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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. They were obviously westerners. So easy to fix: No more westerners in Phuket. Actually they should start with the French Arab Westerners.
  2. Well, I have a Thai wife i haven't searched for, I am retired, I do a bit of sideline boomboomating, and who wouldn't complain about Thailand. What's missing in the OP is that I am a Dad and without my beautiful daughters I'd be somewhere else..
  3. Dumb comment. At 72.. last time I was close to real action, was in 1973, and didn't fire a single shot. Was kept busy making an inventory of left behind Egyptian hardware. Quite a lot, but nowhere near the 1967 loot, so I was told. But a war tax is overdue for all people fond of democracy. If we don't beat back the Russians and Arabs into their holes, we are doomed.
  4. Disagree totally, in many lives can be saved, after road accidents for instance, if ambulances don't get slowed down by traffic congestion. The helicopter becomes then an absolute must.
  5. Real world sure. But even Nepal is decades ahead of Thailand when it comes to rescue airlifts.
  6. Funny that they insist on Block 70, which they don't need, as some retired Thai airforce officer said recently. Block 70 has extended range and nuclear carrying capability. Odd.. Anyhow EU should buy these planes to deliver to Ukraine. I am ready to pay my share. Probably the best investment any of us could make right now.
  7. So that's nearly all Thais. Isn't "racist Thai" a pleonasm? Qualifies him to be the next PM.
  8. Yes, if an EV recuperates recuperates energy when braking this will result in less wear on the pads.
  9. Obviously to fat to be a prostitute. Or maybe only for Arabs.
  10. No I rode about 50000 Kms during my first years in Thailand. Cleats are really great of course, you have to hit with the front of the sole, needs a bit of practice, but then these nice accessories a quite sharp, don't wear them indoors.
  11. When I was still cycling, I used clipless pedals. Really enjoyed the bloodthirsty turning into squeals when my cleat gouged across one of those dogs faces.
  12. The dog should have been terminated a long time ago. The only sensible thing to do. The owner of the dog should compensate the victim. While it should be tens of millions for the loss of an arm, we know that Thailand is hopeless when it comes to protecting victims.
  13. Yes, reads like a failed hand job.
  14. "Immigration releases statement on crackdowns on foreign offenders" Link to the offending statement ?
  15. Dunno what OP is talking about. God created me to release my my/his seed in vaginas.
  16. Second hand A10 is all that's needed for Thailand, maybe 20 or 30 and a lot of choppers. A10s will be easier to fly in a straight line for Thai pilots. That propeller thingy might cause them problems, unless they modify it to alternate one rev left, one rev right, one rev left...
  17. OP your Mum didn't teach you to mind your own business. BTW what are you doing in LOS?
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