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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. That was the whole reason for creating it, do people actually believe Pheu Thai is doing this for the people?!
  2. Went in for my Non-O extension based on marriage yesterday, 8th year now. Pretty uneventful, only a few changes this time, they added 2 new officially printed off documents (one for wife - one for me) that we needed to sign right there, and they added two more documents to sign at the desk where they take my picture (one with my picture they took on it). They also handed back my yellow book copies, not sure why, as they required it every other year. My wife never did update our Kor-Ror 22 document, so we used the old one from 2016 for todays visit, no issues. My wife fought me on it, but then asked the Immigration Officer about this subject, his answer was that since my wife's surname was changed to mine, and reflected on her Thai ID as such, that an updated Kor-Ror 22 is not needed. My wife told me (not sure how true this is), but she says the reason the IO doesn't need the updated Kor-Ror 22 is because if we were divorced, she would be forced to update her Thai ID to go back to her maiden name. So basically if she had not changed her surname when we got married, we would have been required to update our Kor-Ror 22 every year, but in our case it's not needed. Also, the IO said nothing about my bank account balance, no warning on using the funds while under consideration, not a word. We are usually well prepared, so sailed right through the process, there were a few upset foreigners in there though, one of which was actually screaming at one of the Immigration officers, they never learn! LOL
  3. All went as planned, there is nothing happening here that wasn't planned from the beginning, everything comes right from the top.......there will be no change, there will be no MFP, the status quo is the way forward. As far as education? Well, as long as things stay the same, and the sheep are still sheep, then everything is good. Thailand is not going to change in our lifetimes, nothing short of a civil war is going make things change, and Thai's aren't as free willed as Myanmar people, at least they are fighting for their freedom and change.
  4. He was caught helping smuggle 3.2 kilos of Heroin into Australia while a 2nd Lieutenant in the Thai military, after his first stint in jail and deportation, he changed his name and reenlisted back in the Thai military, then again spent 3 years in Thai custody for another crime, quite the colorful character. Why anyone would want to align with him, or have their picture taken with him, is beyond me. this guy is the lowest level of scum to float to the Junta cesspool.
  5. I live in Nonthaburi right next to Impact Exhibition Center, I have seen centipedes, scorpions, several Tokays, large monitor lizards, large pythons, cobras, pit vipers, large fruit bats, you name it...its a jungle out there......LOL
  6. "Hey Srettha, we'll get right on that after we finish burning" <wink-wink>
  7. First objective should be to consider anything done after the last illegal coup, as null and void. Then reinstate the previous constitution, arrest and imprison the coup leaders, and give lifetime bans to any coup supporters or Junta installed lackeys in government positions (e.g. Senators/MP's/Courts/Etc.) I know, wishful thinking, but really it's the only solution to move forward.
  8. I woke up this morning and finally stopped hurting, their sting is pretty potent. Just worried about my 7 yr old daughter getting stung, so probably have someone come this weekend to spray the house.
  9. I have all my paperwork in a large folder/tote when I go, and my wife usually comes with me when I return, but never needed either when returning. I bet the one time she doesn't come, I will regret it, but for the last 7 years haven't needed her when returning. But like DrJack54 said, definitely bring your bankbook just in case they want you to go update it.
  10. I go to the same office, have never had them recheck the bankbook, but I have always (since year 2) had considerably more than the 400,000 in there and have never gone below that amount in the 7 years I have been here. I am guessing you are very close to the 400,000 baht requirement, or maybe fallen below it during the year, which is why they gave you that warning, just don't go below the 400,000 before you get your extension stamp. The closer you are to the 400,000 the more likely that they might ask to check it again, so if you want to keep them off your back, increase what's in the account before doing your extensions. I am constantly using my account to purchase things locally and online, even while waiting for extension approval, so using the account is no issue.
  11. If there is any justice in the world, he will come back in his next life as a dung beetle.
  12. Have killed about 5 this week in the house, but one bit me on my toe while I was on the toilet. Never been bit by one before, unbelievably painful, I would say twice as bad as the White Face hornets back home in the USA, and still slightly painful almost 2 hrs later. Don't want my 7 yr old to experience that, any recommendations for safe poisons? I have a dog, so don't want anything too toxic. Thanks!
  13. Well, any international investment from the West will probably be tempered and cutback some knowing the Junta/Elite have refused Democracy, and still control the country. If Pita had secured the PM position, reigned in the military/police, and stopped the ridiculous use of the 112 law to attack political rivals, then I am pretty sure the West would've flooded in with investments. Oh well...
  14. You're probably in better shape than I am 😉 , I got two major car accidents and two major off-road motorcycle accidents under my belt, this body is broken and falling apart.
  15. All laws in Thailand are ignored. Why even create laws/regulations/rules just to ignore all of them? If only there were an entity that would enforce laws.
  16. Oh good, I thought I was losing my touch 😉 Ok, back to getting my decrepit 54 year old body to finish over 300 push-ups before bedtime .....Every bone and joint in my body aches, I hate getting old!
  17. I was using it to reference how the "Elite" and "Junta" treat anyone below them, to-wit, "peasants". Though I thought that was obvious 🤔
  18. No, but there is plenty of history/evidence to prove it will never change.
  19. Democracy in Thailand is nothing more than a myth, the sooner the peasants realize this the better. The Elite and Junta are in full control of the Thaitanic, at least until Emperor Xi takes over.
  20. Your Emperor has spoken, "Thailand jump"..........."how high master?"
  21. Just following in the same steps as the "Royal" Thai Police, exploiting a name to defraud the citizens.
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