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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. Always baffled me how Pattaya became so popular. Cities usually spring up from being located on a river which Pattaya hasn't got. There are hundreds of nicer beaches in Thailand too. Pattaya just got lucky (or unlucky) i guess.
  2. 14 is past its sell by date in most Muslim Countries.
  3. I think he pretty much nailed it.
  4. I practice my water sports here in Thailand because it's a lot cheaper since i found a reasonably priced rubber sheet shop.
  5. I'll do a swap for the fat lass i live with if you want.
  6. Wife of the week is normal in Pats. It's moving on to the next wife that's the tricky part. Sometimes violent but always costs money.
  7. I'm sure that's the same dirty bastaard that used to give my mate 10 bob to toss him off in the Rochdale park.
  8. My neighbour falung some rubbish over my fence so i just falung it back.
  9. Still hurting? Try shaving your head.Apparently it works for American ladies.
  10. Most people? You mean your Mum?
  11. You should be ok if you don't ask her for your piles ointment.
  12. Yep,free health care too.Win Win.
  13. Brits don't need protective clothing.That's just for puffs.Brits are rock-ard.
  14. Nice first try but when trolling try and make it a tad believable.
  15. I used to take 10mg of Amitriptyline but soon found out they would knock a rhino out.A third of pill(3mg) gives me a great nights sleep and at 35 baht for 10 has got to be the best value in Thailand.
  16. Bangkok hospital Pattaya are notorious for over-pricing and you have just proved that.
  17. Not when you actually catch them at it. Its the same feeling that you get when fishing all day for nothing then catching a monster.Elation.
  18. Even though you requested one.
  19. Don't worry it won't harm you unless you touch it wrong.I have quite a few in my condo. i believe the correct term for them is "plug socket".
  20. Been breathing with Wim for 2 years now. Helped me too.
  21. Anxiety plus paranoia is an awful disease. How do i know? Because i've got it. I suffer from near enough the exact symptoms you do mate.Lucky to have 2 good days on the trot then something really insignificant occurs and the paranoia starts again. Valium is fantastic but stay well clear unless you have a will of iron and only take one as a last resort. If you live alone it's twice as bad so try to find a nice lady for company.Exercise,swimming and walking is great too. I'm an alki to so having a couple of beers in the evening is not an option for me but might work for you.Good luck.
  22. Not fatties,so they can't be American!
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