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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Yess.. You got it. I had absolutely no homophobic sentiment, until it comes to marriage. While the idea of having sex with another male makes puke, it is none of my business if others resort to perversions to get off. But marriage is a limit I don't want to be crossed, as it involves an innocent third party: children.
  2. Unless you are a true pensioner, 100% of income coming from foreign pensions. My case. Was very easy to get.
  3. Yes, but the "Highly skilled professional" category is different. But it gives the 17% flat rate.
  4. This is only for one LTR subtype, something like "highly skilled professionals".
  5. You can definitely stay on LTR, even LTR/WP, and get a work permit. But you'd have to pay income tax on local income.
  6. IMHO this isn't correct. A DTA doesn't exempt anything, it mitigates the risk of paying tax twice on your income Dollar. So I'd be careful, even with US social security, as many sax it is non taxable, it leads me to think that many will have only a tax credit of 0 to show on their return. Don't forget all income remitted must be declared, so another approach would be not to remit and prove it.
  7. Was inevitable after they sacked Carlos.
  8. Some other part of the female anatomy? But let's not divert this topic which is about Gay vote buying.
  9. They probably sold out their stock to the Chinese mafia.
  10. The vagina, and its Å“cumenical value. I know it makes you sick, sorry.
  11. While there is a true metaphorical beauty in a rainbow, the diversion of it is saddening.
  12. And now we could consider the polygamous Gay marriage and call it Bath house.
  13. Only a political move to tame Move Forward MPs and voters.
  14. There is Waders post and absolute gem, for a normal person.
  15. But I can reassure you, I have the so called LTR/WP, and I don't see myself as wealthy. Maybe we should change LTR/WP to LTR/WOP (Well Off Pensioner).
  16. I am not in the business of double guessing my doctors, am I?
  17. Yes Indeed. But I got it confirmed by my doctor from Pulse. Prescribed and reimbursed by my insurance.
  18. Where did you get you medical degree?
  19. Honda are dealing with their e:Ny1 as if it was a giant hot potato. They produce it in Thailand and can't find a price tag below 1.5M. They are looking at all sorts of finance schemes to dump it on the market. Affordable EVs might end up as the greatest Chinese contribution to mankind.
  20. That's what I thought: Bob is Legion, all of us.
  21. Honestly, I don't think there will be many of us left here in ten years time. I'll stay if I can keep my LTR visa, under existing conditions, but I'll be dead before it expires. Anyone settling now will be either dumb, or rich. Even the sexy a$$es are developing western "attitudes" now.
  22. And that's why health authorities should provide comprehensive information/education about all preventive measures available to maintain a happy and healthy sex life. Repeating, condom, condom, ad nauseam is a bit like imposing surgical masks on scuba divers. But judging by some of the juvenile reactions here, it could be that some are just too embarrassed to see a doctor and say "I am having sex with whores and I don't want to use a condom, what can you do to protect my health, and that of other johns ?". Yes I know, better to see that Doctor at Red Cross or Pulse.
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