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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. "Thai Government Intensifies Crackdown on Foreign Criminals to Protect Tourism" means: "Thai Government Intensifies Crackdown on Western tourists to Protect Chinese and Indian Tourism" Rate this topic
  2. Wouldn't be surprised if torrenting became on of those major crimes committed by Farangs only and resulting in two years in the slammer followed by deportation.
  3. Goy on pulled last month, at Bumrungrad, complicated desintegrating tooth, about 4000 Baht. That's OK but replacing it will be another 150k. Unless you are over 85, always replace your teeth (up to first or second Molar).
  4. OP be careful, otherwise you might join this list of despicable foreign criminals, in the Thai pecking order stray dogs are somewhat ahead of Farangs.
  5. Isn't that totally obvious? While I could cope with ending in gaz chamber in my mid seventies, I have to make a risk assessment for my two beautiful Eurasian daughters, who might be at risk too.
  6. Sorry you've wasted so much time trying to blend in.
  7. I have never been the father of "the lovely little daughter", even though though I can relate to this song, amongst the greatest.
  8. At 56 you should be working...So no dilemma . Keep your dough for when you get older. Find a nice lady to have kids with would make sense too otherwise, spending your wealth or not, you'll be miserable.
  9. It has been admitted that half of the Thai economy is underground...
  10. Crackdown on Foreigners Breaking Law: Thai Authorities Shut Down Car Rental Immigration officers told to increase screening of foreigners in Thailand Thailand to tax all foreign income It is all related. The economy is in dire straits, so lets squeeze out Farang money.
  11. Both are. It is just Western arrogance that makes some of us believe that Farang wasn't.
  12. Well dunno who you are, or what your education level is. But I am an Ashkenazi Jew, just like Einstein and many most of the western great minds were was, hence Caucasian. Stating flatly that "Farang" coming from a Thai isn't racist while "N..." would be is just plain idiocy. End of story.
  13. Here you go. The past two weeks were only a lead up to this...
  14. In many countries a car license is valid for a small motorbike (<125cc engine). As only knowledge of traffic rules is required.
  15. But maybe we should question whether the kicking tale isn't about to become a new common scam..
  16. Well, I hear the Fa.. word all then time while I am not supposed to use the N. word? My conclusion is that no one is more racist than the Thais.
  17. Ever had any doubts about that? But "they" are the affluent, entitled Thai upper and middle classes. Those who believe they are above all humans even though they are only lackeys of their Chinese masters ...
  18. Any tourist, wishing to return after a first visit to Thailand needs to get his head examined. Thailand 2024 has very little in common with Thailand 2009 and nothing with Thailand 1980. So many greater and welcoming places to visit. Even Malaysia has a lot more attraction.
  19. Yes that was my thought, was wondering if NZ was involved in "peacekeeping" in Afghanistan, could explain the skill, the cool, and a certain attitude towards natives.
  20. I find that part quite hilarious. And that's why they are in deep <deleted>.
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