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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Palestinians are using Children to get shot and die for positive publicity for themselves are you are supportive of those actions , please do not try and take the moral high ground
  2. People attacking military defences are liable to getting shot . If you go up to any military installation in the World and attack the soldiers , its quite likely they will defend their position with arms provided for them . Soldiers are there to defend their borders and any invaders will get shot
  3. Will you please provide links you your claims Four times I have asked you now
  4. That isn't any proof at all . So let me get this straight , you are claiming that Jews started World War 2 by declaring war on Germany , Jews then colluded with the Germans in the final solution for Jews , Jews collaborated with the Nazis in France to catch resistance fighters and Jews didn't get prosecuted for war crimes because................................Jewish Courts gave then a not guilty verdict . Basically, everything is the fault of the Jews and Germans are the victims in all of this .
  5. Please provide proof of your claims
  6. Yes, I know that , I posted what was reported in the media . She sent him an E-mail stating as such and he replied apologising for behaving that way
  7. That is what has been reported by one of the accusers , those are the allegations
  8. No, You made the claim that French Jews colluded with the Nazis in France during WW2 to persecute German and Polish refugees . Now, can you provide a link to back up that claim ?
  9. Can you provide a link to back up your claims ?
  10. So Jews were no persecuted for practising Judaism, they were persecuted because they were Jews ? You are just trying to make excuses . Neo Nazis state that Zionists worked together with the Nazis to make it appear that Zionists participated in the persecution of Jews , but it was the Zionists who tried to get Jews out of Germany
  11. It was your "facts" which suggested that Jews were living happily and contentedly in pre WW2 Nazi Germany with nothing untoward going on and for no reason at all, all the Jews moved to Palestine and World Jews declared war on poor little innocent Nazi Germany . Like, making the suggestion that it was Jews who caused WW2 and also the Holocaust which led to the claims that you were a revisionist . You added some more real "facts" to make the claim that your previous unactual "facts" were actual facts
  12. The Nazis began their boycotting of Jewish owned shops and businesses in 1933 . Jews were removed from public office and the civil service, Jewish Lawyers and Teacher were all sacked . There WAS Religious persecution of Jews in Germany at that time
  13. Who was it who said that ? Was it Oscar Wilde in 1935 ? I've seen a plaque with that quote on it in so many bars
  14. Judea declaring war on Germany isn't a fact . It was propaganda used by the Nazis to justify their treatment of Jews .
  15. Who actually made those comments ?
  16. Yes, Hitler wanted the Jews out of Germany , Zionists made the suggestion that Hitler could send German Jews to Palestine . Both Hitler and Zionists wanted to get the Jews out of Germany , and they did work together to achieve this . Hitler wanted the Jews gone/dead , Zionists wanted to keep the Jews alive
  17. What does the film contain ? World Jews took measures to boycott Hitlers Nazi Germany when Hitler came to power and after his book Mein Kampf was released and World Jews got rather concerned about his final solution for them
  18. Found something from Wiki , its a theory which is popular with Neo Nazis and Holocaust deniers The claim that there was a Jewish war against Nazi Germany is an antisemitic conspiracy theory promoted in Nazi propaganda which asserts that the Jews, framed within the theory as a single historical actor, started World War II and sought the destruction of Germany. Alleging that war was declared in 1939 by Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, Nazis used this false notion to justify the persecution of Jews under German control on the grounds that the Holocaust was justified self-defense. Since the end of World War II, the conspiracy theory has been popular among neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers.[1][2][3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_war_conspiracy_theory
  19. What about those people who state correctly that Hamas fire rockets into Israel from Schools in Gaza , so that when Israel fires back at the location where the missiles were launched from , the school gets hit , are they racist as well ?
  20. The Havaara agreement ended when Germany invaded Poland and Hitler though of a "better " idea of how the solve Germanys Jewish "problem" He opened up Auschwitz to deal with the problem
  21. Its not just kids throwing rocks at people , its thousands of people (including kids) all attacking a border fence trying to breach the security fence and to attack the people on the other side of the fence . "The kids" were attempting to invade another Country .
  22. Really unpleasant what he did to Manuel from Fawlty Towers Left numerous messages on his answer phone stating that he'd had sex with Manuels grand daughter and then played those messages on National radio . It was like " Hi Your Granddaughter was well horny when she stayed around my house last week ha ha ah aha "
  23. Didn't Brand rape then without a condom ?
  24. Tens years ago the Pound Baht exchange rate was 45 Baht to the Pound , same as it is today , last time it went to 70 was 15 years ago
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