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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. I don't know, I don't even know how much I weigh , let alone knowing how much Trump weighs , I also use Kilos or Stone and not Pounds and I have no idea what a Pound in weight is
  2. I am an old fashioned male and we don't discuss other men's weight and I take no interest in what other people weigh , maybe you could ask on mumsnet ? That's kind of woman's gossip territory .
  3. You'll be walking around kissing Female Police officers on the lips next and wonder why you're being arrested , giving the girls in check-in at airports a kiss on the lips for checking your luggage in ?
  4. It was in a professional working environment and in public view. If they want to kiss each other , they should do it in the changing room in private
  5. The guy in question ? He bought a run down hotel and completely renovated in to a high standard , had a nice restaurant and bar downstairs and also a tattoo studio . Guys who do that don't need to get a job and so can get face tattoos
  6. You haven't asked me a question , so I cannot answer yes or no because I haven't been asked anything .
  7. Even if she did consent, it was still inappropriate behaviour by him , he also grabbed his crotch and squeezed in in full public view when the final whistle went and in full view of a 16 year old girl . Squeezing your knob and kissing girls on the lips isn't the kind of behaviour expected from heads of football association
  8. Isn't it against some kind of rules to falsely slander a person and call them a "criminal" ?
  9. It is quite often the mans fault . They get married and then continue going to bars and having extramarital affairs and participating in that sort of thing regularly . Their Wife is usually a lot younger than them and there's very little common interest . The woman gets bored of her life and her husband , annoyed by his infidelity and then decides to leave the relationship . Its not a scam from the girls , its the guys who treat their Wife let she's a pet at home . Guys often are going on about about how often they are unfaithful and how many girls they have sex with or they are wondering why their wife left them .
  10. An indictment is a formal accusation . What was the result of that accusation ? When is the Court case due to be heard to see the outcome of that indictment ?
  11. That isn't correct , NATO Countries are not vassal states of the USA
  12. Actually, I recall seeing his photo on his open Facebook profile and he also has photos of his house and restaurant and the address given , which may not have been the best idea if he was wanted in Germany on serious charges . Should of kept his photo and whereabouts off social media
  13. What are the Court charges for the Capitol hill protest ? Trump wasn't personally at the protest, but has he been charged with anything connected to the protest ? What are the charges, if any ?
  14. Well, apart from Trump didn't even consider imposing martial law and he didn't even attempt to impose it , but yeah, its was the brave Americans who stopped it ????
  15. Well, there was no martial law , there was no insurrection and Biden did become President .
  16. It would indeed be appalling for the USA if the USA began to act like Russia/Putin and stopped any opposition to their leadership by using the law to stop opposition from contending the leadership and also shooting down airplanes. Would be terrible for the USA if Trump did that , used the laws to quell any opposition
  17. That may be for other people , I was just asking a poster to stop referring to Trump as being my personal leader and to stop referring to myself a as a Trump cultist . Yes, Trump may be other peoples leader and other people may be Trump cultists , I simply asked him to stop referring to Trump as "Your Dear Leader" , not too much to ask, is it ?
  18. Could we stick to the subject and not begin to have digs at each other ?
  19. You were too late . Trump already has the merchandise on sale from his outlets "For Donald Trump, millions of dollars in fund-raising, no doubt. It will be a badge of honour, a 'meme-tastic' icon to be emblazoned on campaign T-shirts and merchandise. Within an hour of its release, $34 (£27) T-shirts were already being advertised online with the image and slogan: "Never Surrender" https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/trump-hopes-prison-trip-boosts-support-but-fulton-county-jail-might-be-a-glimpse-of-how-grim-life-could-be/ar-AA1fKIuA?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=25f6dc33e704454497b48af5cd394119&ei=9
  20. Are you referring to this dialogue ? Which is different to the dialogue you posted "At one point on the call, Trump told Raffensperger, "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779-vote margin of defeat] we have, because we won the state."
  21. Please, could you stop all this "dear leader" and "cultist" nonsense ? I really really hope that you aren't a juror on the jury if I ever go to Court . *Hes been charged with lots of things , that's it ,hes guilty as charged* . (P.S, anymore of the "dear leader" "cultist" nonsense, I and will ignore your post and not reply, OK ?)
  22. I really have no idea about Putins opinion on NATO , I am not avoiding answering the question, its just that I don't have hardly any knowledge on that subject . My only point is that the USA doesn't have the ability to disband NATO and what Putin thinks about anything is irrelevant to my point
  23. Put Trump to one side for the moment . Accusations and indictments are the allegation that a person has committed a crime , that person then goes to a Court and a Judge/Jury whether finds that person to be guilty or not . If that person is found to be guilty, then he receives a punishment , if he's found to be not guilty, then he's free to leave Court and all charges are dropped . So you have to wait for the Judges verdict , although I suppose you are free to say a person is guilty if you want , even though they haven't been convicted, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously
  24. I do understand that the USA is the backbone on NATO . I said that if the USA left NATO then the other 27 odd Countries would need to take measures to compensate the USAs departure . Please ask Putin about his opinion, as I cannot speak on his behalf . I am merely pointing out that the USA doesn't have the ability to disband NATO , not sure how that equates to being "caught up in the Trump cult"
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