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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Neither would I. I like diversity. The area I grew up in had about 10 percent Jews and that was considered heavily Jewish. My elementary school had just enough Jews so that the school added some token Channukah songs to the Christmas stuff.
  2. Love that guy. He's really pissing off the ignorant "River to the Sea" so called progressives.
  3. So says you who is obsessed with demonizing Israel while ignoring the genocidal intentions of Hamas.
  4. That's very extremist and even if that was a good idea, it's never going to happen. But I have no answer. One state solution -- end of Israel. Two state solution -- most Palestinians would see that as a stepping stone to bullding a stronger military to then .... end Israel.
  5. They are implicating the US as well. Putin is a POS.
  6. The concert hall terror attack had nothing to do with the war with Ukraine. It was ISIS. But the war is coming to Russia in other ways though unlike Russia, Ukraine does not target civilians.
  7. You can't make yourself another ethnicity. Your ethnicity is determined at birth. You could immerse yourself in Jewish culture I suppose. You could also convert but Jews do not proselytize and it's a lot of work. Again very different than Christianity and Islam. As far as your snide make yourself feel special remark I'm not interested in arguing with you but with the highest level of Jew hatred I've seen in my lifetime I'm sure that choosing to identify as a Jew when you're not a Jew is not going to be at all popular.
  8. Not race. Ethnicity AND culture. Part of the culture as per the OP is humor but much more of course. https://www.sbs.com.au/voices/article/how-to-be-a-cultural-jew-i-worship-larry-david-instead-of-god-and-think-bacon-is-delicious/oyp57cr8z Jews are an ethnoreligious group. So no need to follow the religion to be a Jew if you're a Jew. There are also Jews who are not part of major Jewish ethnicities such as converts, Chinese Jews etc. But most Jews do have the ethnic part. There is a tribal anthological aspect. A person born of a Jewish mother is a Jew. Period. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrilineality_in_Judaism Different than Islam and Christianity. BTW, there is only one race. The human race. There is no scientific basis for different races. But there are ethnicities. Race is a human construct though and widely accepted as real. Thus Jew hatred (antisemitism) is a type of racism.
  9. Yep. I've been checking too. Kremlin state media is blaming Ukraine. The only question is what percentage of Russians will actually believe that lie.
  10. The priority for Israel now is war. This war that Hamas started.
  11. Winning means being free of worrying about further October 7 type attacks for many many years.
  12. What would the UN do if they didn't have Israel to kick around anymore?
  13. Exactly. They need to win to survive as a nation. A country like the US can afford to lose wars. Israel loses one and its over.
  14. It isn't genocide. Good branding for Hamas propagandists though.
  15. There is no excuse whatsoever for the barbaric terrorist attack on October 7. Period.
  16. I'm atheist. The chosen thing has no resonance to me. Jew haters obsess on it though and grossly distort its meaning to inflame bigotry. Next ....
  17. I missed it but I'm not obligated to respond to all posts anyway.
  18. Yes but. Something else will replace Hamas. Shocking percentages of younger Americans think the October 7 attack was justified meaning US support for Israel is on a downward trend.
  19. Maybe not that stupid if you agree with the theory as I do that their entire plan was to bait Israel into a very aggressive response to win a global propaganda victory.
  20. Stop lying. It's sleazy. I have said several times that the CONFLICT is very long lasting, but this current WAR did indeed start on October 7, and again that is most definitely a FACT.
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