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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Stop playing that stupid game! I said WAR. Not conflict.
  2. That post went beyond that. It was a strong defense of Jew hatred based on a one sided narrative of lies. As far as genocide, note that you conveniently yet again ignore what STARTED this current war. October 7. From Hamas. A terrorist organization explicitly in favor of genocide of Jews. Hamas is on record as intending to repeat October 7 attacks indefinitely until their genocidal goals are met. Yet somehow Israel is the bad guy for just not laying down baring their necks. It's really weird. Somehow only Jews are expected to passively accept genocide of their own people.
  3. So you missed the post I was talking about talking about "understanding" people hating ALL Jews. Don't insult my intelligence.
  4. Garbage! What I was responding to was a B.S. post that professed "understanding" of hating ALL Jewish people everywhere in the world because of their twisted one side narrative on the history of Israel, their one sided characterization of this current war, and because they have heard SOME Jewish and/or Israeli voices that are extremely right wing. Again I say, Jew haters always have excuses all through history. Their excuses just change with the times and national cultures. If you can't take a clear stand on the moral wrong of Jew hatred UNCONDITIONALLY, then I doubt you or anyone else promoting Jew hatred has any moral leg to stand on whatsover.
  5. Promoting Jew hatred. Jew haters always have an excuse.
  6. Your post making excuses for terrorism at the Olympics indicates differently. BTW -- as I said, I was at the Munich Olympics so naturally I followed news about that. Yes of course the Palestinian terrorists were to blame but sadly the Germans have a lot to answer for as well. As far as Paris, we can be assured that the athletes will be getting very beefed up security.
  7. In that case, then he should also deport Melania, her mother, and her anchor baby giant Barron.
  8. I really can't get past your defense of terrorism which isn't really very far from promoting it.
  9. OMG! A new low. Defending the Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics. Shame on you.
  10. His comment "seems" to show nothing of the kind. More sleazy games.
  11. The way it was presented in the post strongly implied that Blinken said it, so as he didn't, that was a sleazy move.
  12. Seems very doubtful. I can't imagine Israel going for a permanent ceasefire without Hamas permanently surrendering. As far as a two state solution, they can talk, but I continue to think October 7 made that possibility much more remote than it already was. Keep in mind the targets of October 7 were heavily of the more peacenik kind of Israelis (the dancers AND the kibbutzim). Israelis should have any trust after that? Good luck with that.
  13. I watch Mearsheimer too and I think he's lost the plot about this war. You'll just have to accept that I've studied the situation too and come to an entirely different conclusion.
  14. I call BS! Putin has been explicitly talking about his perverted historical narrative claiming that there is no such thing as a separate Ukrainian identity for many years. You want propaganda? He tells his Z fascist people that Russia is there to "liberate" Ukraine. But his liberation consists of leveling cities to dust, stealing and brainwashing children so they can grow up to fight their own country, etc.
  15. Agree. I think we are at war now. Russia started it. They must be defeated. If not, Russia's allies North Korea, Iran, China will see the west is weak and they can do anything. Pick a side.
  16. An isolationist pipe dream. If you want to see the USA decline very rapidly, disengage from the world.
  17. You conveniently ignore what Putin and other high officials there have blatantly said. Ukraine is Russia. There is no such thing as Ukraine. There is no limit to Russia's borders. We are at war with the collective west.
  18. That's why it's a waste of time engaging with Magadonians. You can show them tons of evidence and they always go back to worship of their idea of some kind of magical diety. Even though when he was in office it was a horror show, he didn't even build his wall, he never even put out his health care plan promised as coming soon many times, he never did jack <deleted> about infrastructure, led an insurrection, and his one major accomplishment was a tax cut for billionaires.
  19. I was there. Hopefully not again. There is always that risk with Palestinian terrorists. Israelis will not be cowered.
  20. You exposed your ignorance here by asserting that Jew just means religion.
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