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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. Llife abroad is not always that better then the US. It's more the life in the US that is going from bad to worse. Trillions are spent by the Biden Top Guns to encourage and run wars abroad but what is done for the homeless, the pensions, the healtcare domestically ? Nothing.
  2. Which foreign investor can get trust when scamming foreigners seems to be a national sport all over Thailand ? It starts with the dishonest taxi drivers at Bangkok Airport, then continues with the dishonest prices in malls or in all the Sukhumvit Shops charging absurd prices for quality stuff that compare to the west. Sometimes a small and insignificant element can influence indirectly large scale trust.
  3. With the tourism drop as prices are increasing all over Bangkok mainly in shops or restaurants, less visitors who will spend. One can have 10 millions tourists from China or Russia who do not spend but that would not help the local economy.
  4. A global issue, that does apply to a large city like Bangkok with many users....far more then a remote area in Isaan where nobody has heard about Line.
  5. With all the foolish people saying all over "ohh it costs more back home"...."ohh the poor people earn so little so it is normal"....etc etc...the standards drop, customers are taken for granted, and one ends up in getting bad service.
  6. Many people in customer relations, services etc.... use the absurd technique to look and treat the customer i a stern manner. Like one may do with a kid to make him/her behave. It's just a manipulation hoping it will push the customer to try become friends, indulge and leave a tip. Do not hesitate to report the bad behaviour of the staff in the restaurant on Google and name and shame such people who should be grateful to have customers and a job. And of course do not go back there and tell your friends and neighbours when the service is bad - should it be in a restaurant or by your condo or house manager or who ever. Customers need to respect staff yes. But it also works the other way round.
  7. Cities in Israel can be quite dirty no doubt. But you seem to forget that there are people holding an Israeli passport, who are arabs and not of jewish confession. You really ignore the realities of that area in your racist ramp. Maybe a bit to much time speng drinking at your sports bar and screming "yo Mate" all over ?
  8. Ukes or Ruskys are the same culturally speaking and in their shrewd practice of warefare. None is better then the other one when it comes to politics or war. Not to forget the highly corrupt government in Ukraine that even the civilian and decent urkrainians wanted out a few days before the war. As for the panama papers scandal ... the 400 millions missing as per reports from US investigative journalists...free to all to choose their side I may say.
  9. India indeed is out to be the next superpower and reliable geopolitical and commercial partner. I only can agree with that. The rest on your comment is up to you, but I'm afraid it may work perhaps in Disneyland but not in the future of reality.
  10. I also saw the changes announced. Also had issues through Line app with unwanted spams and strangers adding me as "friend" since a few months. When I contacted their assistance via the App they gave me a ridiculous answer, hinting it was my fault. Usery may have not read the recent update news on the changments announced shortly. Unfortunately Line is widely used here but I make it a point to ask for an alternative method of free call. Viber is good or even Facebook.
  11. And of course you are ex CIA, ex Navy Seal and why not, ex SAS and GIGN ? sure..
  12. What a coincidence. Same happened to me often. Except that it was usually a drunk beer belly Brit or Aussie...
  13. Always watch your back with the rent-a-week female bar stool "guide". Her jealous ex or current hidden boyfriend/husband can get into rampen rage.
  14. I understand you are brainwashed by the mainstream media but unfortunately more and more people are just fed up with these wars that are always caused either by the USA or by Russia.
  15. Amazing the number of newbies who suddenly appear in the comments to criticize Thailand and Russia. Seems like a busy day for the US propaganda machine back at some obscur black site.
  16. Why ? I do not see a photo with anybody from Israel or the USA ? Israel army shot down a journalist from Al Jazeera network some time back. Israel refused the injunctions of the international criminal court to bring the military chaps guilty to court and it was fully with the support of the US who refused that Israel respond to the crime in at the International Criminal Court. So no better then Russia IMHO.
  17. The future of economic prosperity is anywhere but no longer with the US or Europe. A smart businessman like the actuel Thai PM has perfectly understood that.
  18. Any progress the Red Bull case regarding the alleged manslaughter of a Thai Police officer in a road accident ?
  19. Depending on where one is now born in a western nation, all the green-eco-woke trend, will tell the child that he is a female, make boys dress as girls and make girls dress as boys and force people to use mixed gender public toilets. That's another step of our european and western absurdity, that will lead to a disturbed future civilisation.
  20. Wonderful east european quality tourists with free 90 day tourist visa stay.
  21. Visiting Bangkok can be a health hazard for western tourists more used to good air quality back home. Smokers at higher risk. Better to choose another place for the holiday. Up to you if you don't care.
  22. Europe is already giving a safe haven and a free entry to all the Ukrainian mafia or the muslim potential terrorists threats or the excessive migrants from Africa.
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