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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Yes, another craziness from Immigration. I'm sure we've discussed this before but a few years ago when I was married to a Thai, I didn't see the point of obtaining a MENO every year when I only stayed 2 or 3 weeks each time - especially when London stopped issuing them and I had to go to either Savannakhet or HCMC. I then entered on 30 day exempts. On, I think it was the second occasion the I.O. spotted the expired visa in my passport and asked me why I didn't have a visa this time. I was told in no uncertain terms that was not considered as a tourist I would not be allowed in next time without a visa. A few months later my mate did the same with the same result. When I left and had more time, I went to the immigration counter at the airport to discuss the matter. I told them that the RTE London's website stated that a tourist visa was suitable for short family visits. They said that THEY made the rules on entry, not the Embassy. I wish I'd thought about extensions at the time - I would have asked them why, if I was not considered a tourist, I could extend a 30 day exempt for 60 days based on being married.
  2. Would you care to explain what you mean by that statement? I can think of more than a few who might find it offensive as written. If what you actually mean is that they can get a 12 month extension of stay instead of using a Multi. I'm pretty sure we've argued that point before. Many of those living/working abroad find it impossible to stay in Thailand long enough to be able to obtain an extension. As far as I know, an extension can only be applied for during the last 15 days of a single entry Non O. Then there is around 1 month waiting time. I don't know many guys who's employer will allow them 75 days holiday.
  3. Yes but unless they've changed again, a multi cannot be obtained at the RTE London - money in the bank or otherwise.
  4. Its not ridiculous to simply request proof of funds. The problem is the requirement for them to be in Thailand. You don't seem to realise that the majority of MENO users don't actually want to stay 17 months. They don't use that visa to in effect live in Thailand without having to put money in a Thai account. The people you seem to be refering to is those who DO NOT used the visa as intended. Most of the people I know or have met that used Multi Entry Non O visas based on marriage, used them as intended.
  5. What? More like 227 million added to the disappearing fund.
  6. Yeah right! Like the senate members haven't already been chosen.
  7. I very much doubt that the MFA have instructed Savannakhet to make having 400,000k in a Thai account a requirement - note Thai account.
  8. I am not making excuses at all. I was married to a Thai and used Multis every year - many guys do. I had no intention of living in Thailand at the time - simply because of the work/salary situation. 'Why would anyone living and working abroad want to marry a Thai and obtain the Non Imm O ME visa' ........erm, perhaps because it is the correct visa to have. Plenty of people live and work outside Thailand and are married to a Thai. many of them for the same reasons I did and intend moving full time when they retire. I would also remind you, although I'm sure you'll argue the toss.......that visiting a Thai wife is not considered to be tourism by immigration. Both I and my mate who worked in Iraq, were questioned when entering on 30 day exempts and told to get a Non O visa. Given that someone in my mate's position would find it a real PITA having to go Savannakhet every time he visited, a multi provided a solution. Its not me who is making excuses - you know all of this very well. I have every right to be pissed off about it even though I accept there is very little that can be done. Thankfully I don't need a MENO now but many people who used one correctly still do.
  9. You mean those who were not using it as intended. Which is almost certainly why we are where we are now with the 400k requirement.
  10. I had a list of the official requirements many years ago, issued by the MFA at Laksi by hand. There was an official financial requirement but I can't remember how much it was. In any case, various embassies and consulates around the world 'adjusted' those requirements to suit themselves. London for example. used to state an amount but didn't actually require it when you applied. Same with the now closed consulate at Hull. None of them required the money to be in a Thai account.
  11. So? Why would someone living and working abroad, wish to open a Thai bank account? In addition to it being an inconvenience and as we know, many people have problems opening a Thai account, there are issues of security and taxation. Even when I make the move to Thailand later this year, the bulk of my money will remain in the UK where I have legal protection against fraud etc. I know of several people who have been obtaining Multi No O's for years and don't have Thai bank accounts, one until recently who lived and worked in Iraq. His salary was paid into a dedicated offshore account where he was exempt from tax - a concession afforded to many offshore workers and a hell of a lot of them use Multis. Paying it into a Thai account would make it liable to assessment in Thailand. It is just not necessary and it is not an official requirement for any amount of cash to be in a Thai account.
  12. I'd be interested to know of a consulate or embassy that is on E-Visa that allows non residents to apply - other than those that make concessions where local embassies or consulates are closed because of unrest etc.
  13. Well it would be if it was true - the fact is that he has no knowledge of my financial situation. The whole point of the debate on this matter is that the financial requirements don't fit the applicant. We know the intended use of the Multi Non O based on marriage and there are financial requirements when applying elsewhere but why would someone not living in Thailand want to put 400,000 in a Thai bank account?
  14. Good on her, there should be more topless girls wandering around Thai hotels.
  15. Since when did I say I can't meet the financial requirements eh? I'm not married any more so I don't need a Non O. I object to this requirement because a Multi Entry Non O based on marriage is intended for those who are married to a Thai, don't live in Thailand but visit regularly. Requiring them to have a Thai bank account is not only wrong, its technically impossible because as a non resident,you are not supposed to be given a Thai bank account. There is also nothing in the official requirements that state 400,000 is needed. But you know all of this very well, you're just trying to be a clever dick as usual.
  16. Nope, if they go over to E-visa you won't be able to apply at all. E-visa applications are limited to citizens of the country where the application is made or those who have legal residence there.
  17. Do you think that could be someone mixing it up with a 12 month extension of stay? Just as the consulate now does?
  18. That is not a joke by the way - this is what I received on 12/03/24 in reply to my original enquiry on 31/10/23!!! If you do not have Thai bank account, please apply for Non-O single entry. Details can be seen from the Consulate's website at https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/publicservice/non-immigrant-visa-o-visiting-family-member-of-a-thai-nationality-a-sp?page=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453e&menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453f
  19. I've just emailed Savannakhet for clarification - I expect a reply in 4 to 5 months as usual.
  20. If I was married to a Thai and not living in Thailand but for some reason wanted a prolonged visit, I think I'd be entering visa exempt, extending that by 60 days, then hopping up to Laos to get a single entry and extending that. Total 240 days. Until they stop the extensions that is..............................................
  21. Jeez, I didn't see that one. Getting a single entry and extending it by 60 days is beginning to sound a better proposition - especially if you like a few days away every now and again.
  22. Thanks for the clarification 😁. In fairness though, the high speed train to China is actually well underway - although it is currently awaiting announcements of future inevitable delays - to add to the current ones. Should be completed in time for 2100. The M6 motorway now has some open sections open (one) and is currently only (almost) 5 years late.
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