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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Yes IMO they are wrong - and the guy Jeff interviewed is correct. That company is 'baiters' and they are reaping in lots of business from Expats in Thailand who are scared they will have to pay income taxes. There are a lot of them out there - this guy is just one of many. I listened to his first vidcast and used to get his emails - IMO a total baiter. No-one knows for sure because it all depends on 'interpretation'. The tax lawyer interpreted that Clause the same way I did - Aust Govt Pensions are only taxable in Australia. I also got an email from a Tax Lawyer saying the same thing. After being accused of lying by posters like you I posted e redacted picture of the email - they all shut up (and only a couple of them aplogised). Also I went into the local Provincial Office where my Thai wife's family lives and she asked them - they said Pension no tax. Likewise another poster did the same some months ago - and got the same answer. Until TRD provides their long promised explanations and detailed advice, no one knows for sure (maybe in Nov?) I have already posted my views and opinions about this issue many times, including in the Aust Forum - I am on the record. Go find it all - I aint wasting time rewriting it all again (or looking for it).
  2. You only outnumber us here - in the real world, and on other forums you guys are the minority.
  3. You guys have been saying that ever since he nominated for POTUS back in 2016. Russia Rape Fraud bla bla bla. Broken record and stuck on the same loop.
  4. Are you for real? Surely not. But <removed> and woke - so probably real thoughts. Sad.
  5. Yes I know that AN is the bastion of liberal woke losers from the West who spend all day hating Trump and criticising Thais, and all their nights chasing Thai women and consuming drugs - with the occasional adventure with a Thai GF/BF that does not work out for some reason. But there are some rational sensible blokes here too. We are outnumbered I know, but I dont just go along with the majority like others do it an attempt to have their posts read by others. Sounds like the mental state of a GenZ person on Facebook that does - just saying. Do you have notifications on to tell you when someone likes or dislikes your comments? Do you like that? Just asking.
  6. I hope that one day you will realise the problem and wake up - but meantime here is a wake up call that might work.
  7. Even someone like you can speak the truth - maybe - not that I have seen/read, but I am sure you can.
  8. No - the Civil War might happen after he wins and the woke liberals take to the streets again and use it as an excuse to riot and pillage again. The People will defend their homes, businesses and lives this time around, and those thinking they can again do whatever they want are in for a very rude shock. I reckon Trump will deploy the National Guard - but instead of doing that to try and force Texas to open their border like Biden did - Trump will do it to restore order in Dem States that are out of control. I can see that action including arresting State leaders who do not employ sufficient force to protect the lives and property of those being affecting by any riots.
  9. That was not an interview - that was a puff piece by CNN on behalf of the Democrat Party. Only an idiot could not see the difference between that 'scripted interview' and the recent one the same 'reporter' did with JD Vance.
  10. Trump speaks the truth and he is attacked by the woke liberal mob, and the person he spoke about is defended from obvious insults by the delusional supporters of her political party. Truly we are in the age of delusional people who have been running the world. Trump's own sex life has been subjected to far far worse, but as soon as it is thrown back, they scream misogamy and racism - they are totally delusional and irrational. Trump in 2016 was just the beginning of the end of woke liberal influences over the world. Just like in Argentina the socialist woke lefties are going to be destroyed and this time around Trump will follow the lead of Javier Milei and not attempt to change things - just obliterate and remove them. Dems will say he wants to be a Dictator - and in a sense they are right - he is going to remove them from every Government position and funded organisation - and destroy every Government funded woke liberal organisation. Dems will call that being a Dictator - but the majority see that as removing the woke virus that has infected American society. On day 1 Biden acted like a Dictator when he removed all Trump's policies that dealt with the Border - and that has been an absolute disaster - that Harris is now saying she is going to fix. Only a delusional person totally caught in their ideology net cannot see the lies and mistruths - this time round Trump is not going to compromise and try to change things and make them better/right - he is going to make Javier Milei look like an amateur. The previous MOU of the appeasement compromised RINOs is no longer Republican policy - they are going to tear down and rebuild things this time. And despite the MSM and Human Rights groups complaints, the GOP is going 'full monty'. Example - IMO if there are any violent riots on the streets like when Trump last won, he will deploy the National Guard and they will arrest and charge them all with insurrection and send them to jail. Remember - you guys started this - sending protestors to jail and allowing violent rioters to walk free - but this time Trump and those that follow him will finish it.
  11. Your own experiences have nothing to do with the reality for those walking down the streets or in markets. Like you, I have owned lots of dogs - but here in Thailand they are out of control. I have been almost bitten 3 times over the years here - never back in Aust. However, local Thai moral/social/religious norms preclude killing them (humanely). Thais let them roam and breed without thought of the downstream consequences (atypical Thai). One day - such as when the a child of a VIP/Royal is killed by a stray dog - Thais will respond and remove them. Until then, it is unrealistic to say there is no problem or that they are OK because your farm all is good. But it is Thailand - so therefore the only thing we Expats can do is avoid dogs and never turn away or run. IMO all pitbulls and several other breeds should be destroyed - they were breed to be violent killers. We created them and therefore we can remove them - IMO that should be done except for rare circumstances. Far too many are owned by idiots who dont train and control them - professionals only IMO.
  12. I agree - not something I disagree with - but it is a reason they drive so badly and ignorantly. I agree - the wife has told me the same. It was the one and only one 'breach' of protocol and it was when I first arrived here. Agreed.
