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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. You seem to have a desire to 'win' so you win OK? Feel better now?
  2. What I was getting at is, can you still reasonably use the roof space for storage etc? The only thing that interferes with that at my current house is the annoying hangers for the suspended ceiling, that will be designed out on my next build.
  3. Semantics - the 'model/brand was the pertinent component as different brands require different methods/settings.
  4. I agree with some of what you say but she had a perfect right to say what she thought of the Nana area - just as the Thai authorities have the right to rebutt it - can they? She was stupid for going there but in general, the Thai authorities won't have anything bad said about Thailand - even if its true. Much like the hotels that take people to court for giving them bad reviews - do something about the problem or shut up. Not Thailand though, people are only allowed to say good things. Anyone who speaks out, even if what they say is true, gets punished. FYI, yes there are limits to the freedom of speech in most democracies but I can assure you that there would be no official sanctions taken against this woman in the UK if she'd reported a similar thing. There's good things to say about Thailand and there's also bad things to say - we don't all take the same drugs that the Thai authorities take - case in point. Couple of years back the Bangkok and Pattaya police chiefs went on a walkabout in Pattaya one night and reported that they found no sex for sale in the city - as reported on this site. You couldn't make these things up. They must live on Fantasy Island. Much better not to go on any such walkabout and/or make such stupid comments - comments that just draw publicity. The authorties have publicised this matter far more by rattling on about the girl's reports. Instead of being limited to her 'followers' - the story has now gone international.
  5. The SCG system in your photo looks very complex - I presume that's how they spread the weight without using heavy members? Does it take up most of the roof space? I'm asking because I am considering and SCG or similar system for my next house but I very much want to utilise the roof space.
  6. A lot depends on the abilities of your contractor. They will of course, prefer that they construct the roof trusses. A) It gives them extra work B) They can construct them is such a way that any 'run out' or other small discrepancies can be 'ironed out. Being pedantic, I'd go for pre-fab trusses. However, the trusses in my house (built by the previous owner) were constructed on site and painted with what looks like zinc rich primer. The house is about 13 years old now and there's no sign of any rust.
  7. The post you are slagging off actually asked for MODEL/BRAND - not type!
  8. Luxury, we used to live in a shoe box in't middle of 't road https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=luxury+we+lived+in+a+shoebox+on+m12&sca_esv=589555524&sxsrf=AM9HkKmAA6lFSWlwI3usOg92yZ1m_JFfYg%3A1702213154166&source=hp&ei=IrZ1ZYmoCMKYhbIPwOmSwAc&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZXXEMg15g7bbgoxpjsSgAUEm3X3qwXA9&oq=luxury%2C+we+lived+in+a+shoebox+on+M1&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e4366b2d,vid:ue7wM0QC5LE,st:0
  9. No direct experience but I think the bank letter is all important.
  10. The same applies to farm land and its location/designation. That he seeks a lawyer in the Korat area is important, whereas much of Isaan is only suitable for growing rice - travelling from Bangkok on highway 2, Isaan begins around Muak Lek with the Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat) provincial border beginning shortly further east. The land there is much different to the land in many other areas of Isaan which largely consist of arid plains. The land around my house which is in between Pak Chong and Khao Yai consisted of 99% farmland 9 years ago when I bought it. As soon as the M6 motorway was announced (which passes within 500m of my house) - land prices rocketed, virtually overnight and house building began. House sized plots that were being farmed last year are now selling for over 1 million baht, the plot next to me is currently for sale with the owner asking 2 million. So, the OP may well be talking about rice paddies but he could also be talking about very vaulable land. Remember also that its all relational - as developable farmland prices increase, so does that of pure farmland. Another factor that is affecting land prices in Korat is the new High Speed Train. With times to Bangkok claimed as being 1h 15mins from Korat City and 55 minutes from Pak Chong, it is not surprising that rich Bangkokians are now considering relocating their families to the countryside where (for now) the air is cleaner. Land that is not so far from a HST station is shooting up in price.
  11. I think that what the OP is asking, is not for a load of argumentative, childish BS but for any recommendations for a breakdown service in Thailand. Its something I've been meaning to ask for a long time. In the UK there are several national breakdown services, including the well known RAC and AA that will send out a mechanic to try and fix your car on the spot and if they can't, tow it to a garage. That's what the OP is seeking. I haven't been able to find a national company yet - yes some car insurance companies will include breakdown cover on your policy but I think that's carried out by several local groups throughout the country. It is therefore just about impossible to know what equipment will be used in the event of a tow. As an ex-mechanic I would not want my automatic car (the majority in Thailand) towing with its driving wheels on the ground as that can damage an auto. Having seen the state of some of the suspended tow vehicles, I would also be concerned about potential body damage. A national service, if there is one, is more likely to use a tilt and slide flatbed vehicle or a trailer.
