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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Move to somewhere where it doesn't rain ?
  2. Russel Brand isn't in the slightest bit funny at all , he is mouthy, self obsessed , always talking about himself , seems to be heavily into alcohol and drugs and seems to be obsessed about sex and seems to like telling other people about his knob . Sounds like hes training to be a Pattaya bar owner and I wouldnt be surprised if he ends up living in Thailand
  3. Western Union fees for a transfer on Saturday (All done online bank account to bank account , using a kiosk either end will mean more charges ) Transfer Amount 250.00 GBP Transfer Fees + 1.90 GBP Total 251.90 GBP Exchange Rate* 1 GBP = 44.0851214 THB Total to Receiver 11,021.28 THB
  4. Did you receive Pounds in Thailand ?
  5. Look, you are just continuing to make wild untrue accusations which you refuse to back up with anything factual (because you cannot , because they aren't true) You have made numerous anti Semitic posts and you become abusive and defensive they they are pointed out and deny them . Do not be concerned about Israelis and Jews the World over reading this , because its only me and you here ???? Posters online : Nick Carter icp MrMojoRisin
  6. I do see what you did there "You guys" , you have used that phrase to describe people whom are Israel supporters or people whom you think are Jewish , "You guys". You are telling posters who you think are Jewish to stop behaving like Nazis . I do believe that that is regarded as Anti Semitism because Ken Livingstone got kicked out the Labour party for telling a Jewish man to stop pushing and behaving like Nazi concertation camp guard and for that they kicked him out the Labour party for anti Semitism . You don't seem to even realise when you make Anti Semitic remarks .
  7. The actual link says "Former" "In August 2002 former Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Aloni........................ " You omitted the "former" bit , which is quite important when claiming what Israel's says , because former ministers do not speak on behalf of Israel , like current ministers do
  8. That just says the same thing that you did , it makes the same claim that Israel makes false claims on Anti Semitism . You still haven't provided an example of when Israel has done this , someone else making the same claim doesn't make the claim legitimate . Can you provide a link to a story when Israel made a false claim of anti Semitism ?
  9. Can you please just answer my question ? Give me an example of when Israel has wrongly claimed Anti Semitism in defence of its actions . Or is this yet another claim that you cannot back up ?
  10. Look, if you cannot write things and explain using your own words, then stop making accusations which you cannot back up . If you cannot state the "free passes" that Jews get , then stop making the claim .
  11. Please provide some examples and I will happily read the links this time When has Israel made false claims of anti Semitism ?
  12. You have provided a link to a book or a 4220 word essay published 20 years ago and you expect me to read it and reply to the points raised in the book . I will not be doing that . You are asking me to write a book myself commenting on the book your provided The link is called "No its not anti semiotic" , going by the title of the book, I doubt it backs up your claim that Jews have had a free pass . Could you just tell me that the free pass is that Jews have got ? Giving me a book to read is a cop out and it doesn't even seem to back up your claim's, going by the book title
  13. Well of course not , Non Jews cannot state people who oppose them are anti Semitic !!!!!!!! What a simplistic question . Are you really asking whether Chinese can make claims of Anti Semitism if someone questions their treatment of Uigars ?
  14. Not at all I was pointing out that your accusation that Jews have got a free pass to oppress Palestinians is incorrect , because its quite common the World over for one group to oppress others, which means Jews haven't been given a free pass to do it
  15. I want to hear what you have to say , rather than you just firing links at me and just telling me to read what others have said You made a claim and I asked you to back that claim up
  16. There are numerous groups of people the World who get treated way worse than the Palestinians . Jews have faced persecution in numerous Countries , there is nothing special about Israels treatment of Palestinian's , others get treated much worse . Israeli historians can make any claim they like and others can also make any claim they like . Its not just Jews who get a free pass to make claims about history , that free pass is available to one and all
  17. You can do better than that . Just posting a random link without saying anything yourself. You do seem to have a habit of repeating what other people say without commenting yourself
  18. Is there any reason why you will not answer my question ? I have asked you numerous times to state what are the free passes that Jews have got since WW 2 ? Do they get free travel cards or something ? My friend is a Jew who naturally loves free things and I want to get him that free pass that you/I/we keep going on about A free pass for what ?
  19. Where have you been living in that time ?
  20. Don't tell me that the Hindus have got their own Western Wall !!!!!!!!
  21. Then Mohammed came along and formed a new Religion and built a Temple right on top of the Jews Temple and it all kicked off after that
  22. It was the Romans who caused much of the problems .
  23. I was a regular at the Mad Dog for breakfast a few years ago so I have no need to read about what the staff were like . They used to just take my order and serve my food and that is all that is required . There was often some unshaven unshowered drunken leery guys getting a beer in the morning with last nights tart on one arm and a cigrette in the other making the place look untidy , she may have been unfriendly them
  24. If you've never been a landlord in the UK , then you won't know how many tenants apply to live in a property without being able to afford it or have any idea how they intend to pay the rent money or how many tenants aren't truthful about their income or they don't realise the other costs like council tax and utilities and if they dont pay their rent money, it can take years to evict them and cost thousands
  25. So, what is that "free pass" that you claim Jews had had since 1945 ? You made an anti Semitic statement suggesting Jews have had a free pass since the Holocaust . Can you explain what you meant ?
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