  13. This is a good video - but there are two things I noticed when watching it yesterday. 1. He mentions remitting money - when he should have made the distinction between money and taxable income. Money in the form of savings and such, when it is remitted to Thailand is not taxable income. 2. His opinions regarding what the DTAs mean are exactly that - his opinions. But they are very viable and authoritative because of who he is and what he does. My opinions are exactly the same as his regarding DTAs - most Govt pensions are taxable in that State - when means the State that is paying them - not Thailand.
  14. Female asian driver driving her car with no idea the havoc she is causing all around her - because in Thailand they do not display anger towards people being an idiot when driving. Maybe she will now be more careful about what she is doing when driving. I often think that Thais should display their anger towards an idiot by blasting their horns when someone drives badly, otherwise what is there to tell them they are being unacceptable - there aint no police around. But I understand Thai social rules and that loss of face is a huge thing here - so just like all the Thais I just stay calm and ignore all the idiots. Although - there was one Thai one day who was extremely annoying and dangerous to me and other drivers. I drove up fast next to him and blasted my horn at him for about 20 seconds while I swerved towards him and back and towards. He was totally shocked and freaked out - I have black out windows but he had none - it was amazing watching him react. He actually pulled over and stopped and I could see his head shaking and jerking, while I kept going. When I told the wife she was apoplectic - and I promised never to do it again. We dont drive much - but we did not drive for about a week - and then did not drive on that road for a month or so.
  15. Mate - I have stopped watching all TV news from the world because it either makes me laugh or cry. What they have done to the civilisation and society that I grew up in in the 60s and 70s has been destroyed - and a lot of that 'change' has come from the influence of external factors. If you look back into history you will see that the UK and USA and Aust were not a lot different in 1900 as they were in 1800 - save for technological advances. Someone from 1800 could be sent forward in time to 1900 and the change would not be that extreme. But the difference between 1970 and 2024 are totally and radically different. Obviously way too many factors to explain it, but IMO far too much influence from third world countries has been allowed to make changes - many good - but many more not good at all. Your point about that Muslim group becoming political is part of their 'expansion' - just look at London. Dont look at all the people who work and visit, look at the people who live there - the majority aint British/English at all and they never will be. Same thing happens wherever in the world that they migrate - their end game is not to assimilate - it is to take over - it is in the nature of their religion - and their religion is very very strong in them. Just look at Malaysia and Indonesia - how do you think countries of millions of Asians became Muslim States - slowly slowly mate. IMO the only solution is the Fiji model. Decades ago a military coup occurred and they drove out the Indians who had taken over in most levels or Government and Business. The Junta forcibly removed their rights and amended the Constitution to force minimum representation by Native Fijians, and many other measures which were all designed to put Fiji back in the control of native Fijians. They were lazy and stupid - but they woke up just in time. The Fijian people massively supported the coup and subsequent changes - the Indian population and UN etc etc all screamed human rights, but the Junta ignored them. A similar thing was done in New Zealand but there it was done peacefully. I know it sounds a bit extreme - but the Western way of life is under attack and unless something is done very very soon - our world will be lost. We have opened the gates and the barbarians have entered and they are still entering. Like many here, I have 'deserted' the western society that was my home, because it has become far too expensive and is now a draconian state with social values that I do not abide. If you think expensive is not because of massive immigration, then you are very wrong. Everywhere massive immigration occurs the value of housing increases massively - and Govts love that because they get more money and the 'value' of the single largest asset the country has (properties) increases - which underpins a massive amount of the economy. Just look at the GFC - all caused by a 30% drop in the value of housing in USA. On my last visit to Australia last year I visited a large regional town in Australia that had reasonable priced houses when I lived there, and the prices of houses had doubled in less than 3 years. The reason was that the Govt had designated that town as 'level 1 priority' which meant that if immigrants went there to live and work, their path to citizenship was made quicker and easier (as opposed to them going to Sydney or Melbourne). Likewise, the place was over-run with people - far too many for such a small town. At first the locals were happy because their house values went up so much, but then so did the costs of everything else and also the crime and all the 'social problems'. Those sitting at 'the top of the hill' and above and away from all the issues down on the streets, did not give a sheite - and that is how it goes everywhere. Rant over. Feel better now.
  16. That requires a complete change in the system - not the Police. They have to pay for their own vehicles and guns, and until that is all provided by the Govt then there is no way they will be out there all day spending their own money. I think that many are 'on order' and when there is a requirement (like a Royal Trip) they are called in for duty for that day/s.
  17. Thanks. I find the politics of Thailand to be both entertaining and immature. When I have read up on the beginnings of Democracy in Aust, UK and USA it was the same there. Lots of corruption, nepotism and loose alliances easily formed and broken. The sooner Thailand evolves to a two-party system the better off the country will be - meaning a Progressive Party (but not woke, socialist, or 'minority rights' driven) and a Conservative Party (but not military, monarchy, or the elite/wealthy driven). Far too much to ask for I know - but there is always hope. I recall 'telling the TV' to stop protesting against the Monarchy and only target the real enemy - The Junta. Whatever happens regarding lèse majesté should have been left alone until they were in power and the Senate had changed and then the Constitution and Courts. Now I think they have lost their second and best chance - total immature naive idiots.
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