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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. As far as the narrative of imbalance between Israel and Hamas, it's not as cut and dried as the Israel demonizers paint it. Hamas through October 7 clearly BAITED Israel in to a massive response knowing that they had A huge tunnel network That taking so many hostages would complicate things That they provided no bomb shelters for their civilians (which they could have well afforded as part of their tunnel network) Using their age old tactic of using civilians as human shields Knowing there would be large casualties of women and children Knowing that it would all be on social media and they and their Tik Tok River to the Sea agents could win a huge global propaganda victory falsely accusing Israel of genocide So yes Israel is winning the military part but Hamas is winning the propaganda part and its arguable that in the long run the propaganda part may be more important.
  2. If they need to go after the terrorists which they do as a war goal in response to October 7, how is it possible to avoid human shields?
  3. It is a war. You don't call it a war because you hate Israel, you don't think it should have ever existed, and you don't support its right to exist and defend itself. There is no rule of war that one side must be equal to the other in power and suffer the same casualties. Hamas started this war on October 7 -- FACT.
  4. You might be confusing Middle Eastern food with typical Jewish food in the west. Completely different.
  5. I guess I never got the memo about how much I control nor any royalty checks.
  6. Unfortunately predictably this good intentioned topic has attracted an open spigot of hate speech.
  7. Putin's tactic is transparent. He's spreading propaganda that Ukraine is responsible. After his sham election he has changed special military operation to war. He needs to make Russians as bloodthirsty as possible to accept what he will be doing to his own people to continue his war of choice.
  8. Tell that to the families of the Israeli war dead from this war. Hamas started this war. The point of war is to win. Would you complain about too many dead Germans in WW2?
  9. Putin being Putin. Evil as usual. Should US intelligence even bother to warn Russia of terrorist attacks in future? As far as Americans living in Russia they've been warned to leave many times already and most are pro Putin traitors.
  10. Hamas invaded Israel and intends to murder all Jews. Israel is defending itself too. But I get. You don't think the world's one tiny Jewish state has that right.
  11. Gaza wasn't occupied. As far as Israel acting in their national self interest, ALL nations do that, but for some reason you're obsessed with attacking the world's one tiny Jewish state for being normal.
  12. Those greedy Jews! Any relation to inscrutable Orientals? The Israel Palestinian conflict is a specific thing and has zilch to do with Iraq. But yeah there is hostility towards Americans. I'll never forget being spat on by a clerk in Malaysia even though I tried to tell her I opposed Bush.
  13. Good. No U.S. tax money to teach Arab kids how to kill Jews.
  14. That is so incredibly STUPID! The Arab world immediately attacked Israel after the partition. Israel won. Thus the original partition borders are NULL and VOID. I get it. You hate Israel and God knows what else. But you apply a different standard to the world's one tiny Jewish state to every other sovereign nation in the world.
  15. Not sure what you're talking about. I think Interactive Brokers does IRAs which you can open from abroad. What do you mean by ported? I'm talking about a U.S. based bank specializing in expat customers. Yes I'm aware you can't buy mutual funds living abroad for IRA by you can by stocks, bonds, and ETFs.
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