 3 months, 6 months?? Does it have a 'must enter Kingdom before (date)' on the eVisa.............Cheers
  15. I then had plenty of time to enter Thailand with the LTR e-visa print out. Thank you for the information, very helpful, is there a time limit that you have to use the e-Visa if you are not ready to travel?? Cheers
  16. How is it deposited?? If in a UK Bank account, then no you're not bringing money into Thailand. I would suspect he pays taxes on his income in Bangkok so taxes have been paid - all is good. Cheers
  17. The only ways I know are "getting a second passport and being a Native American and living on a Reservation". Big misconception is you don't have to pay US taxes after being overseas after so many years........The long arm of the IRS will come and get you, there are lot's of people in jail for income tax evasion..........don't do it. You can take a Foreign Income Tax deduction if Thailand ever taxes your income, but I don't see that affecting most people here. Cheers
  18. This is all good information, very clear and concise. One question, I am currently in USA for at least the next 6 months, do you know if I can apply for the LTR Visa here, or do I have to be in Thailand? Closest Consulate is in California, I am in Hawaii, I would have to mail my passport to them.........Thanx again for informative post. Cheers
  19. Okay, I'll jump in, who drives on Thai roads at high speed at 3:30 AM - Drunks - and crab fishermen?? something doesn't add up.
  20. Wow, 36 pages in four days, gotta be some kind of record..........speaking of which, why the worry, it hasn't been implemented yet because they haven't a clue on how to implement it. I wait with abated breath. peace
  21. Let him escape, then shoot him dead................should square things with the little one.
  22. I was stationed here in the Army, 71-74, back then the executions were public even televised on all three TV stations..........believe me, it had a definite effect on local population..........punishments so severe, they just didn't do it very often. The world could learn a lot from them back in 60's/70's. There is a place in this worl for capital punishment, shouldn't spend years on death row either, couple weeks is long enough. Peace
  23. Rest in Peace little one, hope he rots in hell or reincarnates as a slug..........Peace
  24. Eligible for parole after six months, with time off for good behavior, reduced to time served in Hospital - wouldn't be surprised at all...........good luck to him, then we can get on with our lives.........Cheers
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