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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. Every year, the same thing, like clockwork.
  2. When I flew here 7 years ago on a Non-O (Spousal), I flew in on a one-way ticket, nobody questioned it.
  3. Paroled?! So he is being paroled from his 5 star RTP Hospital Suite to his mansion? The poor soul......all Heil the second coming of our Emperor Thaksin, bow peasants!
  4. You hit the nail on the head, until this changes, nothing changes.
  5. I can see where this is going, the US also has huge deposits, but environmental laws will probably never allow it to be dug up, and they currently rely on an enemy (China) to get their fix. Now we hear of deposits in Thailand, where regulations and laws can be circumvented with a brown envelope, expect the US to come knocking. Hey, at least if it's dug up in a country that could care less about it's environment, then the US can claim the high ground. Let the poisoning and exploitation of the poor commence.
  6. With Thailand's safety record, and it's lack of enforcement of laws, regulation, and rules....Who in their right mind would trust their lives anywhere near a fireworks facility here?
  7. There, fixed it for you.
  8. They are probably more in shock than anything else, witnessing the most incompetent, poorly trained, corrupt police force on the planet Earth.
  9. Oh look, the first Antisemitic post of the day, congratulations!
  10. This is Thailand, there is no hope, there are just sheep that need to be herded.
  11. I believe there was an article stating 159,000 tourist visited Thailand from Israel in a 9 month period, that might end up being zero pretty soon, I wonder how many Palestinians visit Thailand and spend equivalently.
  12. So they will be carrying out non-stop airstrikes on offenders?
  13. Any bets on how fast these land deeds/titles end up in the hands of some unscrupulous politicians?
  14. Well at least we now have a convicted Heroin smuggler to head the Agricultural Ministry, that will definitely fix their reputation
  15. The Japanese Police Delegation must have lost their minds while travelling and witnessing the lawlessness on full display here.
  16. It's the Thai way, got to love their culture.
  17. Just reminded me, I need to tell SCB about my new passport (Aug 2023), before I head in for my extension in February. However, I bought a new smartphone last year, and when I transferred the SCB banking app, I noticed it was linked to my Pink ID number, not my passport number, so not sure what SCB will tell me when I go in.
  18. Almost got one for the wife, I liked the interior (seats) in the one I saw at the Bangkok Auto Show, though I would prefer a hybrid. For some reason you can't get the Honda City Hatchback Hybrid with leather seats, I hate cloth.
  19. Just light the corner of the tarps on fire, problem solved.....a little more smoke won't hurt anything.
  20. At the very least get rid of the ridiculous 2pm-5pm sales ban.
  21. That's exactly what the Elites want, so the plan is working perfectly, the MFP was the only hope in seeing change in this area. Instead, we have an alliance of Evil running the country.
  22. Which is what I think anyone with knowledge of this change has done already, they would've brought in enough money to make it through this first year of the change without anymore transfers needed, or planned. Then by early next year, I am sure RD and Immigration will have enough information out that we can all make a decision on our next move. That is what I did, though I wish I brought in just a little bit more than I did. I'm still surprised they aren't just taxing us on all our worldwide income, and instead are focusing on remittance only, which makes things way more difficult.
  23. He seems to have the LOS wrapped around his finger right now, so he should just make a declaration, and it will be done. <sarcasm>Emperor Xi is nothing compared to Thaksin the Great.</sarcasm>
  24. Poor people from South America are paying thousands of dollars to get to our Southern border, so no, it's reality.
  25. That's delusional at best, its nothing more than a pipe dream that has no chance in Hell of ever happening.
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