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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. In 7/11's , customers do not often have more than a few items , so theres no need to let a person with 1 item in front , (if the other person has a few items) Supermarkets often have tills for people with a few items , so people with trolleys go to one till and people with baskets go to another till. Theres not much opportunity to let customers ahead of you if they just have one item
  2. Could you go back to the first shop and let them know that their photos are not acceptable because they are photo shopped , explain that they were not accepted . They would probably change their process to developing photos that are acceptable . That would be helpful to all concerned in the future
  3. It started with a kiss , I never thought that it would come to this .
  4. It would have to register at the till as being sold . Scan the item and receive payment and then the item has been sold , it would mess up their stock records if the item wasn't scanned and their till records would show the new taken item as being in stock and the bin bags as not being in stock
  5. He wanted to put the bin bags back and take something else off the shelf without paying for the second item , that would have been theft, because he didn't pay for the second item . You cannot pay for things with bin bags , you cannot barter
  6. As I said in the post that you replied to, I would like to hear her side of the story first , but even saying that , hearing just his side of the story , he does seem to be making a big fuss about nothing and of course he cannot just put an item back and take another item, that would be theft . He was asking the cashier whether he could steal something and I can understand her getting annoyed
  7. I would like to hear her side of the story
  8. Well it either is or it isn't . If you think something, you may be wrong . Is his theory respected by most people in the field of psychology or not ?
  9. I read that and I thought that he was an idiot , like a hippy smoking weed and speaking nonsense . You cannot subconsciously do things , you either mean to do them or you don't mean to do them . He speaks like he was off his nut on chemicals
  10. The concrete stairs in the photo are not actually the new escalators, I think that was a joke . Escalators are being replaced by a safer modern version escalator, but its not the stairs in the photo
  11. Maybe thats what he done and the 7/11 gave him some bin bags as a replacement and he took those back as well ?
  12. They will only behave that way because you are a felang and they wouldn't do it if you were Thai *sarcasm*
  13. I go to Thailand because I like it the way it is , I don't go to Thailand to try and make it the same as my own Country
  14. It wasn't , those were installed in Austria in the 1980's
  15. The recent accidents have been because many people now carry luggage that have wheels on the bottom of the luggage and these wheels get stuck in the escalator and causes accidents The new escalators are designed to the wheel doesn't get stuck , so, nothing to do with maintenance
  16. What is the maintenance record of those escalators ? How often do the manufactures recommend maintenance and how often is maintenance carried out ? Do your claims have any basis in facts ?
  17. Did you read the text ? The new escalators are safer , nothing to do with any maintenance issues . There has been some accidents recently with escalators and they have changed the design to make them safer
  18. I don't go to Thailand to try to change things or change the Thai way of doing things . In another thread there are Westerners complaining about foreigners going to their Country and not doing things their way and acting like they do back at their home Country
  19. They are normal concrete stairs , its not an escalator
  20. I haven't changed my stance at all and I don't do that regularly, you are making that up . As for your question , it was very easy for under 50's to stay long term in Thailand without working or being married , I did that for ten years , although its gotton a bit more difficult recently . Thais cannot just fly to the UK without a visa , like Brits can just fly to Thailand without a visa
  21. Are you a serial "I want to speak to the manager" complainer ? I find it really unpleasant when a customer behaves like that "Im going to speak to your manager, make a complaint, you're going to lose you job" "I'm videoing this" blah blah blah Westerners should leave that kind of attitude back home and not bring it to Thailand
  22. You stated that I have a life time habit of moving the goalposts when talking . That is rude, untrue and argumentative . I didn't even move the goalpost at all . Its easier for retired people to retire and live in Thailand and its easier for non retired people to stay for a long time in Thailand "Live" was in reference to retired people "Stay for a while:" was in refence to non retired people and I was answering your question . You are rude and impolite
  23. No need to be unpleasant , as I don't want to speak in that kind of tone, I shall not reply to your point . I dont need an argument on a Sunday morning, thanks all the same
  24. Its much easier on all levels for Westerners to go to Thailand, than it is for Thais to go to the West . Thai retirees cannot get retirement visas in the West and younger Thais cannot just fly to the West and stay for a while , like we can go to Thailand
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