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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. If a person attacks an enemy soldier, then the solder can defend himself . Age doesn't come into it . Are you saying that Israel soldiers should ask stone throwers age before they retaliate ? "Excuse me, could you all tell me how old you all are as I need to shot back" "You in the pink shirt, are you over 18 ?"
  2. Palestinians who attack Israelis are each others enemies . Two groups throwing things at each other in a war like situation are enemies of each other .
  3. Could you clarify what you are saying ? You seem to be saying that Palestinians attacking Israeli soldiers are not the enemy of the Israeli soldiers . Palestinians attacking Israel are both on the same side ? Israelis and Palestinians fighting each other are not enemies ? Could you clarify your opinion , as it doesn't seem to make any sense at all
  4. It isn't no, its not a war crime , if an enemy is launching projectiles at you or your territory , you are allowed to respond and launch things back to them . Should Israeli soldiers thrown stones back ?
  5. You have changed your mind again First you claimed that Israel were the Nazis , then you changed your mind and claimed that there were just some Nazis in Israel and now you have gone back to Israel being the Nazis again You change your mind so much that you could actually have a debate about the situation on your own ????
  6. Could be that there need to be a huge investigation about Jimmy Saville and all those involved and those who knew and participated and also an investigation into Epstein and Maxwell and Prince Andrew and the island and people from the media who were involved . Instead of investigating and reporting the media frequently focuses on one "small" person to take the spotlight away from the bigger issue
  7. You have made numerous anti sematic comments and at first you denied making them and when I reposted them again and you couldn't deny what you said , you are trying to change the subject by asking me a question and then you will look online to find a group of Neo Nazis in Israel and then say "Look , I was right, there are Nazis in Israel" I do not want to have a discussion about the difference between Nazis in WW2 Germany and Israel in 2023 , that is beginners entry level discussion
  8. If a person claims that Israel are the Nazis (as you did ) , then they have no idea about the situation and debating with them would be pointless . They saw Nazis with guns in WW2 , saw Israelis with guns in 2023 and thought to themselves "Ere, they are the same". You will have to find someone else also at beginners level to have a debate with
  9. It is quite clear what you said and meant .
  10. You are being dishonest , its quite clear what you said and meant , you could at least be honest and truthful
  11. You didn't say that there are Nazis in Israel , you stated that Israel are the Nazis . You didn't say that some Israelis are Nazis , you claimed that Israel are the Nazis
  12. You wont be doing that when you are stoned either
  13. That is an anti Semitic remark . Stating that Israel are Nazis is officially regarded as being anti sematic . You are guilty of being an Anti Semite ,( its in the rule book and not a personal opinion )
  14. Why have you presumed that I have neve touched coffee or cola (or alcohol or cannabis for that matter?)
  15. He could then stop smoking cannabis and then go onto something else , like diazepam or benzos or something ?
  16. I don't think that it has no . There are Israel supporters , There are Israel haters There are people who have no interest in Israel I doubt whether any of the above groups will change their opinion because of settlements in the West bank
  17. He was claiming sobriety, buts he's just changing one drug for another . Title should be "I am changing my drug dependency from alcohol to cannabis*
  18. If its all about helping Thai people who have to make a living , why not spend your money going to street food kiosk , buying 50 Pad Thai take-aways and then go and give that food to the poor hungry people living on the streets ?
  19. You were doing really well right up till the last sentence where you stated you were going to take drugs instead of drinking alcohol
  20. The money from the USA goes to the Israeli military and the money is used to spend to defend Israel from being attacked by its neighbours . If the rest of the World signed peace treaties with Israel and accepted Israel's right to exist and normalised relations , then Israel wouldn't need to have such a high aid income from the USA . Supporting the Palestinian cause is the reason why the USA needs to give financial aid to Israel . If you people would stop attacking Israel, then they wouldn't need military financial aid
  21. Its not easy at all, its actually impossible , you cannot convict a dead person because a dead person cannot stand trial
  22. It may be an idea to delete your post as it could well be against forum rules
  23. I will ask you then, why are you so supportive of the Palestinians and not any other group in a similar situation . What other groups are you supportive of ? I strongly support the Shan people and their quest for a homeland in Myanmar , who else do you support ?
  24. Chinese are not a race of people , so it doesn't make any sense to suggest its racism , what is the correct terminology for someone who hates China/Chinese ?
  25. If a person hates Chinese people and China , he would probably be called an *Anti-Sino* or something, rather than a racist
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