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Middle Aged Grouch

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Everything posted by Middle Aged Grouch

  1. Few weeks after the military coup years ago, when there were no more street vendors left to rackt, the cops were pulling over tourists and submitting them to drug scan pee tests on the road. Of course often at the wee hours of the morning one had to pay to "pass". Assuming one does not want to believe the OP, keep in mind that crooks often pose as cops to distract you while another thief is trying to do your pockets or your backpack. I would not brush away the incident and be a patsy when it comes to scams or corrupt cops in Bangkok.
  2. Make further incentives to encourage falang 70 year olds to settle in Thai villages of the North or Isaan. The birth rate will rocket.
  3. The main thing to understand is that rules and laws change on the mood and overnight. Not worth taking the risk any any large investment or to long stay. Better start to consider Vietnam, Philippines. India, Malaysia, Cambodia etc to retire....
  4. Definately not the time to go to Thailand during Oct and Nov with the current changes of climate that are confusing all the seasons for this year. I would postpone any trip to Thailand till December at least. At your own risk....
  5. Many many happy westerners live in the southern beach states like Goa or Kerala and farangs are better treated there then in Thailand many say...for "heaven's or hell's sake"....????
  6. As long as many attempt to claim there is no corruption and the system does not straightforwardly sack the corrupt (and no more transfers to "inactive" posts), the party will continue.
  7. They call it LoS because they smile when they are able to cheat the naive farang.
  8. All depends on which branch. People have opened bank accounts just on visa exempt in Phuket and on showing just the passport.
  9. Why all the bother ? Just start looking to move to Vietnam or Cambodia or Malaysia, the Philippines, or even India...
  10. Bad quality is not always in fakes. Many local retailers sell non branded goods, at high prices, that end up to just be crap. Mainly the furniture stores.
  11. Thai roads are amongst the worst and most dangerous in the world but still patsy and naive tourists rent bikes and cars....at their risk.
  12. New era ? So the Police will stop the racket and try to extort to take money fine foreigners on every road block all over Hua Hin or Bangkok on any excuse ? Let's see
  13. Yes I understand what you mean, but the rent I was referring to where they were charged for stay and separare bill for electric and cleaner was a hotel style rent scheme of pool villas in Hua Hin. Imagine you going in any hotel in Thailand and they charge you separate...it would lead to an uproar all over social media and give bad publicity one the visitor is back home.
  14. It could work and be popular provided the flights are reliable, friendly service on domestic flights and mainly very friendly prices. If not, no chance. Not to forget that more and more tourists are environmental conscious and are asking for fast high speed direct rail connections from Bangkok city that connect directly to the Airport, to Hua Hin and Chang Mai with direct connections at reasonnable rates. This may happen...in 50 or 100 years who knows...
  15. April to november are the best despite the rain. Prices are a whole lot cheaper, everything goes on discount rates, services are highly more available, better service and attention everywhere and the place is not over crowded with tourists or expats.
  16. In Thailand never buy. Always rent. And even renting can end up as a nightmare with sudden costs that can surge. I knew a family who rented a pool villa in Hua Hin. They were charged for the rent, separate bill for electricity and another one for getting the house cleaned at their departure.
  17. Well they lured, woed and asked for these "quality" chinese tourists so well now handle it...I would put back visa requirements for chinese tourists and not nore then 20 days per trip for the tourists. They spend nothing with local business and only shop, dine and wash their laundry in Chinese owned establishments. Nothing much to gain for the thai's.
  18. Well if you look at the mess today in NYC, USA with the floods and, no need to give out here on Thailand. Not to mention the south of France, Greece or Italy that were prone this season to intense, sudden heavy rain and floods. And poor Greece is suffering the issue again due to the El Nino et other natural climate whinges that drop over now and then.
  19. His staff should send out a memo draft to all banks, immigration every govt office, saying that any foreigner who has a blue book, has purchased property in Thailand must not be harassed and stop asking for absurd residence certificate or proof or residency. Any Tom Dick and Harry in a brown uniform or bank clerk or DLT office clerk invents his or her own rules depending on the mood of the day when dealing with a foreigner. This has to Stop now please. ????
  20. If he gives out on all the obvious that everybody knows, it's the other party who will sue him on defamation. ????
  21. I rarely allow strangers to sit and chat at my table. You wanna chat ? Sure but keep your distance, your table and your tab. Especially when it's a farang who are often the biggest cheats in Thailand.
  22. The biggest cheats are the credit-debit card goons of the banks abroad, who scam the naive customers who think credit cards are the solution. Cash ont the other hand is risky to carry, fully agree, but remains the best and cheapest option if you want to avoid those hateful commissions. Not to menton the risks of getting your card skimmed in Thailand...
  23. For the retirement visa the lucky ones making 80k a year in pension (mainly those from Europe and Switzerland etc) do not need to have any further investments. The health care is top level in France, Switzerland and few other european countries for all it's residents no matter how much they earn. They are the quality retirees Thailand wants to woe with this scheme.
  24. Are you jealous because they have more cash to spend on hookers then you wished you could ?
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