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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Someone else beat me to laughing at that comment. Delusional response to reality - woke liberal mind disease is what Elon Musk calls it - and it is recognised for what it is more and more. Those who are woke libs will of course deflect and insult, but they never actually give a rational response to the issue at hand. The reason they dont is because they cant - there is no rational response about most of what they do.
  2. True. And it will also cause a lot of Expats in all walks of life to decide to leave Thailand at the first opportunity.
  3. Somchai's authority does not extend to such things. Somchai's authority extends to assessing and deciding upon tax returns lodged in his Office and assigned to him for review - not sending an Expat to jail.
  4. The standard answer form the woke libs about someone who criticises the Dems and what they did and are doing.
  5. WTF wa that?? Hates Expats ??? Better just ignore it I think.
  6. Too little - too late - Zelensky is Goneski. That is what happens when you align yourself with the Democrats and help remove Trump from Office. Zelensky and all his Dem (and RINO) enablers are going to regret bigtime what they did. Payback is coming. I am remined of a line in that that great western movie "Tell him I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me".
  7. That is what happens to such facilities when the western Expats are not longer spending time and money there. We lived in Chiang Mai for several years and that Mall was just around the corner and we frequented it a lot. A Thai friend of ours in Aust has family in the Province and visits the City every visit (2-3 times a year) and she says it has been slowly dying since 2016/17, but this year it was worse than ever before. Increased smoke pollution for 3-4 months (worse ever this year) and an exodus of Expats has been the main cause of the downfall of Chiang Mai - there will never be enough 5-10 day Chinese tourists visiting to make up for that loss. IMO the same thing, but to a lesser extent is happening in many parts of Thailand where Expats mainly lived - the Expats are exiting and a general decline in the living standards and services in Thailand is only adding to the problems - Hua Hin is another place that was booming with Expats (especially Koreans) in the 2010s, but is now very much in decline in regards to Expats living there.
  8. Lies. Trump's team has questioned the second debate because the Dems have not yet officially changed their candidate and cannot until the DNC in Chicago. Likewise, Trump's team want the ABC replaced and more 'independence' on the chosen adjudicators. The last CNN debate was a softball exercise managed by the 'independent adjudicators' clearly in Biden's favour - and yet he still clearly lost.
  9. Yup, the leftist climate change fascism and associated scams and boondoggles are rejected. The science on all that isn't as settled as the fake news claims, BTW. Trump has said he's for a clean environment. But it's time for a return to common sense and an end to the rule of Greta Thunberg. It always amazes me how lefties will quote something spoken by the media or Dems that they agree with, as absolute fact. "the urgent need for environmental sustainability." In the view of many scientists there is no climate emergency - it is all a massive over-reaction leading to enforced draconian measures of control that are causing massive economic and social and personal harm. Clearly people have failed to learn the lessons of the Covid disaster - thosde in power have merely replaced a problem that with the next 'problem' - and are exploting that to their advantage (as they always do). There is an old saying - 'beware of the cure being worse than the disease'. Those words of wisdom are being ignored on the alter of academic ignorance and vested interests. If a scientist cannot get funding to run a research program to prove that increasing temperatures are small, and that what is happening is not mainly due to human causes, then it is obvious that there is a narrative that is being protected at all costs (also reminds me of Covid). This guy below is one of the many scientists and experts who are currently stating their opposition to this current narrative being exploited by those with power and wealth, and results in delusional activists who want to 'shut down oil'. How to talk sense about climate change (linkedin.com)
  10. Excellent list of truths and facts - bound to hurt the feelings of woke leftists. Particularly on point regarding abortions and the lies of the Dems and their MSM supporters. SCOTUS over-turned a ruling that made abortions a Federal issue, which under the Constitution was wrong. Under the USA Constitution halth care is a State issue - and SCOTUS returned that right to the States to decide on all health issues, including Abortion. So now it is legal in some States, it is illegal in some States, and it is restricted in most States. Abortion is a health care issue and under the Constitution it is a State issue not to be interefred with by the Federal Govt. Dems changed that situation for political reasons in breach of the Constitution - the Republicans put it back where it should be - the Democrats dont care about the Constitution unless it supports their own political purposes.
  11. Anutin could be the next PM if Srettha is sacked by the Court. Anutin is letting 'them' know that is what he would do - it is a compromise for their support. It is also now his Party's position - and as the senior Partner in the coalition Government, then he is also telling them what his Party would accept and support going forward. Simple politics 101.
