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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Nothing has changed as far as the Thai tax system. Last year it was the same rules - technically we Expats who remitted over 60K PA were supposed to lodge a tax return. But TiT and the rules are a guideline. Advice I have is simple - no taxes to pay - do not lodge a tax return. Does anyone really believe that TRD are going to audit all Expats living in Thailand? TRD have no idea if anyone is Working, Education, Married, Retired, etc. If they do, then are they going to go backwards for all Expats who have lived in Thailand and have not lodged a tax return for the past 10 years? Obviously not. Going forward the TRD may take a more proactive approach - maybe. We have to wait and see what TRD provides by December 2024 - until then we do not know - no matter what the rules state - they have stated that since decades ago. Wait and see how it goes if/when releases their 'instructions' on how to do a tax return in 2025.
  2. Mate - IMO it will be difficult to 'declare correctly' any financial information to TRD under a global system - let alone a brokerage account. Just look at all the impossible BS Immigration requires from us with regards to their forms and documents - and from Immigration, Foreign Affairs, and the Amphur when we get officially married. I cannot see that TRD will just accept a bank statement made by a foreign bank printed out from an online download - just look at what they demand from their own banks. How about 'taxation records' from your home country's Tax Dept - from January to December when their financial year is July to June or May to April - and getting that in an approved format and quickly enough to lodge before end March? Good luck with getting all that done - I know mu Tax Dept in Australia will say No - because I already asked - and fair enough, imagine all their work if every taxpayer can get detailed records from any month to any month - they aint gonna do it. IMO under a global system it will be extremely difficult to provide 'correct' financial records to TRD for those reasons above, and because under the PIT system in each Province the TRD Officers have little to no understanding or knowledge of how overseas financial arrangements work in each country. If Thailand goes to a global system of taxation, and therefore taxes are liable on all money overseas, not just that remitted into Thailand, then that becomes a whole new level of difficulty. My advice from one of those legal/tax companies was that companies get that all done by accredited tax/legal agents (and pay big for it) and that TRD rarely ask for further details - but those same TRD Officers are not those in the Provinces doing PIT returns.
  3. True and a lot of Expats who live/visit Thailand (for the bars, girls, drugs) definitely match your description. If the same thing had happened to Biden and right wingers said what lefties are now saying here, they would certainly be attacked relentlessly (and deserve to be). But those with <removed> and other delusional liberal views, have no Metacognition - which is also very common in Feminists and those suffering 'gender dysphoria' and other loony left wingers as well.
  4. Mate - they have no idea. They are like those delusional idiots protesting against oil by blocking roads and those supporting Palesinian terrorists, and they are about to get a wake up call - big time. The games as you said are about to begin ..........
  5. The POTUS is Head of DOJ and FBI etc - and can sack or hire staff as he/she sees fit. I know most posters dont know SFA about USA but surely you know that one bit?? Bidens' appointees are all liberal left-wing supporters - they have been pursuing Trump and Jan6 protestors and anyone attacking the 2020 election and any other Trump supporter they can get at - they have been politicised/weaponised - and Trump is going to do it back at them. Elections has consequence - the Dems are going to know exactly what that - both sides are now playing dirty and it is going to get ugly.
  6. I hear your sentiment - but your 'answer' is 100% wrong. Many reasons but number one is that making a law and enforcing that law, does not stop people doing it - drugs, murder, rape, etc. Chicago has a lot of shootings and killings every week - 100+ last weekend - but hand guns are outlawed there. The problem is mentally unstable people being allowed to stay in a society where guns are very prevalent.
  7. Dont waste your time mate - block and live in peace never seeing the rubbish he/she/it writes.
  8. Was. They are now officially copulated at the ballot box. They will either try some other distraction (Ukraine) or they will start preparing for when Trump's DOJ and FBI comes after them. Trump's DOJ and FBI will be managed by very few of the current senior people in charge - they will also be investigated.
  9. Lets agree to block each other - but first - do you remember the funeral processions of Reagan and Thatcher? You know, the ones where all those lefty political protestors shouted abuse and threw things at the processions?? THAT is what left wing people do - and I guarantee that it never happens when a lefty President/PM dies - because right wing people are not mad as hatters.
  10. All the way mate - Trump is the enemy of the swamp and they fear his 2nd Presidency more than they fear anything else, because they are going to be investigated and charged and completely decimated. They should have down-played 2020 and not used the Covid situation to allow their demented supporters to create so many fake mailed-in votes. We all know Biden was not supposed to win - it was his 'reward' for decades of support and for being depositioned by Killary as candidate in 2016. Trump has had 4 years to plan what he is going to do when he becomes POTUS again - and they are scared to death. No they did not plan this - nor did they plan what happened in 2020 - they created the atmosphere of hatred to wards Trump that lead to this shooting - they did the same for Reagan and it failed then too - but it worked for Lincoln who took their slaves away and destroyed their corrupted system of State Governments. I fear that they will next try to start a pseudo WW3 by inflaming Ukraine to do something seriously stupid, and thus generate the ultimate distraction to Trump destroying their entrenched corruption.
  11. I can see why you are nobody's friend mate. Trump is going to think about it for sure - and his response is going to be to double down on everything. The GOP itself will also be re-thinking their internal politics - time for all the RINOs and Trump haters to go the same way as Liz Cheney and all her corrupted war mongering mates - out the door.