  12. That depends on the status of the land and where it is. There are parts of Isaan where land is worth more than it is in Bangkok.
  13. There is someone that I can highly recommend in Korat - English speaking. However there are changes going on in there work life at the moment - last time I spoke to them there was a possibility of them becoming a judge in the local court. I would have to ask if they are taking on any new cases at the moment so if you haven't found anyone yet - let me know and I'll contact them. There is also Isaan Lawyers in Korat - foreign run but as foreign lawyers are not allowed to practice law in Thailand, they employ Thai lawyers to carry out the actual litigation.
  14. I don't support this woman in any way, shape or form but one aspect regarding Thailand 'outs' itself yet again in the continuing furore - Thailand is not a democracy. Not that we didn't know that already but the fact is that it probably never will be. Democracy has many requirements and voting is just one of them. Another notable facet of democracy is FREEDOM OF SPEECH (within reason of course) - I just can't see a day when that become acceptable to the Thai government.
  15. That's because he's doing it the wrong way and trying to go against the bank's rules. Many people transfer money abroad from Thai bank accounts every day.
  16. We is the West, the free world. What you are alluding to is that the West will roll over - it won't. Its clear from your use of the word 'draft' and your comments that Europe is broke that you are from the US - currently just about the most divided nation on earth in terms of political thinking at the moment and its clear which camp you are in. What the West is doing at the moment is allowing Putin to be the aggressor and giving him far too much lattitude out of misguided hope of maintaining some form of peace. That is a mistake in my opinion but the tide will turn, it always has done. It will no doubt cost us but we will wake up in the end. Do you seriously think we went through the tradgedy that was WW2 to simply roll over and allow a different megalomaniac to take over?
  17. I agree, China's only real friend is China. They would drop Putin like a hot potato if it was in their interest.
  18. So you think we'll just let Putin march into Europe? Not a hope in hell. Germany has tried that, twice.
  19. Let me get this right - this bird lives and works in Bangkok so she knows that Nana is a red light area. She then goes on walkabout there and complains when a guy approaches her? My ex used to work at the nearby Marriot Hotel, she was straight in a taxi when she finished work and outta there.
  20. I very much doubt that. However, the europeans are much better organised now than they were in WW2. Don't forget that we have NATO now. Should the Russians set foot on one sqm of a Nato member's soil or attack them in any way, the US would be obliged to re-engage as they are a Nato member. The Russians would never be allowed to 'march into the heart of Europe' - besides, I seem to remember the Russians trying to march into the heart of Kyiv - they didn't get too far did they? The so called military might of Russia has been tested and found to be lacking - its also been somewhat depleted over the last couple of years. Both the US and European countries have only themselves to blame for the current stalemate in Ukraine. We have sent far too little and taken far too long to do it - still no F16's for example. Worrying about escalation has worked against us - Putin should have been hit hard and fast. Why did Vietnam go so wrong? Why couldn't the US, UK and others sort out Afghanistan - same old story, not enough equipment or boots of the ground, trickle fed over the long term - actually costs more in cash and lives in the long run. Far too much restraint shown as well. Never seen the Taliban act with restraint. Why did Hitler march across Europe so easily - Blitzkrieg (lightning war). In addition, in return for the assistance he's received, Zelensky's had to promise not to attack Russian territory - mistake. If a few Russian towns and cities had been bombed, maybe Putin's support would have been under pressure. Yes Putin was making nuclear noises a while back, I doubt that even he's that stupid but if he is, the performance of his conventional weapons hasn't been too good, no reason to believe that his nukes will be any better. He knows though, that the chances of any winners in a full nuclear conflict is extremely slim. What Nato has done by this 'trickle feeding' is create a situation where Ukraine might just lose. If Nato had got involved and helped Ukraine out in 2014 when Putin walked in to Crimea, the current 'special military operation' might not have even started. That little escapade was a test - a test the West failed.
  21. One look at those western girls in the first couple of photos is all I need to know why I come to Thailand.
  22. If they were stupid enough to say so and burn their bridges. When I leave next spring, I'm telling no-one. Mail will be scanned and emailed to me, bank account staying open and I'll visit my doctor on my annual trip home etc. etc. But as I say, there's very little needed to re-establish residence and no time limits.
  23. Sorry to be pedantic but people sometimes skim read (including myself) - just to clarify, leaving the UK for an extended holiday of over 6 months would not preclude a UK national from obtaining free NHS healthcare. They have to have intentionally left and taken up residence elsewhere. As a personal opinion, UK nationals should never be prevented from obtaining free healthcare in the UK, even if they have left. If you're an 'older citizen' you've probably saved the NHS a fortune by leaving in the first place.
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