  12. Dependson where you live, but if you hire a Thai PI I have heard they can be less than 'honest' and can even tell the other Party and get them to pay them as well (to lie about their infidelity). There are no licences or controls in Thailand - they dont have a licence to lose or fines/jail hanging over their heads if they do the wrong thing. IMO go and see an Expat Lawyer and ask them to nominate a PI - about as good as you are going to get IMO. If you are in the boondocks then I dont see that as being a viable option - maybe learn how to track/copy a phone and do that when they are in the shower? If it not a person living with you, then you should ask the Lawyer for advice and a recommendation.
  13. Agreed. And IMO it is best to block/ignore trolls. Just saying.
  14. End of story - well said. This is reality and it is why I hope Thailand does not fall for the 'Nanny State' mentality and try to stop this ever happening again. Doing that in the west has resulted in so many things in people's lives being 'controlled and managed' by incompetent Government bureaucracies that continue to grow and cost a fortune to staff with useless people who are not accountable to the people for their actions (and who cannot be sacked). The main reason I left my home country was the Nanny State it had become - it is now run by a bunch of Karen's forcing people to not do what they dont want them to do, and forcing them to do what they do want them to do.
  15. It is extremely strong in this Forum - has been since Trump was first mentioned as a Candidate in 2016. I remember in another 'form', when Ann Coulter said Trump could win the candidacy and the election, and she was totally ridiculed and abused by the majority of members on this forum at that time (most still here). Their 'hatred' for Trump goes back to that moment and their own ignorance, which was the same as many other lefties in the USA - which the MSM fueled and has fed off for many years since (and still does). This time round it is going to be even better when Trump wins 😁 But I am sure that when Trump wins they will all accept the decision of The People - just like they demanded we all do in 2020 😂
  16. Harris is a part of the delusional idiotic left wing lunatics that now control the Dem Party. This started a long time ago when the leaders of the Dem Party focused on winning the support of minority groups and activists - because they are extremely politically active and will do anything to win (a la 2020). Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the extremely corrupted ones (Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Nader, Feinstein, Napolitano, Waters, etc.) were pushing this agenda and reaping the rewards - enabled by the corrupted GOP ones waiting for their turn again - Bush's, McConnell, Romney, Cheney, Bolton, et). But it all blew back in their faces in 2016 when the radicalised Dem supporters voted for the socialist Bernie Sanders to be their nomination, instead of Hillary Clinton (so they fixed that). And now they are up to the same old tricks, trying to 'avoid' Trump's 'payback', by forcing the incumbent POTUS to pull out of running for Office again. Obviously it is all in the hope of shoring up the women's vote by using the SCOTUS decision to over-turn Roe V Wade. IMO it is extremely unlikely that Harris (and whoever) will beat Trump in November (never say never). This is the Dem Party leaders last desperate move to avoid Trump payback, but IMO they are preparing for the inevitable outcome. There is one big advantage to the Dem powerbrokers when Trump wins, and that will be the reduction in Party power of their radicalised left wing. They are already planning and preparing to cover their butts and have their scapegoats ready for Trump - but their main game when/if Trump wins will be to take back control of the Party and move back to the centre. Then they will develop a more 'central' Party candidate nomination for the 2028 election - and it will not be Newsome or any other radical left wing Californian. The Uniparty will live on after Trump (sadly).
  17. And my post above gets me responses about 'genetics' and 'conversions not acquisitions'. Seems to me that some people really dont think about history very well, or like GenZ they have only ever been fed PC versions of history. The 'insurgents' in the south are Muslim terrorists - everything else in BS - they are Malay Muslims, but they are Muslims. Cartman summed up Disney Star War movies perfectly - 'put another chick in it and make it more gay'. He also summed up Muslim terrorists when Kyle said not all Muslims are terrorists (true) - Cartman said 'but all terrorists are Muslims'. The truth is that Islam conquered both Malaysia and Indonesia - just like Christianity conquered much of Sth America. The Christians did it through invasion and conquering - like the Muslims did in Nth Africa and parts of Europe. Muslims took over in both Malaysia and Indonesia more through 'stealth' - which started with trade and then with more Muslim people. What was once made into a separate Muslim Caliphate, against the wishes of the local Buddhist Thais, was taken back. The Muslims want their 'conquered land' back, and the Buddhist Thais do not want that to happen (again). The Muslim terrorists are protesting/fighting through violence - they even bombed a Bangkok shrine. There - history lesson over - they are Muslim terrorists - and I hope they kill them all or drive them out. Now - back to my first post (see below). May I suggest you read up on Fiji and how the Indians had taken control of much of the country - mainly due to apathy of the locals. I was in Fiji just before the coup in early 2000s - we visited several times and the 'Indian problem' was obvious (outside the resorts). May I suggest that you read up on all the wealthy Chinese families now in much control of Thailand - not all Chinese escaped to Taiwan. I have been in Thailand (on/off) since 2012 - and lived here several years at a time in several cities/towns - it is obvious here too. The problem is that 'academic history' does not tell all the truth anymore - very much only the PC correct versions of the truth. The Muslims conquered lands as surely as the Christians did - but we gave them back - the Muslims never do that. They are either killed and/or driven out (Spain, Italy, etc etc) or they stay and take over - that is the truth of Muslim history - look it up. What they were and the real reasons for the Crusades is not that easy to find - woke academics and PC people have watered it down. The reason they never 'give up' is that they are still like the early Christians were - conquer and convert them through any means (all in the name of God and Jesus) - use violence and commit atrocities whenever needed (all in the name of Allah and Muhammad).