  12. Make no mistake about it mate - left wing people are in the majority, are not good people. That is why so many of the ***bags and sexpats that infest Pattaya are left wing nutters. Absolute proof is their attempted jokes and support of the assassination attempt - contemptable people. I certainly am no fan of Biden or Clinton and Obama, but I do not want them killed by some random right wing nutter (maybe Killary).
  13. Just block and ignore mate - total nutter/troll. This thread is revealing them all. Lefty or Righty is does not matter - they will react to this story like they always do. Dont argue - just block them - life is too short..
  14. Blocked left nutter - this thread should reveal them all I hope.
  15. Because the nutter left wing supporters have views that are all because of their emotional beliefs - they will never understand what has happened until the outcomes smack them in the face/rear end. The People of America (the ones with most of the guns), have now had enough of the duplicitous lying attacks on Trump and the constant race baiting and gay issues baiting tactics used by the Democrats to marginalise the people. IMO they are going to pay big time - it is the Dems that has caused the divide in America and unlike in that idiotic movie - the 'right' side is going to win and end this divide one way or another. The gloves are off - they tried to kill the people's President - and the people are going to make them pay.
  16. While claiming all far right nutters represent MAGA lefty nutters deny one of your own - they need to own it and grow up and face reality. Biden made a speech saying "Unite This Country" - what a effin joke - this demented lunatic and his political Party and their media mates have been attacking Trump relentlessly for years. Remember this 'speech' below where he claimed MAGA was a threat to Democracy and the American people? If you stir up your supporter base with hatred and lies - this is what happens. Same thing happened to Reagan - and Lincoln.
  17. IMO based upon current TRD 'practice' they dont want 1 or 2 - which does ignore the technical BS literal rules - but that is their decision. Immigration and TRD also do not enforce the Law that states all Foreigners must get a tax clearance certificate before leaving Thailand. Immigration does not enforce the literal words in the TM30 Law and many other Laws. Police do not enforce the rules (much) regarding wearing a helmet - and many other traffic rules. Thailand does not follow the centralised nanny state government process where every single thing they do is written down in a rule or in a regulation, and where every single person can challenge them if they do anything that is not strictly within those rules and regulations, or challenge them if they do something that is contrary to those rules and regulations. Compliance with every single literal rule and regulation, and armies of bureaucrats constantly updating and amending those rules and regulations, and another army training all the bureaucrats on any new changes or amendments, is NOT how Thailand operates. That is why in Thailand, the reality is that Officers across all Government positions have full legal autonomy in their interpretation and application of the 'rules'. TRD has made it clear what they want - they do not want 10s of millions of unneeded tax returns - but they are not going to rewrite the rules - but they can change that at any time - stay tuned folks.
  18. More confirmation that the advice I got, not to lodge a tax return is correct, and that TRD does not want people to lodge a tax return if they are not employed and if they have no tax to pay or to claim back. That is why as advised by the other tax expert, TRD does not chase retired/married old Expats living in Thailand or all the 10s of millions of Thais that do not lodge a return. No is that official -= NO - but it is how TRD has operated with regards to filing a tax return. Will that change this year - maybe - stay tuned. As stated before, I have calculated that I have no tax to pay in Thailand, after allowances, exemptions and DSTA provisions, so therefore I will not be lodging a tax return - and I will be keeping detailed records of those calculations and the financial records used - unless TRD states that I and 10s of millions of other Thais must lodge a tax return.
  19. Thanks - that is good information. I am sure that a basic lodgement would only take 15-30 minutes or so, if all documentation is available as it was for you and nothing needed to be attached. But I doubt if anyone was doing a full online return and claiming exemptions and allowances that it would probably not be so simple, but with most Expats there will be issues that have something to do with a DTA and that is not possible to lodge online. But TRD has said that they are revamping the online system - lets see what comes out later this year.
  20. Ok of course - not saying dont sell the house. As long as you know that Thailand might tax incoming remittances from UK that are from the sale of a property (made after 1 Jan 2024), and if they do ever implement a worldwide system then they will definitely look to tax that money for the sale of the house. If he is old and frail (nor or later) moving in and out of Thailand to avoid taxation is not a wise move IMO - moving can be very stressful for the very aged. Queensland is a good option - small Regional town on the coast - Sunshine Coast, Townsville, Cairns? If enough money then go to north Brisbane.
  21. Yes indeed - either way you think to go (lodge or not lodge) if you are a tax resident it is wise to plan and prepare.
  22. We have a Honda CRV and it is great - very popular in Thailand and a great vehicle. It drives like a car and extremely comfortable on our long runs and plenty of room for golf gear and luggage etc. If I was single and did not have to occasionally carry so much stuff, I would probably try the Honda HRV which is a bit smaller and has great handling and comfort too (a guy I know has one).
  23. Good thinking mate - and anyone else with 'investments' needs to think carefully too about whether to live/stay in Thailand. I am hopeful they will back off and give Foreigners exemption, but at the very least I hope that they will not pursue enforcement. But as soon as any Expat is hauled into their local TRD Office and is asked to explain all their remittances into Thailand in the last year (as advised to them by banks etc.), then we all know this aint going to be let go. If they ever do move to a global system, then that is the end of Thailand for me and a lot of retired/married Expats. Like you I am planning ahead for both scenarios - only taxing remittances could be OK - but taxing worldwide is unacceptable. Even the USA only taxes worldwide income for full Residents and Citizens (not Foreigners living/working in the country).
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