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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Government officials say a lot of things. That doesn't mean it is actual policy. You have clearly said the intention is to make Gaza Arab free permanently. It's obvious that is almost definitely not going to happen.
  2. What a disgusting ad hominem attack. First please leave your vile condescending dime store pop psychological analysis to yourself. Also I never said its not OK to be critical of Israeli government policies. I'm very critical myself especially of Netanyahu.
  3. Yes not including those facts was a form of intentional misinformation.
  4. So you're being a little more honest now. There is no current policy to have Gaza be Arab free (as Hamas policy IS a Jew free Gaza).
  5. I think it is highly probable that marriage equality will soon become the law in Thailand. So premature congratulations to Thailand for being the first in Southeast Asia. It will be good policy, good politics, and good for the international soft power brand of Thailand.
  6. That horrible song on TV does NOT prove in any way whatsoever that it is official Israel government policy to clear Gaza of all Palestinians! STOP LYING. You know, I kind of feel that the obsessive Israeli demonization brigade WISHES their worse accusations against Israel turn out to be true so that their hatred of Israel spreads even wider than it already has. As many have said including me, there are two wars. The war war and the propaganda war. Israel was always going to win the war war. But Hamas is winning the propaganda war. That was their aim all along. To wit: How the spectacle of Palestinian terrorism changed the world | The Hill You don’t need to be a terrorism expert to read the tea leaves about this. Hamas welcomes the high number of dead civilians to create international condemnation of Israel. That same calculus is at work when Hamas fires rockets from hospitals, schools and apartment buildings inviting devastating Israeli responses. The violence of the Palestinian cause is thus one the world seems to find consistent sympathy for, despite the utter barbarism of Hamas’s strategy and tactics. A far better approach would be to actively help the Palestinian people resist Hamas’s cynical strategy to use Israel to continually “keep Palestinians radicalized . . .
  7. Another example of intellectually dishonest sleazy posting tactics. Yes some Israeli officials have said such horrible things. True. Instead you imply that means that is Israeli government policy. Those are two different things. It would be like take statements from American "politicians" like Marjorie Taylor Greene and asserting they represent actual U.S. government policy. I think it's legitimate to be very concerned that the most right wing forces in Israel will eventually prevail, but that again is very different than asserting that has already happened. I don't know and neither do you, but I do not expect that all of the Palestinian population will be removed from Gaza, any more than the 20 percent of Arab Israeli citizens will be removed from Israel. Please be more honest in your posting tactics and you might actually gain some credibility.
  8. Not if you know what you're doing.
  9. Fake news. After 5 minutes he came back on stage to play more songs.
  10. You seem to be trying to make a very different point unrelated to what I wrote.
  11. The point is obviously if Jews are involved (who Israel demonizers falsely label as "white people") it's much much more interesting to a lot more people all over the world than when it's Arab vs. Arab or Muslim vs. Muslim or African vs. African or Asian vs. Asian or even Russian vs. African, etc. I'm sure you know that's the truth. A variation of if it bleeds it leads.
  12. There is the full range. Your point is a meaningless diversion.
  13. Of course the innocent terror victims of ISIS in Moscow deserve sympathy. But the imbalance is just too obvious. Ukraine has been under Russian terrorist attacks for years now. Russia explicitly targets civilian targets and continues to do so to this day. A recent attack in Odesa, just another day of Russian terrorism, involved bombing an apartment bullding, killing many civilians, then waiting for aid workers to arrive. then bombing the air workers. So lets get real, Putin is as at least as bad, arguably worse, than ISIS. Certainly all the Ukrainian victims of Russian terrorism deserve "heartfelt condolences" as well, yes?
  14. Putin invaded a sovereign country that hopes to pursue it's own path as any sovereign nation should be free to do, and according to his own words (and actions) intends to erase the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian national identity separate from Russia, the Ukrainian culture, the Ukrainian church, and indeed the entire Ukrainian nation. If Putin has his way, the people there will have only two choices, become Russified and slaves of the modern Russian Czar or be dead. Putin doesn't "liberate" Ukrainian cities as he brainwashes Russians to believe, but rather levels them to the ground. I think you've said before that you are pro Putin. Says it all.
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