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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Well, my guess is that any sensible person would buy an Apple care + plan. Just as anyone in his right mind would make sure to have proper health cover. But I am not sure it is wise to say so here.
  2. Doesn't matter, it was indeed covered by Apple care+. But the point is that they didn't replace the screen, they took a brand new Ipad out of stock, sent us off to have a coffee somewhere while they copied all data, settings and apps from the old tablet to the new one. Apple doesn't tinker, or rarely, they replace damaged units and sent the old ones to factory for refurbishing. Also I had a Macbook pro that got badly damaged by a swollen battery, keyboard, and full body needed replacement, they asked me to pay 7000 Baht for battery replacement and replaced the unit. Took a while because my keyboard showed hebrew caracters.
  3. I guess you in your usual state of abject belligerent drunkenness.
  4. I know the topic is Iphone 15, so this just a short story for the Apple haters. My 8 years old somehow broke the screen of her Ipad, so off we go to the Central World Apple store. There they check our appointment and Apple care status, look at the tablet and their computer system and after a couple of minutes: "Lucky you are we got one in stock, you get a new one". Tell me if you know another brand with a service like that.
  5. @transam ("She was married before....?") Nope. But I didn't say I didn't give any money to her parents who needed it. No wedding, but now they live in a nice house and have two beautiful grand daughters.
  6. At that 1000 Baht for ST it will cost you a fortune in Antibiotics and Antivirals.
  7. The parents don't need it, so he shouldn't give anything. I went to marriage office in Banrak and I did'n have to show anything. Never had any of those bull<deleted> weddings. We are still happy after nearly 15 years.
  8. Easy to answer that one. First year I deposited an extra 200k believing that I could use the 400k for my extension of stay. Not so, the letter they gave me showed only 200k available for immigration purpose. Never mind I had enough elsewhere. But that makes perfect sense since logically you can't use the same money for two distinct guarantees. Thereafter I had one account for CC and a distinct on for Immigration. Dunno yet what I am going to do with the latter. Smallish money anyhow.
  9. They wanted to know why you were coming so often to Thailand. If I was them I'd ask too, add ask also how you make a living, etc. If you stretch the visa system you must be prepared to be asked some questions. What you wrote just shows that the IO did their job.
  10. I have opened mine with 200k. Why? Hotel bookings, airfares for holidays get dangerously close to that number.. Had it for 7 years now, zero complaints, never paid any interest.
  11. Ironically I have been living here for over 10 years. Married, two kids, two cars, a fully air conditionned, 200m2 house, about 6 weeks holidays a week. I am spending 2.5 to 3 MBaht a year, for what is a normal western, lower middle class lifestyle.
  12. Minor detail, there your have 35000 multiplied by 2. And how many kids of school age? Oooh yes Decent health coverage for a family of 4 costs 15k to 20k a month. 10k "to play with" ? When a week in Koh Chang will cost me at least 150k.. Laughable. What's strange is that with such low levels of income, while I couldn't afford to live here, I'd have more fun living in the country side in the Pyrenees, hiking and cross country skiing.
  13. Nope. You said "You can live quite healthily and happily on $1,000 a month in Thailand/ Laos/ Cambodia/ Philippines." . In Thailand 35000 Baht is a bare minimum for living single, so "happiness" on a bare minimum? And without family one can't be happy anyhow, so 200000 will be a starting number.
  14. Vietnam wasn't he only war in the Seventies. I was 20 in 1973, never fired my gun, just watched the R...eads run back to Egypt. Was great fun, the inventory of what they left behind was a chore though..
  15. Couldn't find the "this is ridiculous" emoticon.
  16. Of course, and nothing could happen to a 72 years old, in Thailand, without health coverage. Now, when I give it more thought, I reckon the answer for OP would probably be to in Thailand stay part time (3 to 6 months a year). Absolutely not cutting his bridges to Oz.
  17. When this happens to me I just get a hard on, problem solved.
  18. Honestly OP, with these numbers, i'm afraid there never was any boat to be missed. Move to Armidale, get your family over and enjoy the rest of your life under Medicare. I am always staggered by the extent to which geezers underestimate the rate at which healthcare costs increase as one ages. Simply do not come to Thailand with a proper western style health cover, in OP's case this is only available in Australia. Remember he is 72.
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