  18. ROFLOL - The Thai apologist strikes again. Mate - you are the deluded one not me/us. But dont worry, there are more of you than you think. I recommend watching Bangkok Pat explain about the types of Expats living in Thailand and who to avoid. He points out that not that many are the stereotype Sexpats in Pattaya/Patong as many people think, and that the vast majority came here to either retire or work, and elected to stay (like he did and me too). But as he says, even they are OK now and then, but he says the type to avoid at all costs are the Thai Apologists - he reckons most of them he has met are 'just insane' (same for me too). Perhaps you are not one and I certainly hope so. But I will say that with an estimated 300-400K Expats (single, retired and married) living in Thailand spending on average about 1 Million Baht a year (includes some years buying property and cars etc etc) that means they/we bring into Thailand 300-400 Billion Baht, or in TAT speak that equates to 6 to 8 Million tourists per year, every year, year after year. That aint nothing mate - but they are spending a small fortune on advertising and changing Visa rules just to get an extra few million tourists - when we are right here right now (still) - and they are trying to take our money through taxes for what in return? The problem is that unlike the very dubious TAT tourist numbers, Thailand does not record the number of retired/married (or working) Expats in Thailand, nor how much money they spend in the country - so therefore they dont know, but as per my previous post, the Thai Govt does not really want to know either. But they appear to be only too happy to tax us if they can - and yet risk more and more of us leaving, and less and less of us coming. The only similar thing more stupid to do would be to tax Tourists who spend more than 90 days in Thailand in any one year - all that would do is make sure they dont get 'repeat' business from tourists and less tourists would be coming (which is what they are doing to Expats who dont work here).
  19. Clearly people like you and your mate need some lessons in the history of Muslim conflicts and their acquisitions of land. Perhaps you both think it is the Malays that are fighting for their 'homeland' and not Muslims wanting their own Religion to rule and not be 'ruled' by a Secular Buddhist State. I wont waste my time anymore - reality aint what some people want to see/hear.
  20. That is your interpretation - not the intent. Most people know they took over slowly slowly by more and more of their people arriving and then through successive generations taking over the positions of power and control. Same tactic being employed in Europe right now.
  21. I have never implied any such thing. Stop. Think. Re-read what I have said - all of my posts.
  22. I agree - this never ending 'war' should be stopped one way or the other, and the example of Mindanao in Philippines and even that of Penang are two possible 'solutions'. Likewise, in Singapore there is a 'positive' Muslim community that has sorted out well the difficulties of being Muslim in a secular country. Thailand needs to look around for what has worked in the past and try to adapt that experiences to suit the Thailand situation. But as we both know, the 'Thai way' often means they are only focused on short term driven agendas of power and wealth.
  23. You have issues - I suggest after reading my post below from yesterday that you calm down and think.
  24. I have been there and over the Friendship bridge and back (in a bus). There is a 'shuttle train' that I am aware of - but nothing more. Do you get on in Bangkok and then get off the same train in Laos? Not what I thought it was/is. Don’t be stuck in traffic, take a train to Laos instead, says SRT (nationthailand.com) Train Guide to Laos – Richard Barrow's Thai Train Guide Anyone actually got on the train in Thailand and then got off in Laos? Maybe they have built something new that is not showing on websites or Google Earth?
  25. I knew you would not read that - nor the section about Malaysia/Thailand. Obviously you either cannot read or you cant - either way, go away.
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