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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. If I were one of the victims, and still able to get up, I would have walked over and placed my foot on his neck until he stopped breathing.
  2. This happening inside a school is unacceptable, they should be severely punished, 10 years in jail after being flogged until they are unconscious would work.
  3. There lies the REAL problem, they fail at their jobs, and they also fail at setting an example for others. The RTP hat needs to be disbanded, and replaced.
  4. So your part of the problem, not the solution, you can go back to putting your head in the sand.
  5. They should retrieve it from the Gold Shop, it is stolen property.
  6. They have a convicted heroin dealer in a position of power too, it's not like these Thai politicians have any integrity, she is in good company.
  7. No, a few will have to suffer to send a message to the masses, but they'll quickly learn how to tow the line, or pay the price.
  8. Exactly! Not to mention, why does Thailand seem to lack towing companies who go around towing offenders? It could be a lucrative business, would also get a lot of unregistered vehicles, and illegally/dangerously parked vehicles off the roads.
  9. The new point system is an obvious future route, I assume they will eventually move to the Western style of eliminating the riff-raff from the roads, the problem right now is 90% of the drivers ARE the riff-raff. They have allowed anarchy to be the norm here, which is why they lead South East Asia as the worst offenders on the roads, with a multiple of dead and maimed to prove it. I still don't see how the insurance companies here can make any money, especially when everyone on the road is a risk to their business.
  10. The average IQ in Thailand is 88, not exactly the quickest thinking bunch.
  11. Those people are more than likely human trash that are here on self-imposed exile from their home countries .....typically drunks, drug addicts, pedophiles, or common criminals hiding out in places most people avoid like the plague.
  12. What the heck are you talking about? Are you posting from a barstool?
  13. Be careful doing that, oil likes to drip out of cars right in the middle of the lanes.
  14. Thai's believe in the Caste System, and people in Zebra crossings are on the lowest level
  15. What is it about "daily" that you don't get? Anyone who travels this route knows this, IT IS NO SECRET! Go there yourself, I avoid it like the plague now, but my wife has no choice.
  16. They are literally sitting in a booth, or on their motorcycles at intersections, ignoring people breaking the law, why are they there?!
  17. It's daily, that is Google not me, and there is no accident...LMAO
  18. Thousands are flying through red lights at RTP actively-monitored intersections, never have I ever seen them pulled over, let alone charged, only happens after the inevitable accident. Again, they need active enforcement, not simply wait for someone to get hurt or killed before they do something.
  19. I don't know, maybe active enforcement, that way we don't see illegal stop-sign/redlight runners happening every few minutes. They do it because nobody is stopping them, then it becomes normal behavior, then people get hurt, killed, or maimed. Everything, including the blood of the innocent is on the RTP.
  20. Oh ....I get it, stop nobody, that'll solve the issue? Start stopping people, handing out huge fines, and/or tow dangerous drivers away. Eventually, the idiots will learn, one way or the other.
  21. Only after it's too late, and someone is hurt, killed, or maimed.
  22. I believe she is stuck here awaiting trial, unless I read it wrong.
  23. Thai politics have always been about vote buying, just ask Emperor Thaksin, just make sure to donate to him before you can get an audience with him.
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