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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. He did compare the Holocaust to the current Palestinians plight That is comparing the Nazis to the Israelis (Nazis were responsible for the Holocaust and Israel is responsible for the current Palestinian plight . That is a comparison between Nazis and Israel and that is the very definition of Anti Semitism The working definition of antisemitism Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definitions-charters/working-definition-antisemitism
  2. I was making a point that he seems just to care about the Palestinians and he's not concerned about people being oppressed overall and he just supports the Palestinians because they are fighting against Je , I mean Israel
  3. I do seem to recall that he replied to a Jewish poster saying *You people* and he replied to me with *You guys* But I would rather not talk about other peoples Religion or talk about what other people have said , so I would like to drop the subject . The thread is about what Abbas said, rather than what mojo said and I cannot be bothered to scroll back through all the thread looking for the quotes, feel free to do so if you want to though
  4. You are trying to claim that you were showing support or concern for the Uyghurs in this post !!!!! You were doing nothing of the sort . You were using the Uyghurs plight to exaggerate the Palestinians plight and also trying to normalise the Holocaust by comparing all three
  5. He mentioned the Uigars to compare their situation to the Holocaust . His claim is that the Uigars persecution , the Palestinians situation and the Holocaust are all comparable . He wasn't showing concern for the Uigars , he just used them to normalise the Holocaust by comparing the 3 situations
  6. The threads do not exist or the threads that do exist get very little traffic, seems people are not interested in the Rohingya or the Uigars or the Kurds or the Marsh Arabs or the 5000 other groups of people in a similar situation to the Palestinians . Posters take no interest in atrocities occurring in China , Myanmar, Yemen and various other places , but they all take an interest in threads when Israel is involved
  7. I asked Mojorasin to provide links to the threads where he has condemned other Countries for their behaviour , like the Chinese treatment of the Uigars , the Burmese treatment of the Rohingya and the atrocities by Saudi in Yemen (Threads about the subject rather than single posts in threads) I am still waiting for him to provide those links to those threads . I am also waiting for him to state what Jews get with their "free pass" as he claims they get I am also waiting for him to provide links where Israel has unfairly accused people of anti Semitism after they criticised Israel .
  8. Yes, Mojorasin used the term "You guys" when replying to a Jewish poster and he also used the term "You guys" as a collective term for people who support Israel and also used the term Nazi in the sentence . *You guys (Jews) need to stop behaving like Nazis* Is what he meant
  9. Holocaust denies can make the claim and deny the Holocaust and other people can refute that claim . I was replying to the claim that some (Israeli) Historians were wrong about some on the things they claim , some people say Palestinians voluntary fled their homes during the 1948 war , some say they were forced to leave
  10. I am fully aware that not all Jews are Israeli and I expect I have stated that myself somewhere . Also, I was not saying that any criticism of Israel is anti Semitic , and just like every other Country in the World , you can be critical of Israel . I was asking why some people are only critical of Israel and turn a blind eye to other Countries behaviour . People who are fully supportive of the Palestinian cause but take no interest in the genocide of the Rohingya in Myanmar or the atrocities occurring in Yemen . Wonder why they just support the Palestinians ?
  11. I wasn't mind reading at all , no .
  12. Way too much info there already ,
  13. There have been people prosecuted for making false allegations , one Woman got an 8 year jail sentence for making false allegations Eleanor Williams jailed over false rape claims https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-64950862
  14. There are many people who get held in jail for months/years after being accused and held on remand in jails , they spend years in jail awaiting their Court case and they get found not guilty
  15. No, Russel is being investigated for sexual offences and the evidence is quite damming , he's practically admitting raping a woman in an E-mail to her when he apologised
  16. I thought that we were using "Admin" as code , because we are not allowed to mentioning Moderators on here ?
  17. Then again , had social media been around 30 years ago, Jimmy Saville wouldn't have gotton away with his crimes
  18. Yes, guys who pay girls to be with them are indeed desperate , but guys who cannot afford to pay for girls drinks are both desperate and skint
  19. There are many people that don't fit into any of those categories and not get involved with prostitution and who are not lonely though .
  20. It depends on how much money you have . If you have lots of money then you can buy drinks all night and pay whatever they ask for . If you're on a tight budget then you can only get one drink and try and get the girl to lower their price . I would take a long hard look at my lifes choices if I was in a Pattaya bar getting just one drink and trying to get sex on the cheap , it sounds like a desperately sad and lonely existence
  21. I couldn't think of anything worse than sitting in a bar in Pattaya and buying girls drinks so they will sit next to me and spend the evening listening to their lies .
  22. You cycle past massage parlours and ring your bicycle bell to let the masseurs know that you are sexually aroused ? Is that what you are saying ?
  23. He can get a few more honks of his horn in when he's aimlessly cycling around town .
  24. Does you internet service provider charge you by the letter ? Do you have to pay for every letter you type ?
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