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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. you seem to have good knowledge of the lady boy LGBT+ queer scene of Pattaya. A vip customer obviously.
  2. Pattaya is the new sh....hole capital of Asia. Why go to Pattaya just to get scammed, robbed or worse ? The high-class hookers in India are far more gorgeous if one has the ca$h that is 😜
  3. Totally absurd steps as one of the biggest spenders are the retirees who own property in Thailand. The non imm O visa for retirement should be given for at least 4 months, with no further hassles or red tape on the e-visa website, to all western european nationals who own property.
  4. An interestering trend all over Thailand with more and more thai women (the regular ones not the bar hookers) prefer now to date oriental or middle eastern men who usually are younger and more fit, rather then the XXL overweight fat belly 55 ot 65 year old falang.
  5. On the other hand if a bank wants to take the tax at source from an account, how will they know the account holder is not staying more then the 180 days. Assuming that tax will also be take out from any bank account in the name of a foreigner ?
  6. A good option to consider, with regard to all the new tax hassles and the tradition of immigration harassment in Thailand against foreigners. Thailand's golden era has gone.
  7. could be a troll poster, but never forget that there is a "Bob" inside most of us !! if we become foolish (not aiming you Bob!) and start to think booze solves everything, or think that the new 24 year old met in a nice soapy parlour is "different" and "caring"....then it's a one way ticket to frustration or trouble.
  8. Is Mrs Smith Thai ? If so, quit. Is she westerner ? If so, same thing, quit. With all the soapys around, why on the earth would you get married ? Far more fun in life to be single in Thailand or elsewhere, then to be in some costly relationship that generates conflictual frustrations or financial burdens.
  9. Coffee is bad for the liver. Switch to green tea rather if you can in moderation.
  10. If they are in english donate them to the local university !!
  11. I would pack up and leave to any other Asian country or even India where there are some fine beaches in the South. Much more simple also for visas and foreigners are treated better.
  12. How foolish can foreigners get in marrying in Thailand with all the scams and gold diggers around ? When will people ever learn ? Even a one night stand can end up a guilable foreigner getting a spiked drink and waking up with all his belongings stolen, such as the foreign passport that has high value in the underground markets of Thailand, Obviously, one cannot generalize but why take useless risks at old age ? There are enough places to go out for a bit of fun and of course only carry cash you can affort to loose, photos of your id's on the phone and that's it. And of course use condoms with the high ratio of HiV in Thailand. I have often bumped into fine and respectable freelancers in the Thermae Bar of Bangkok, and quite a few openly admitted being engaged or married to a foreigner.
  13. Seriously am considering to quit Thailand and to look around in other countries in Asia or even in one of the many spanish islands like the Canary Islands where cost of living is low, great health care and cheaper premiums and 10 times far less hassles with tax or immigration.
  14. Well why not tax the residents after all, if they continue to stay on, despite the new absurd tax rules ? For those who can, time has come to sell one's property and leave Thailand.
  15. When will they extend the O visa from 3 months to 4 months ? That would be far more popular with the retirees who own property, spend big money as maintenance and managing one's house or condo calls for regular spending.... provided the procedures to file for the visa remain the same as now
  16. Weed and regular consomption booze are bad for the mind. One plainly has to sit in some funky girlie bar in Thailand and listen to the lads talking. You almost feel sorry for the numbness of their minds, totally dried out with regular booze (or weed) consomption. Legal or not is one thing. But the main responsability is individual and a personal choice on how long one wants to enjoy life. Up to you, as they say.... stay safe and healthy. Few glases of wine and some booze here and there once or twice a month when mingling socially definately does not harm. But the chaps who are feeding on beer and malt daily for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner and night cap...what to say ? sad really.
  17. The iPad pros are far better and fun to have then the 2024 MacBook Pro that does not have the touch bar and the design of the 1TB seems a bit thick.
  18. Book a seedy hotel, invite the 2 fine ladies over, have a great moment and then everybody goes back home. Obviously, you don't bring them over to your pool villa or beach view condo.
  19. Typical Thainess of immigration. Rules that change and are made on a regular basis from one office or division to another, all depending on the mood of "God" in uniform behind the glass counter.
  20. The UK sends billions to Ukraine in weapons and money but teats it's own population in such a manner.
  21. The Non Imm O visa should be valid at least for 4 months and not 3 as currently
  22. The O visa should be valid for 4 months stay and not 3 months as currently. No wonder tourist and foreigner stay is dwindling and the money with it. The winter stay retirees are now going to Vietnam, India and other Asean countries that make 100 times less fuss for long stay visas and none of the absurd health insurance fuss.
  23. First they need to start a cheap direct flight from HH to Suvarnabhumi.
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