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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Easy, it will be up to you to justify your tax credits/exemption. If your funds are available, move them right now (before January 1, 2024), into an account where you keep them clean until you transfer them to Thailand. Everything you earn after January 1 won't be considered as savings. Now about Aunt Martha's inheritance this will be handled on the fly, the Thai way, as I said in my opening comment; it certainly won't stop them from starting collecting.
  2. Not need to get rabid. They don't need to mention expats, the said that all residents for the purpose of taxation (strictly more than 179 days in country) will have to file a tax return. Why would you think that this wouldn't include the so called expats?
  3. Countries should implement total bans on certain breeds. Any Pitt Bull, or other, that is identified within the borders is put down, systematically, ruthlessly. There are enough nice [mostly] peaceful pets around to keep us company.
  4. Well, since the only Thai word I know is "boomboom", I get mixed results.
  5. Yes, genuine refugees [A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee conflict or persecution and has crossed an international border to seek safety.] are often educated people who may contribute effectively to countries that shelter them. I think you confuse illegal immigrants with refugees. The former are people who are lured by a better life in West. They often fail to achieve their dreams and become a burden for the host countries. Sometimes for generations.
  6. I thought it was clear: any income earned after Jan 1, 2024 and remitted any time after Jan 1, 2024 must be reported via a tax return, from March 2025 onwards. Couldn't be clearer than that. You may claim a Tax credit if the income has been already taxed and a DTA between Thailand and the country where the income has be earned is in place. The details of reporting will probably be worked out on the fly, in typical Thai fashion. I may be worth to remember that in Thailand yo may get a pretty harsh punishment for rather minor offences. I doubt I'd survive more then a couple of months in a Thai prison. Imagine dying of urinary retention because they don't give you your prostate medication? That kind of stuff happens daily here.
  7. Well, over the past 10 years I must have had about 500 positive experiences with Lazada. But also with many others: Advice, JIB, Banana IT, Central, etc, etc.. On line shopping in Thailand is just as dependable as in Switzerland. While is lot more user friendly, in the last Mile.
  8. Well, when I see a motorbike in Paris, "adventure" isn't the first word that springs to mind.
  9. T.A.T would say that enforcing the ban on vaping would be less damaging than enforcing laws on prostitution. Expect this ministry to come up with a plan involving vocational schools for Isaan girls.
  10. Don't get it. why not fly? Would have been a lot cheaper. Economy to Paris can be bought for 30000 Baht.
  11. But you knew that you needed a work permit to work as a diving instructor, didn't you? So you were lucky and you "friend" only got what he deserved.
  12. This OP is a bit like asking for the best ski resort in the Maldives.
  13. Still do get it. Same sex marriage just doesn't make sense. Maybe for ladies, but they would still miss out on all the joy of in vivo fertilisation.
  14. Don't get it, we are all allowed to get married. Unlike in Cambodia were older foreigners can't marry local ladies.
  15. For the purpose of naturalisation they will have to designate a husband and a wife. As they aren't treated equally...
  16. The 70 Baht aren't a big deal. But they are a reflection of the deeply ingrained anti Farang attitude of Thai institutions. They want us to get punished for having a white [pink] skin.
  17. So far we have seen only Brownian motion around the financing his 10000 a vote bulk purchase.
  18. Yep, but expensive, a Swiss fondue for two costs about 1500 Bahts, can't afford more than a couple a week.
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